Replat att. to 12/14 CC pckt. PROJECT L OCA TiOH LOCATION MAP NOT TO 5CALF NORTHLAKE 635 a= 07'50'48' R= 320.00' BUSINESS PARK T= 21.95' LOT 1 BLOCK C L= 43.82' VOL. 85098, PG. 4023 C.B.:NOY25'24'W C.L.=43.79' CRESTSIDE FACILITIES CORPORATION ×" VOL. 2002126, PG. 8219 /" . · -~v~. /' ~% / / /~ / . ~= 08'28'22' .' ~ ~ ~ / /-- --/ R= 32000' // ,-- / / / T= 23.70 -- ' / / / L= 47.32' MAREK BROTHERS SYSTEMS VOL. 96076, PG. 1764 INC. LINCOLN PO COPPELL IIIL.P. VOL. 20000065, PG. 5599 NAGOON ELECTRICAL & GAS ESMT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT VOL. 97146,. PG. 04010 ESTATE LIMITED VOL. 2001149, PG. 6649 NOO'30'OO'E - 44L64' Zl= 37'06'53' R= 320.00' T= 107.43' L= 207.29' N89'30'OO'W / ' W/CAP . / W/CAP 33.89'' VOL. 99217, PG. 1763 VOL. 99217, PG. 1763 60' BUILDING LINE -- W/PARKING 10' BUILDING: LINE CITY OF COPPELL ! ' I R= 320.00' ' T= ~5.28' I I L= 30.5Y ' I C.B.=NIO'O4'48'E I~ C.L.=30.52' A= 15'19'44' VOL. 99217, PG. 1763 30' BUILDING LINE VOL. 85140, PG. 1830 fABANDONED BY THIS PLAT) ORDINANCE .NO. 91500 SECTION 26-3. B&C fABANDONE~ BY THIS PLAT) '~ R= 320 00' I0' BUILDING LINE III , . ~ I ~ .. 7.., --~ AND PARKING SETBACK ,.~ ~-~-~ · I I ~ /= fl',..1 (./(3 I I v % . / ~ ~ ' , VOL 99217 PG 1763 · , / / / - · , , ,~ - ~ . , . .~ ./ ,, / ~ / ?.-~ ~2 w ,~ I~ , ~-~8~;~ ........... ~ ~ANDONEO ~ TH~ PL~T~ ~ Ill ~ ~: ~ ......................... '' / ' / / '~ ~z I C L -85 36 - ~UNU[HUHUUNU ' III ~ , ,/.~ / :~ ' i .... I I ~ECTRICAL & GAS ESMT. , ,,, ~ ~,, o VOL. 98114, PG. 07159 ''- -' ., / / ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ I i VOL. 9921~.PG.l~63 '- ' '~ / / ~ b' FIR ' m ~= 24' FIRELANE I * - -, III % , ~ / / ~ I r I I~ I ~ ~1 - - - / i - VOL. 99217, PG. 1763 -, III k., . '/ /././ / I I P 30'COM~ON ,CCESS rSMT. I ~ .' ~: ./ / / : ~ ~ SY T~¢S PL~T ~ ~ , ...... ,---,- ~/ / / / ' '~ , I ' , ~' · ~= 520.00 // i / / / , [- -~ J,~ ~ I ii I ~8~ ~ I , VOL.85056 .PG. 3358 T- 1~0 1~' I ' · , - - L~'~ ~ m~ ~ -, ~ 5 BUlLDIN6 L E ~ I ~ ~ ~ / I ]~ ~1 I ' ~ ~ I ~ (ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT) , , I * I 545'44'17'W 12.78'~ ' ~1 ~ ' Ii ' ~ ~ .' / ,' I~ ~ ~ I ~1 ~ ~ ~ : ~J~ 50' OPEN CHANNEL I I ~ DU~LUI~ Linc ~ ' I I ' ' ' ................ I ~ ~- j : - , III i ~ VOL 97146, PC 04010 , , ' ' ' BY THIS PLAT ' ' t , . ~ -- L .... v ....... 24 FIRELANE , I I I I I I , ~ ~ VOL. 99217. PO. 1763 ', ',111 ' : ~11 I 30'BUILDING LINE I ANT ;13 I l l. XRl · ' VOL 85140 PG 1830 ~Ul 1~% z ~u, I ~Ul 11%1~ ~U~l~ u , ~1 24 FIRELANE , 60 BUILDIN~G LINE , ~ ,11 I ~ , . . NORTHLA H,635 BUSI PARK I m I I I I j i p - - ........... %- r .......... ~ _ _: .... C _ _ ~ - I J~X ~ ~l (BY THIS PZAT) , ~ ~ 15'PARKING SETBACK ~., ~ /~ x~, ', ~F~F AUF~I~A ~FIT : "* ~ ', ; ', VOL. 99217, PG. 1763 i~ / ~ ~ ............. ~., .~---, ............ 4 ~ IV, '~, ',',; ,,A= ~7'17/R1~ ,,~~.,~ , ~ - ~ ~ I (ABANDONED ~ mS P~T) I A~ ~1~ . , ~ ~ ~ ~ , I ~ , ' ~ ~ ,, , IIR- 470.00' ~L. ~,vu~ ~. ,v~u~ ~ I W/O PARKING .... I J .... ~ < ] , ~ VOL 99~;~,PG;X~ ~? ~'~ li:'~ '~'.~ ~ ~i ' ~V.~?, //Ill= 223.92' I , ~ I ~ 60' BUILDING LINE I Ii I , ' : ~ : I I ZON ED LI Ii I , ~ , ~2', I ~L~Cl~UAL a UA3 ~3~/. ul ., .A ~,~ ~% VmL 97~46 PG 040~0 . . , , I I ~ ~ ', VOL. ~Z~?. P~. ~763 ~ ~, ',: m. ~;'.~'L% ..... 250' 9'1 I I , .......... [ [ : R-3oo.? I , , I I/'POWELL & POWELL' ~UI I~l b ~Ul I~ ~, '1 XXX ;~%~". R- 530' T= 33.75, ~ ~; 560,835 SO. FT. ~ 869,381 SO. FT. '_1 ~, :: XXX ' ~"-. / T; 128.70' L= 67.22 ' ~~ ~ ~ ~ I 12.88 ACRES ~ 19.96 ACRES ~g '.[ XX~ X,~?~ "~/ L= 252.51' , , ~ W/CAP I~ ~ ~',% ',, A= 12'50'19"~ T= 33.75' L= 67.22' 89' 30' 00' W ~:~ ~85.34' I - - (C.M.) P01NT 0F / il '! '- 24' FIRELANE i// ',, N /Z' SIR ~.~'-] W / C A P 15' PARKING SETBACK UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL & GAS ESMT. VOL. 99217, PG. 1763 50' BUILD/NC LINE VOL. 85140, PG. 1830 MBANDONED BY THIS PLAT) VOL. 9921~, Pg. 1763 [--30' BUILD/NC LINE p .... I IW/O PARKING JJ ....... ........ ......... = 48' ~6" E ~ 56,09' BELTLINE CORDELIA BOWEN SURV. ABS¥. NO. 5& ( VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W. ) COUNTY OF DALLAS 10-29-56 BEGINNING G.W. LAWS SURV. ABST. NO. 843 " VOL. 9~217, PG. 1763 , ' iii ~ DRAINAGE EASEMENT ! -30' co,Mo~ ACCESS ESMT. ', II 9m6. 04010 I I BY THIS PLAT , , t F ~ ,-24 FIRELANE ' I IX~/ ~VOL. 99217, PG. 1763 / ~, ~ ~W/CA~ APPROXIMATE LOCATION ~ ~ ~ ..................... ~ ........... ., ~ . ', ~ OF ZONE A BY ~ , / ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ', PHI N ~ '~ . ~1 .,. /~R~ C~CSC~UG ', ...................... ........... _ .... 7 ......... " 1o, _ ~ ~ ~N44'30'OO"E ~ ~n' L. ~A~N~-' ~ VOL. 93~Z3, PG. 2924 II ~ I ~ ~ __ . ~ / , ~'~ r ........... ?-VOL 992~7 PG ~7~ IVOL ~213 PG. 1149 ~ ~ ~ ,' .... .~~~"~-~4 ~ ...... J TRA~T I ,11 1~:. ~ '. _~ ...... ~_~ _~ ...... ~ ......... ~_ _ ~ ~ '- ....... ,, _ ......... .. , ...... ', , --, .................................. ~¢'~-~&'-~ ......... w/CAP ~ 0 30 O0 W 1.235.26 ROAD NORTH LAKE DALLAS POWER AND LIGHT C0.1-23-56 NOTES: 1. BASIS OF BEARING BEING THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF BELTLINE ROAD AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO MCDLF HOLDER COMPANY AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 90150, PAGE 1511 IN THE DEED RECORDS DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS (DRDCT). MONUMENTS USED FOR BASIS OF BEARING ARE NOTED HEREON AS 'C.M.'. 2. THE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AFFECTING THIS TRACT OF LAND ARE DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING RECORDED INSTRUMENTS: A) VOLUME 85140, PAGE 1830 B) VOLUME 90158, PAGE 840 C) VOLUME 95248. PAGE 00543 D) VOLUME 97181, PAGE 1816 E) VOLUME 90150, PAGE 1464 F) VOLUME 97181, PAGE 1828 IN THE DRDCT 3. SIDEWALKS ADJACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE TIME DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 4. THE UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS HAS JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITY FOR ACTIVITIES THAT iMPACT WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S., FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT WORTH DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 17300 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102-0300 ATTN: ENVIRONMENTAL DIVISION REGULATORY BRANCH PROJECT NO. 199800692 5. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LOT 2 WILL REQUIRE SUBMITTAL OF A REPLAT APPLICATION AND 51TE PLAN. THE UNDERSIGNED, THE CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT THE FOREGOING REPLAT FOR LOT 1R AND LOT 1R1, Block D OF NORTHLAKE 635 BUSINESS PARK, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL, WAS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE .... DAY OF ..... 2004, AND THE COUNCIL, BY FORMAL ACTION, THEN AND THERE ACCEPTED THE DEDICATION OF STREETS, ALLEYS, PARKS, EASEMENTS, PUBLIC PLACES, AND WATER AND SEWER LINES, AS SHOWN AND SET FORTH IN AND UPON SAID PLAT, AND SAID COUNCIL FURTHER AUTHORIZED THE MAYOR TO NOTE THE ACCEPTANCE THEREOF BY SIGNING HIS NAME AS HEREINABOVE SUBSCRIBED. WITNESS MY HAND THIS DAY OF , 2004. CiTf sECRETARY RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: CHAIRMAN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DATE OF APPROVAL APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: MAYOR CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS 6~,T-E '0~ APPRov~,L FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE NOTES= 1. BY GRAPHICAL SCALING, SUBJECT TRACT LIES WITHIN ZONE 'X', DEFINED AS 'AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE 500-YEAR FLOODPLAIN' AND ZONE 'A', DEFINED AS 'NO BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED.' 2. ALL FLOOD PLAIN INFORMATIO~ DERIVED FROM F.EiM.A. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBERS 48113C0165 J, AND 48113C0155 J, REVISED AUGUST 23, 2001. FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE NOTE: FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY OF COPPELL FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR ON 2004. FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY: TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMCAST N~ME AND TITLE NAME AND TITLE VERIZON ATMOS ENERGY NAME AND TITLE NAME AND TITLE 0 25 50 75 100 150 200 300 SCALE IN FEET SCALE: 1'=100' NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Transwestern Beltllne, L.P., octlng hereln by ond through Its duly outhorlzed officers, does hereby odopt thls plot deslgnotlng tho horein obove described property os Lo, 1R ond Lot IR1, Block D of Northloke G35 Buslness Pork, on oddltlon to ,he Clty of Coppell, Dallas Court,y, Texos, ond do hereby dedlco,e, In fee slmple to the publlc use forever, the streets ond olleys shown thereon. The streets ond olleys are dedlcated for street purposes. The easemen,s ond publlc use oreos, os shown, ore dedlcoted for the publlc use forever for ,he purposes IndiGo,ed on thls plot. No bulldlngs, fences, ,Fees, shrubs or other Improvements or growths shollbe cons,ruG,ed or placed upon, over or ocross the eosements os shown, except pavemen,, porKlng lo,s, ond tho/ Iondscope Improvements may be ploced In Iondscope eosements, If opproved by the Clty of Coppell. In oddltlon, u,lllty eosements icy dso be used for the mutuai use ond occommodatlon of ollpubllc ut111tles deslrlng to use or uslng the same unless the eosement I1mlts the use to portlculor u/Ill/les, solo use by publlc u,llltles belng subordlnote ,o the publlc's ond Clty of Coppell's use thereof. The CIty of Coppellond publlc utlllty eh,l/les shollhove the rlght to remove ond keep removed oil or par,s of ony buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or o,her Improvemen,s or growths, whlch ICy In ony woy endonger or Interfere wlth the construction, molntenonce, or efflclency of thelr respectlve systems In sold easements. The CIty of Coppellond publlc u,111,y eh/l/les shollot oil/lies hove the full rlght of Ingress ond egress to or from ,belt respectlve eosemen,s for the purpose of cons/ruG/lng, reconstructlng, Inspecting, po/rolling, malntolnlng, reodlng meters, cnd oddlng to or removing oil or p~rts of their respective systems wlthout the necessity at any tlme of procuring permlsslon from onyone. That tho undersigned do hereby covenon, ond agree thot they shall cons,ruct upon ,he fire lane easements, as dedlcoted and shown hereon, a hord surfoce ond thot they shollmolntoln tho some In o store of good repolr ot olltlmes ond keep the some free ond cleor of ony s,ruc,ures, fences, trees, shrubs, or other Improvements or obstructlon Includlng. but not Ilmlted ,o, the parklng of motor vehicles, ,rollers, boo,s or o,her Impedlments to the access of flre oppara,us. The maintenance of paving on the fire lane easemen,s Is ,he responslbllfty of the owner, and ,he owner shallpost ond molntoln appropriate signs In conspicuous ploce$ along such fire /ones s/o/lng 'Flre Lono, No Porklng'. Tho pollce or hls duly authorlzed representatlve ls hereby authorized to cause such fire lanes and utlllty eosements ,o be molntalned free and unobstructed ct all/lies for flre deportment ond emergency use. The undersigned do aovonont and ogroe tho, public ocoess eosements may be utlllzed by any person or the general publlc for Ingress and egress to other reolproperty, ond for the purpose of generolpubllc vehlculcr ond pedestrlan use and occess, and for flre deportment ond emergency use In, along, upon and ocross sald premlses wlth the rlgh, and prlvllege at oll /lies of the CIty of Coppell, Its oMen/s, employees, workmen and representotlves hovlng Ingress, egress ond regress In, dong, cpon ond ocross sold premlses. Thls plot opproved subject to all plat,lng ordlnances, rules, regulations ond resolutions of the Clty of Coppell. Texas. WITNESS OUR HANDS, thls the __day of ,2004. Transwestern Beltllne. L.P. By: Nomo: Stephen F. Dougloss Title: Monoglng Dlroctor STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED STEPHEN F. DOUGLASS, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE ABOVE ANO FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE ON THIS THE DAY OF __ ,2004. NOTARY PUBLIC, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WHEREAS, CoppellCommerce Center. Ltd., o Texos limited portnershlp. Is the owner of o troat of land sltuoted In the Cordello Bowen Survey, Abstroat No. 56. In the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, sald tract belng oil of that tract Of Iond descrlbed In deed to sald CoppellCommerce Center, Ltd. as recorded In Volume 99223, Page 631, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.), sold troct also belng all of CoppellBuslness Center II, on addltlon to the CIty of Coppellas recorded In Volume 99217, Page 1763, D.R.D.C.T., and belng more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at o 1/2-1nch found Iron rod for the Intersoctlon of the west right-of-woy Ilne Of Boltllne Road (a vorlable wldth rlght-of-way)ond tho north rlght-of-woy line of Lokeshore Drlve (a varloble wldth rlght-of-woy. 90 feet wide ot this polnt), os dedlcoted by the plot of Northloke 635 Buslness Pork. an oddltlon to the Clty of Coppellos recorded In Volume 85056, Page 3358, D.R.D.C.T.= THENCE dong the north, northeost ond east rlght-of-woy-Ilnes of sold Lokeshore Drlve. the following coils: North 89 degroes 30 mlnutes O0 seconds West, a dlstonce of 185.34 feet to I/2-Tnch set Iron rod wlth a yellow plastlc cop stomped 'HALFF A550C. INC.' (herelnafter referred to as 'with cap')for the polnt of curvature of o clrcular curvo to the left having a central angle of 12 degrees 50 minutes 19 seconds ond o radlus of 300.00 feet, whose chord bears South 84 degrees 04 mlnutee 51 seconds West o dis/once of 67.08 feet; Westerly, dong sold curve for on arc dlstance of 67.22 feet to o 1/2-Inch set Iron rod wlth cop for the polnt of reverse curvature of a clrculor curve ,o tho r/ght hovlng a centrclangle of 12 degrees 50 minutes 19 seconds and o radlus of 300.00 feet, whose chord beors South 84 degrees 04 mlnu,es 51 seconds West a dlstonce of 6?.08 feet; Westerly, dong said curvo for on arc dlstance of 67.22 feet to a 1/2-1nch found iron rod with cap stamped 'Powelland Powell' for the polnt of tangency, sold Lakeshore Drive being o 60 foot rlght-of-way ot thls polnt~ North 89 degrees 30 mlnutes O0 seconds West, o dlstonce of 388.27 feet ,o a 1/2-1nch set Iron rod wlth cop for the polnt of curvature of o clrcular curve to the rlght havlng a centralongle of 52 degrees 53 mlnu,es 07 seconds ond a rodlus of 320.00 feet, whose chord bears North 63 degrees 03 minutes 27 seconds West a dlstonce of 284.99 feet; Northwesterly, along sold curve for on arc dlstonce of 295.37 feD/ to a 1/2-Inch found Iron rod for the point of tongency~ North 36 dogrees 36 mlnutes 53 seconds West, o dlstonce of 398.49 feet to a 1/2-inch set Iron rod wlth cap for the polnt of curvature of a clrcular curve to the rlght havlng a central angle of 37 degrees 06 minutes 53 seconds ond a radlus of 320.00 feet, whose chord bears North 18 degrees 03 mlnutes 27 seconds West a dlstance of 203.68 feet~ Northerly, dong so/d curve for an crc dTstonce of 207.29 feet to o 1/2-1nch found Iron rod for the polnt of tangency~ North O0 degrees 30 mlnutes O0 soconds Eost, a dlstonce of 556.13 foot to o 1/2-1nch found Iron rod wlth cop for the Intersection of sald east rlght-of-way Ilne of Lokeshore Drlve wlth a line 5 feet north of ond parallel to the north Ilne of a 50 foot Open Channel Dralnage Easement as dedlcated by the aforementioned plat of Nor/blake 635 Buslness Park~ THENCE deporting sold east ITne ond dong said porallelllne, the following coils: South 89 degrees 30 mlnutos O0 seconds Ecs/, a dlstonce of 629.41 feD/ to o 1/2-1rich found Iron rod wlth cap for the polnt of curvature of clrculor curve to the left havlng a central angle of 27 degrees 17 mlnutes 51 seconds cnd a radlus of 470.00 feet, whose chord bears North 76 degrees 51 minutes 05 seconds East a dlstance of 221.81 feet~ Eosterly, dong sold curve for an otc distance of 223.92 feet to o 1/2-1nch found Iron rod wlth cop for ,he polnt of reverse curvo,ure of o clrculor curve ,o the rlght hovlng o centrolongle of 2? degrees 17 mlnutes 51 seconds ond a rodlus of 530.00 feet, whose chord beors North 76 degrees 51 mlnu,es 05 seconds Eost o dis,once of 250.13 feet; Eosterly. dong sold curve for on crc dlstance of 252.51 feet to a 1/2-Inch found Iron rod with cap for ,he point of tongency~ South 89 degrees 30 mlnu,es O0 seconds Eost, a dlstonce 168.37 fee, to o polnt for the lntersec,lon of sold porollelllne ond the aforementioned west righ,-of-woy Ilne of 8eltllne Road. sald point bears North O0 degrees 30 mlnutes O0 seconds Eost, a dls,ance of 30.00 feet from the Intersectlon of the center line of sald 50 foot Eosement and said west rlght-of-woy line; THENCE South O0 degrees 30 mTnutes O0 seconds West, dong sold west rlght-of-way ITne, o dlstance of 1235.26 feet to a 1/2-1nch set Iron rod wlth cap for corner; THENCE South 10 degreos 48 mlnutes 36 seconds East. contlnulng dong sold west rlght-of- way line. a alstonce of 56.09 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.430.216 squoro foot or 32,83 acres of Iond, moro or less. SURVEYOR S CERTIFICATE THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT I, GARY W. MATTHEWS, A REGISTERED PROFE5510NAL LAND SURVEYOR OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, HAVE PLATTED THE ABOVE SUBDIVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY ON THE GROUND;AND THAT ALL LOT CORNERS, ANGLE POINTS, AND POINTS OF CURVE 5HALL BE PROPERLY MARKED ON THE GROUND, AND THAT THIS PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS THAT SURVEY MADE BY ME, OR UNDER MY SUPERVISION. GARY W. MATTHEWS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR TEXAS N0.5534 JA~ES A. SIMMONS SURV. ABST. NO. /~96 MCKINNEY & WILLIAI~S SURV. ABST. NO. I05~ LEGEND' ~/2' FIR w/CAP ~/2' FIR (C.M.) FIR w/CAP R.O.W. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED GARY W. MATTHEWS, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE ABOVE AND FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECUTEO THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE ON THIS THE DAY OF __ ,2004. NOTARY PUBLIC, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ~'FOUND IRON ROD w/YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF A550C. INC.' ~2'FOUND IRON ROD CONTROL MONUMENT FOUND IRON ROD w/CAP RIGHT-OF-WAY REPLAT OF 32.83 ACRES LOTS 1R AND 1R1, BLOCK D BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 1, BLOCK D OF NORTHLAKE 635 BUSINESS PARKADDITION AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS CORDELIA BOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO, 56 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS FOR TRANSWEsTERN BELTLINE, L.P. 150 NORTH WACKER DRIVE. SUITE 800 CHICAGO, IL. 60606 312-499-1990 FAX 312-499-1935 HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ENOINEERS SCIENTISTS SURVEYORS 8616 NORTHWEST PLAZA DRIVE DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 214-346-6200 FAX 214-739-7086 SCALE: 1'=100' AVO 22571T OCTOBER,__.., ~i~O/.-z~]. ' ' ,AL. VOL. PG.