DRC commentsCOPPELL Project ID SPA-04-0074 Address 881 S Denton Tap Rd CITY OF COPPELL COPPELL DRC REPORT Proiect Type Application Date Case Manatqer Project Description Site Plan Approval 10/20/2004 Matt Steer to allow the construction of a 3,537-square- foot retail building on 0.48 of an acre of properly located along the west side of Denton Tap, between Southwestern Boulevard and Bethel Road Agency Building Inspection 1 of 2 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 10/27/2004 Electric and Gas Jeff Curry 10/25/2004 Engineering Ken Griffin 10/28/2004 Fire Administration Tim Oates 10/27/2004 Parks and Recreation John Elias 10/27/2004 Comments 1. No floor plan information provided, so no comments could be made. 2. Remove Track 1 from site plan. Plat designation of Lot 1 Block A should suffice. Site Plan Acceptable 1. Driveway radius should not cross property line without some sort of mutual access easement. 2. Move sidewalk to 4.5' off back of curb to line up with sidewalk to the north. 3. Why does the ingress/egress easement to the south not line up with your development? 4. Mutual Access Easement should be dedicated across your property from north to south. 1. Fire lane required for this development. 2. Fire hydrant required on site. No comment COl'FELL Agency Planning Department Reviewed By Mart Steer CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Review Date 10/28/2004 COl'FELL Comments Detail Site Plan 1. Label all existing and proposed easements. 2. Coordinate with property owners to the north and south regarding mutual access. The proposed curb cut shown is not the same as approved by City Council on the Kountry Donuts. 3. Coordinate with Waste Management for optimal dumpster location, and ensure dumpster does not directly face Denton Tap Road. 4. Add stamped concrete to entry (brick pavers may be used if located on private property). 5. Indicate spacing between existing and proposed drive openings. 6. Resolve discrepancies between the site data table and the site plan (building size). 7. Revise adjacent zoning on Site Plan and remove from chart. 8. Change "Zoning Classification - Retail/Commercial" to "Zoning District * Commercial". 9. Change Legal Description to "Lot 1, Block ABEI Properties Addition No. 1". 10. Revise Floor Area Ratio and Lot Coverage to 0.17. 11. Add title block to read, Site Plan, BEI Properties Addition No. 1 Lot 1, Block A. 12. include the owner/applicant's name, address, phone number and fax number. 13. Remove "Track 1" from the Site Plan. Landscape Plan 1. Revise table to include only those plants proposed. Include the total quantity within the chart. 2. Ensure adequate spacing between trees. 3. Add title block to read, Site Plan, BEI Properties Addition No. 1 Lot 1, Block A. Elevations 1. Show details of all proposed signage (attached and monument), the 6' Masonry Wall and the dumpster enclosure. 2. Include percentages of each building material. 3. Provide color board displaying actual materials (bdck, stone, and a color rendering of the proposed structure (examples available in the Planning Department). 4. Add title block to read, Site Plan, BEI Properties Addition No. 1 Lot 1, Block A.