CC letter of approval-11/9/04T H E C I T Y 0 F
November 10, 2004
Mr. Steve Siegfried
Projects Solutions Group
580 Hemdon Parkway, #500
Hemdon, VA 20170
RE: Case No. PD-204-C~ Cr~me de la Cr~me
Dear Steve:
This letter is to inform you that Case No. PD-204-C, Creme de la Cr6me, zoning change request from C
(Commercial) to PD-204-C (Planned Development-204-Commercial) to allo~v the construction of a
20,425-square-foot day care center on 2.8 acres of property, located along the east side of Denton Tap
Road, south of the Vintage Car Wash, was approved by the Coppell City Council Tuesday, November 9,
2004, subject to the folloxving condition:
In reparation for the trees removed for the median opening, the applicant shall either
provide the City twenty 45-gallon Bald Cypress trees or transplant the existing trees
to an existing park.
In order to prepare an Ordinance, we need to assemble appropriate documentation. When this has been
completed and Council has approved the Ordinance, a copy will be sent to you.
As a reminder, the zoning change sign can now be returned to the Planning Department for :,'our deposit
reimbursement of $150.
If you have any questions, p ease contact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678
Di~ect{r of Planning
Cc: J~rry V. Boland, The Boland Studio of Architecture
Building Inspection