SP attached to 8/10/04 CC pckt.Chd=N07~O'29 POINT OF N/NGI 15' UTIL. ESM1. RE ;ERVA[ION ¥01_ 437£ PG. 35.3 SE, 801 N51'17'17"E NORTH 'i W~LL 57 SIDEWALK LOCATION DETAIL LOT SIDEWALK LO LOT ALLEY srrE LOCATION LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE DALLAS MAPSCO 1A-M BL Chd.-NI REFER TO AMENITY CENTER SITE PLAN ''e~5' LOT 3X BLOCK A '/ COMMON AREA /~-10'40'4.,5" R-1465.00 L=273.08 T,=1.T~.92 272.68 15' UFILITY ESMT. RESERVATION VOL. 4370, PG. 353-- D.R.D.C.T. SECTION 8.O1 RIDGE SNOWSHILL TRAIL N88',T~'Ol"W 576.17' 10' UTILITY ESMT. RESERVATION VOL 4.370, PG. 555 D.R.D.C.T. SECTION 8.01 OWNER'S CLRIIFICA1L Ar,ID DEDICAIION LOT 1, BLOCK J Vl~TA RIDGE CAB.\F, PG. 271 SEE NOTE jr2 D~RiVE1 47 O' WAY SPAQN(; CITY OF LAKE VISTA DRIVE 8' BR,CK WALL (70' RIGHT-OF-WAY) LOT 2X, BLOCK C 11 COMMON AREA LOT 5X BLOCK A COMMON AREA LOT IX, BLOCK C COTSWOLD LANE ZONED HC 4' ORNAMENTAL (LEVEE) FENCE ~-11'18'15" LOT 2, BLOCK K R"-ll L=-214.23 VISTA RIDGE T-107.48 CAB. F, PG. 271 Chd-.S85'45'51'W 21;3.88 P.R.D.C.T. WHEREAS CENTEX LAND HOLDINGS, L.P. is the owner of a tract of land located in the WM. TRIMBLE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1268 and the J.H. DONALD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1696, City of Coppell, Denton County, Texas and bain9 all of Lot 1, Block K of VISTA RIDGE LOT 1, BLOCK K, an addition to the City of Coppell, Denton County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet U, Page 5.51 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas and bain9 more particularly described os follows: 8 4 BEGINNING at o 5/8 inch iron rod found for the Northeasterly end of the corner cllp intersection of the South right-of-way line of Lake Vista Drive 70 foot wide Public Right-of-way and the East right-of-w,]y line of MacArthur Boulevard 120 foot wide Public Right-of-way; THENCE along the said south line of Lake Vista Drive, the following seven (7) courses and distances: North 71 degrees 44 minutes 27 ,.econds East, a distance of 99.95 feet to o 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner; North 77 degrees 27 minutes 05 .,econds East, a distance of 145.11 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner at ~he beginning of o curve to the right having a central angle of 10 de9rees 40 minutes 45 seconds, o radius of 1465.00 feet and o chord bearing and distance of Noah 82 degrees 47 minutes 28 seconds East, 272.66 feet; Northeasterly, along said curve to the right, an arc distance of 273.06 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner; North 88 degrees 07 minutes 50 ,'econds East. a distance of 812.7.5 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner at 'he beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 43 degrees 42 minutes 44 seconds, a radius of 615.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 70 degrees O0 minutes 48 seconds East, 4`57.90 feet; Southeasterly, along said curve to the right, an arc distance of 469.20 feet to o 1/2 inch iran rod found for corner; South 48 degrees 09 minutes 27 ;econds East, a distance of 341.49 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner at _he beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 29 degrees 2.5 minutes 1) seconds, a radius of 685.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 62 degrees 52 minutes 03 seconds East, 347.88 feet; Southeasterly, along said curve to the left, an arc distance of 351.73 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner at !he southeast corner of said Lot 1, Block K; THENCE along the south line of said Lot 1, Block K, the following five (5) courses and distances: North 78 degrees .54 minutes 30 '..econds West, a distance of .582.20 feet to a .5/8 inch iron rod found for corner; North 89 degrees 11 minutes 34 seconds West, a distance of 305.69 feet to a .5/8 inch ~ron rod found for corner; South 73 degrees 24 minutes 2.5 seconds West, a distance of 6.52.30 feet to a .5/8 inch iron rod found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 11 degrees 18 mir, ules 15 seconds, a radius of 1085.82 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 8.5 degrees 4,5 minutes .51 seconds West, 213.88 feet; Southwesterly, along said curve to the right, an arc distance of 214.23 feet to a .5/8 inch iron rod found for corner; North 88 degrees 3.5 minutes 01 seconds West, a distance of .576.17 feet to o .5/8 inch iron rod found for corner in the East right-of-way line Gl said MacArthur Boulevard; 14 LOT lOX BLOCK C IHENCE North 03 degrees 44 minutes 05 seconds West, along the East right-of-way line of said MocArthur Boulevard, o distance of 82.67 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 07 degrees 32 minutes 48 seconds, a radius of 2924.79 feet and a chord bearing and distance of North 07 degrees 30 minutes 29 seconds West, 384.96 feet; THENCE Northwesterly, along said curve to the left and continuing along said East line of MocArthur Boulevard, on arc distance of 385.24 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner at the southwesterly end of said corner clip; THENCE North 51 deqrees 17 minutes 17 seconds East, alan9 said corner clip, o distance of 42.79 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 22.024 acres of land, more or less. 15' UTILITY ESMT. RESERVATION __VOL. 4370, PG. 353 D.R.D.C.T. SECTION 8.01 6' OI~MENTAi FENCE LOT ?X BL aCk A COMMON AREA VARIABLE WIDTH UTILITY ESMT. CAI] LJ, PC,. 351--- P.R.D G.I. (TO BE ABANDONED W/ FINAL PLAT) 13 V/ARIABLE WIDTH UTILllY ESMT. --'CAB. U, PG. 351 P.R.D.C.T. 15' UTILITY ESMT. F, PG. 271 P.R.D,C.T. 6' ORNAMENTAL FENCE ~ UTILITY ESMT, CAB. F, PG. 271 P.R.D.( 15' LANDSCAPE BUFFER lOT 9X, BLOCK C 26 28 32 COMMON AREA BL aCK 32 h=29"25'12" R=,685.00 L-351.73 T=179.83 ' Chd,=S82'52'O3'E 347.88 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FEMA 100 YR FLOODPLAIN 6' ORNAMENTAL LOT 5X BLOCK C FENCE TRACT 7 LOT 1, BLOCK J VISTA RIDGE CAB. F, PG. 271 P.R.D.C.T. C I0 LOT C 36 LOT IIX 48 4' ORNAMENTAL FENCE 10' UTILITY E$~q'~-~ESERVATION ___VOL..~4-c¥70, PO, 353 ........~. R. D. C. T. SECTION 8.01 ZONED HC ('LEI,'~E) LOT 2, BLOCK K VISTA RIDGE CAB. F, PG. 271 P.R.D.C.T. N89'11'34"W 305.69' APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FEMA 100 YR FLOODPLAIN SITE DATA NO. OF LOTS: 155 TYPICAL LOT: FRONT ENTRY = 50'x100' REAR ENTRY = 25'x 100'-...~CObiBiNAllON 30'xl O0'/ SETBACKS: Front = 15' (Garages are set back at 20') Rear = 15' (Garages are set back at 20') EXISTING ZONING: HC PROPOSED USE: TOWN HOMES BUILDING AREA: 1600 - 5500 BUILDING HEIGHT: 37' REQUIRED GUEST PARKING: GUEST PARKING PROVIDED: TYPICAL PARKING: 19'x9' PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE: 65 - FLOOR AREA RATIO: sf 78 SPACES 78 SPACES 75% 80 - 90% COMMON AREAS Block # Lot # AREA (SQ. FEET) ¢ A lX 1588.5 A 2X 15888.0 - - A 3X 18904.6 A 4X 1599.1 A 5X 9097.5 -' A 6X 7875.0 ' A 7X 36316.1 A 8X 866.0 -' B lX 6252.7 / C 1X 1852.3 - C 2X 492.5 , C 5X 1751.7 ~ C 4X 1712.4 - C 5X 630.1 ~ C 6X 5146.6 ~ C 7X 1108.3 C 8X 9709.7 ~ C 9X 19912.4 ~ C lOX 2135.4 ,' C 11X 2041.6 - D 1X 2056.5 , D 2X 2210.1 LEGEND BL = BUILDING LINE DE = DRAINAGE EASEMENT HOA = HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION SUE = SIDEWALK &: UTILITY EASEMENT UE = UTILITY EASEMENT D.R.D.C.T. = DEED RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS P.R.D.C.T. = PLAT RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS DOC# = DOCUMENT NUMBER IRF = IRON ROD FOUND IPF = IRON PIPE FOUND = DENOTES STREET NAME CHANGE (~ = 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND · = 1/2" IRON ROD SET W/ YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "BAA" - 6' ORNAMENTAL FENCE - 4' ORNAMENTAL FENCE = BRICK WALL W/ COLUMNS = STREET LIGHT (APPROX. LOCATION) FH e- = PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT EX Ftt ~--,'-- = EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT AREAS ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE* LOT DATA: 155 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 22 COMMON AREAS 7.0 UNITS PER ACRE / / / ~.43'42'44" R,=815.00 L=,469.20 T,=246.68 Chd-,S70'OO'48'E 457.90 COMMOH AREA LOT RX t~ OOK C GRAPHIC SCAI.E 60 30 0 60 180 ( I~ FEET ) I inch = 60 fL NOTES: 1. ALL MEDIANS AND COMMON AREAS WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). 2. A VARIANCE FROM THE SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENT FOR OFFSET STREET SPACING IS REQUESTED FOR LAKE VISTA PLACE AND DRIVE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF LAKE VISTA DRIVE ZONING: PD 155 LOTS ,-, 22.024 ACRES SITE PLAN VILLAS OF LAKE VISTA AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL WM. TRIMBLE SURVEY ~ ABSTRACT NO. 1268 J.H. DONALD SURVEY ~ ABSTRACT NO. 1696 DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS  JULY 1, 2004 SCALE: 1"=60' OWNER/APPLIcANT CENTEX LAND HOLDINGS, 2728 N. HARWOOD, 3rd FLOOR DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 x~'e.' ,.,,,,,,°'"214- 981- 6579(FAX) 214-981-6909 ..... %"~"(t?,., ~ ':" ' "" .~] L) '~i'O~- ;~t.~ ENGINEER/SURVEYOR -' ;,CKET )OWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 5225 Vilal~ Cr~ D~, Suite 200 I~, Texa~ 75(83 972-911-06~ 1 OF1 #03067