Detail LP2 att. to CC 12/14 pckPHASES ,OF CONSTRUCTION' 6. All lawn areas to be fine g~ded, l~gation ~ 7. ~1 rocks 3/4" d~meter and la,er, di~ ~s, sti~s, ~n~le s~lis, ...... ' ..... " "'.' ".','.' Jl' ' I"'~ ~]etc' shall be remov~ pdorto placing to~il a~ any bwn ....i~~ 2, Co~clor shall s~fi~, tip, l~en ell ~ae to ~ hyd~mul~ to a shall ~ deliver~ to ~e site in i~ odginal uno~ mn~l~r, a~ b m 'm 4. Fiber, Shall be one hundred (100%) percent Wood Cellulose Fiber, delivered to the site in its original unopened conlainer. 'Conweb' or equal.  5. Fiber Tack: Shall be delivered to the site in its original unoper~d container, and shall be q'erro-Tack one', as manufactured by · ) Growers, Inc., or equal. I ---; 6. Hydromulch with Bermudagrass seed at a rate of two (2) I:X~nds per I J one thousand (1000) square foot. 7. Use a 4'x8' better board against all beds areas. 8. If Installation occum between September 1 and Apdl 1, all hydromulch areas to be Winter Ryegrase, at a rate of four (4) pound8 : per one thousand (1000) square feet. Contractor shall be required to re-hydromulch with Bermudagrass the following growing season. ~ 9. Alt lawn areas to be hydromulched, shall have one hundred (100 %) 8 percent coverage pdor to final acceplance. -.[ 10. Contractor shall maintain all lawn areas until final acceptance. This i N shall include but not be limited to: mowing, watering, weeding, i ~lUvaUng, cleaning, and replacing dead or bare area8 to keep plants --I in a vigorous, healthy condition. 11. Contractor shall guarantee establishment of an acceptable turf area i. t and shall provide replacement from local supply as necessary. I _ PLANT LEGEND "] t QUANTITY PLANT TYPE --"BO Bur Oak .. RO Red Oak CE Cedar Elm '.~ BC Bald Cypress EP Eldarica Pir~ ;" TY Tree Yaupon Ho~ly -: MP Mexican Plum I ]; VIT Virex ) ':-' 8J Seagraen Juniper :ASEt~IENT & RIGHT-CF-WAY ~ ~~],]]' smr landscape architectsftn 1708 N. Gd~n 8t~ Dallas, Texa~ 75202 Tel 214.871.0083 Fax 214.811.0545 DETAILED LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 20 40 80 architects merr!man associates iatedor ZI.,l.I ZF- (~) 2004. MERRiMAN ASSOCrATE_S/ ARCHITECTS, INC, REViSiONS ISSUE: DECEMBFR 1, 2004 !D-I EE T NA{~ E: DETAILED LANDSCAPE PLAN S~EET: PHASE L1.02