CC cont. to 4/13/04AGENDA REQUEST FORM
DEPT: Planning
DATE: February 24, 2004
ITEM #: 13
Consider approval of Case No. PD-199-HC, Vista Point II, MacArthur Ridge, zoning change from HC (Highway
Commercial) to PD-199-HC (Planned Development-199-Highway Commercial) with a Concept Plan to allow the
development six office/assembly/warehouse buildings, totaling approximately 200,000 square feet, and five
retail/restaurant pad sites on approximately 26 acres of property located at the southwest comer of S.H. 121 and
MacArthur Blvd.
Motion to continue Public Hearing to April 13, 2004
and bring back after addressing Council's
GOAL(S): concerns as set out in the minutes
M - York
S - Peters
Vote - 6-0
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Tunnell absent ....
Date ofP&Z Meetinp: December 18 2003
Decision of P&Z Commission: Denial (5-2) with Commissions McCaffrey, Kittrell, Halsey, Borchgardt
and Reese voting in favor of denial. Commissioners Milosevich and Foreman opposed.
Denial is recommended, based on:
This project does not adhere to the stated purpose and intent, or the regulations, of the Highway
Commercial District.
The industrial nature of this project, in terms of uses and choice of building materials and design,
iucluding the lack of specificity to the ratio of assembly/warehouse/office, is in direct conflict to the
efforts of the City to encourage commercial/office/hotel and similar freeway oriented uses along S.H.
The negative impact that this development (proximity of loading areas and lack of screening) will have
on Forest Hill Drive and the residential areas beyon&
The deficits in the proposed landscaping and screening, lack of commitment about site, parking lot and
building lighting.
On February l0th, at the request of the applicant, Council voted to continue this Public Hearing to February 24,
NOTE: A 3¼ vote of Council is needed to overturn the Commission's recommendation of denial.
See attached letter of appeal dated December 22, 2003, from Demian Salmon, Dan Anderson & Stacy Standridge.
Staff recommends denial.
Agenda Request Form - Revised 02/04 Document Name: (¢3PD-199, VPII I-AR
December 29, 2003
5.Ir. Jim Wit!
City Manager
CiD' of Coppell
255 Parkway Blvd.
Coppell, Texas 75019
Mr Clay Phillips
Assistant City Manager
Cit} of Coppell
255 Parkway Blvd.
Coppell, Texas 75019
VIA FACSIMILE (972) 304-7063 and U.S. MAIL
RE: PD-199-HC and S-1211
Dear Messrs. Witt and Phillips:
I and ,aritmg on behalf of Centex Land Holding, L.P, MacArthur Ridge Partners, Ltd. Jackson-
Shay, Compan5 and Se~,'ice Star Dcvclopmcnt to request postponement of our presentation
before City Council Frond Januao, 13, 2004 until FeN uary 10, 2004.
I apologize for any confusing caused by tide previous letter and thank you again for 3'our t~me
and assistance.
Jackson Shaw Company
Vice President-Development Marketing
BennettRatliff I'hcRatliffGroup
Steve Pappa Service Star Develpment
DanAndcrson (entexDevclopmcnt
JetTLibby StandridgeCompanies
CO15i:,-Ei L
Date: January 23, 2004
To: Jim Witt. City Manager
Thru: Gary Sieb, Director of PlanningL~/~,.) '
From: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Dire~or of Planning
RE: Definition of Warehousing
Per our discussion concerning the proposed PD-199, scheduled for City Council
consideration on February 10, 2004, I have researched various definitions for
"warehousing". A basic definition for General Warehousinq and Storaqe, as
provided by OSHA's Standard Industrial Code (SIC), is simply:
"Establishments primarily engaged in the warehousing and storage of a
general line of goods."
Attached is a sampling of various local un c paht~es defln~bons for warehousing.
In reviewing these, I recommend the following definition for the City of Coppell,
which would apply to this PD request:
"Warehouse/Distribution- A building primarily devoted to storage,
warehousing and distribution of goods, merchandise, supplies and
equipment. Accessory uses may include retail and wholesale sales areas,
sales offices, and display areas for products sold and distributed from the
storage and warehousing areas."
This PD is also requesting "assembly" as a use, which is also not specifically
defined in the Coppell Zoning Ordinance. Therefore, the following definition is
"Limited Assembly and Manufacturinq-The assembly and manufactunng of
finished products or parts from previously prepared materials and parts.
Fabrication may be used in limited form to shape or define the final
product, but shall not comprise the primary activity of such operations.
Basic industrial processing which transforms materials, particularly raw
materials into a new substance, compound, or product is not permitted.
Excluded uses include, but are not limited to meat packing, chemical and
petroleum processing and manufacturing, and foundries".
These definitions may be incorporated into the Zoning Ordinance under a
separate agenda item in the future.
As mentioned above, attached are two pages of research which resulted in the
recommended definitions.
OSHA'S SIC Definition:
4225 General Warehousing and Storage
Establishments primarily engaged in the warehousing and storage of a general
line of goods,
City of Grapevine
446. Warehousing, storage in an enclosed building five thousand (5,000) square feet
in area or larger, of articles, foods, liquids and/or plants including all necessary office
and/or sales space, but not including motor terminal facilities or raitway freight station
City of Dallas
Warehousing: A facility for the inside storage and distribution of items.
City of Carrollton
406. WAREHOUSING: Storage in an enclosed building of articles, foods, liquids and/or
plants, including all necessary office, distribution, and/or sales space. This
definition does not include truck terminals or railroad freight terminals, as herein
defined. (truck terminals were not herein defined)
325. RAILROAD FREIGHT TERMINAL: An establishment or
facility which is designed for the storage and handling of goods and
cargo which are transported by railroad from one city to another.
The outside storage of railroad cars, engines, or other railroad
equipment shall be prohibited
City of Irving
(447) Warehousing, storage in an enclosed building five thousand (5,000) square feet
in area or larger, of articles, foods, liquids and/or plants including all necessary office
and/or sales space, but not including motor terminal facilities or railway freight station
City of Piano
Warehouse/Distribution Center-A building used primarily for the storage and distribution
of goods, merchandise, supplies and equipment including wholesalers which display,
sell and distribute merchandise to business representative for resale but excluding
"Truck Terminal".
Truck Terminal - An area and building where cargo is stored and where trucks including
tractor and trailer units loaded and unload cargo on a regular basis. May include
facilities for the temporary storage of load prior to shipment.
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Limited Assembly and Manufacturinq-The assembly and manufacturing of finished
products or pads from previously prepared materials and pads. Fabrication may be
used in limited form to shape or define the final product, but shall not comprise the
primary activity of such operations. Basic industrial processing which transforms
materials, particularly raw materials into a new substance, compound, or product is not
permitted. Such operations shall meet the performance standards, bulk controls and
other requirements of this ordinance. Excluded uses include, but are not limited to meat
packing, chemical and petroleum processing and manufacturing, and foundries.
City of Frisco
Office/Warehouse/Distribution Center-A building primarily devoted to storage,
warehousing and distribution of goods, merchandise, supplies and equipment.
Accessory uses may include retail and wholesale sales areas, sales offices, and display
areas for products sold and distributed from the storage and warehousing areas.
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CASE NO.: PD-199-HC. Vista Point II, MacArthur Ridge
December 18, 2003
January 13, 2004
Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director
Southwest corner of S.H. 121 and MacArthur Boulevard.
Approximately 26 acres of property.
HC (Highway Commercial)
PD- 199-HC(Planned Development- 199-Highway CommerciaI),
Concept Plan to allow the development six
office/assembly/warehouse buildings, totaling approximately
200,000-square feet, and five retail/restaurant pad sites.
Demian Salmon
Jackson Shaw Company
4890 Alpha Road, Suite 100
Dallas, Texas 75244
FAX: 972-628-7444
Jeff Libby
Standridge Companies
14860 Monfort Dr. # 241
Dallas, Texas 75254
FAX: 214-363-1997
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The subject property is part of Lot 3, Block G, a 49.20-acre tract
within the Vista Ridge Addition. The property lies within Denton
County and was originally part of the City of Lewisville when
recorded in September of 1986. Since that time, the City of
Item # 10
Coppell has annexed this and other portions of the Vista Ridge
Business Park.
In September 2001, City Council approved a Site Plan and Final
Plat to allow for the construction of a one-story, 71,000 square-foot
office building on seven acres of this 26-acre parcel of land. The
Site Plan would have expired September 11, 2003; however, on
September 9, 2003, City Council approved a six-month extension.
The approved Site Plan will now expire in March 2004.
In September 1999, a request for a PD for a gas station,
convenience store and car wash on 1.5 acres at this corner of S.H.
121 and MacArthur Boulevard was recommended for denial by
staff. Due to this recommendation, the applicant requested a
postponement until December of that year to allow for a redesign
of the site plan and elevations to address staff design concerns, but
staff still strongly opposed the use at this location. On December
16, 1999, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
denial of this request, and it was not appealed to City Council.
S.H. 121 is under construction to freeway standards with access
roads, within 450 feet of right-of-way.
North - S.H. 121; City of Lewisville
South - PD-132-SF-9; The Peninsulas of Coppell, and PD-149-SF-
7 Vistas of Coppell
East -vacant, HC (Highway Commercial) and office park; LI
(Light Industrial), City of Lewisville
West - Vistas of Coppell; PD-149-SF-7-Single-Family
The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for
mixed-use development, including retail/commercial, office
parks, schools, churches, and other compatible non-
residential uses.
The applicant desires to construct a similar project to one that they
developed on the north side of S.H. 121 in the City of Lewisville.
Initially, this request was to rezone this property from Highway
Conmnercial (HC) zoning to a Planned Development for 1tC uses to
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allow tilt-wall construction, which is no longer permitted in the HC
District. However, this PD Concept Plan is also requesting variances to
the uses permitted by right in the HC district, landscape and sign
ordinances. This submission has also not addressed staff's concerns
about location of loading areas, screening, lighting, building materials
and tree preservation.
Proposed Uses:
This PD is requesting approval for approximately 210,000-square feet of
office/assembly/warehouse use and five retail pad sites. The existing
Highway Commercial zoning is defined in the Zoning Ordinance as
"Sec. 12-22-0. General purpose and description.
The "HC" highway commercial district is intended primarily as
a high intensity area permitting a mixed-use for office,
commercial-retail, and highway oriented uses, such as hotels,
> : restaurants, and low and mid-rise offices, and should be located
generally along high-volume thoroughfares. The site
characteristics for each area should be designed in a manner to
create an attractive appearance from I.H. 635 and S.H. 121,
and an impressive gateway into the community. Because these
areas are designated as major thoroughfare entry points,
emphasis has been placed on building arrangement, setbacks,
parking, and landscape treatment, which are intended to be
elements influencing the character of entrance into the city. It is
the intention of the "highway commercial" zoning district to
create an attractive and unique entrance into the city '.
Given the stated intent and purpose of this district, warehousing use is
only permitted by Special Use Permit (or could be established as part of
this PD). Staff cannot support the proposed office/assembly/warehouse
use along S.H. 121, as well as being in close proximity to the existing
residential neighborhoods to the south. The Site Plan does not define the
proposed ratio of office to assembly to warehouse for these buildings.
Even though the proposed parking ratio could support 100% office,
these buildings could be occupied by a high percentage of uses that are
only appropriate in our industrial area, specifically, warehouse and
Retail uses are generally more in keeping with the intent of the HC
district; however, discussion on the specific uses proposed by SUP for
the corner of S.H. 121 and MacArthur is a separate agenda item and
will be discussed as a separate zoning case.
Approximately two years ago, a Detail Site Plan for a 70,000 square-
foot office building was approved for a portion of this tract of land. A
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Concept Plan for the remaining parcel also indicated office as the
proposed use. The proposed uses ere enthusiastically supported by
staff, the comnmnity, Commission and Council, even though there was
some concern over the materials used. At that time, masonry was not
required in the HC district as it is now. In September of this year City
Council approved a 6-month extension to the Detail Site Plan; therefore,
this office plan is still viable. Staff feels that pure office is more
appropriate and is in compliance with the existing HC district and
addresses the goals of the Comprehensive Plan.
Loading Areas/Screening:
Due to the characteristics of the office/assembly/warehouse use,
overhead doors are planned to be along 100% of the rear wall of each
building served by massive paved loading areas. These areas are in
close proximity and visible from the residential neighborhoods. The Site
Plan indicates a 6-foot screening wall along a portion of the southern
property line which directly abuts the Vistas of Coppell, Phase IIB
residential subdivision. However, east of that area, along Forest Hill
Drive, and abutting the levee and the City's hike and bike trail, abutting
The Peninsulas residential subdivision, no perimeter screening wall is
shown. The applicant is stating that due to the intervening HC zoned
property (the levee), the screening wall is not required. However, staff
strongly feels that given the topography and the lack of any other visual
barrier between the proposed office/assembly/warehouse and retail and
the homes in The Peninsulas, this screening wall needs to be extended
along Forest Hill Drive to MacArthur Blvd. The elevation of this wall
also needs to be addressed. As currently proposed, it is a 6-foot "thin
wall masonry" screening. The elevations do not specify color or include
any sort of articulation, columns, etc. This wall, as currently proposed,
will be approximately 1,150-linear feet, and per staff reconmnendation,
this wall needs to be extended another 850-linear feet. A solid, blank
wall is not acceptable. Staff is further recommending that in the event
this PD is approved, then this entire screening wall and landscaping
adjacent to this wall be built with the initial construction.
Other Site Plan Issues:
Although the retail pad sites are conceptual in nature, it must be pointed
out that Tract 6 is deficient in terms of number of parking spaces and
amount of land devoted to landscaping. Therefore, the size of the
building on this tract needs to be significantly reduced. Additional
landscape comments are included below. Additional information will
also be required to assure that the fire lane criteria are being met in all
the tracts. Given the residential adjacency, staff had requested additional
information about site, parking lot and building lighting, which has not
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been provided. Finally, the driveway locations need to be approved by
TxDot, and a deceleration lane must be added if required by TxDot.
The Site Plan is indicating a "phase line" between tracts one and two of
the office/assembly/warehouse area. The applicant has not specified an
intent to plat these phases into two or more lots or retain this property as
one lot. The platting of this property will impact the amount and
location of required landscaping, as well as the number of monument
signs permitted. If this entire office/assembly/warehouse area remains
as one lot, then only two 60 square-foot monument signs would be
permitted. Assuming that the line between phase 1 and 2 will ultimately
be a lot line, then two 40 square-foot monument signs would be
permitted on Lot 1 and two 60 square-foot signs on Lot 2. The applicant
is requesting fi~ve_2~ sq~are~foo[.si&~s fPr the office/assembly/w_.arehouse
area. The location of several of the monument signs is also not compliant
~'f~ the Sign Ordinance. These variances to the Sign Ordinance will
need to be stated as a specific request as part of this PD. The applicant
also submitted attached sign criteria. Most of the language and
regulations are not applicable to this review and reiterates the sign
requirements in the Zoning Ordinance, except for subsection E, which
states, in part, that "colors are limited to white, ivory, or black, unless
this requirement conVict(s) with corporate identity (emphasis added).
The City of Coppell Sign Ordinance allows corporate identity up to 20%
of the area of the sign to be logos of any color. The applicant's sign
criteria needs to be amended to reflect this section of the Sign Ordinance,
or requested as an additional variance.
Landscape Plan:
To conduct a proper analysis of the Landscape Plan, an understanding of
the ultimate Iot layout is necessary to determine the compliance with, or
variance to, the Landscape Ordinance. In virtue of this being a PD,
trade-offs may be considered, however, deficiencies in amount of total
landscape areas will not be supported. Assuming a minimum of two lots
in the office/assembly/warehouse area, it appears that a relief from the
10' required perimeter landscaping for both sides of internal lot lines is
being requested between these two lots and along some lot lines in the
retail pad sites. Staff can not support this requested relief.
In the office/assembly/warehouse area, Tract 2 (Buildings 4, 5 and 6),
there is a deficiency of approximately 12,000-square feet of non-
vehicular and interior landscaping, in addition to not providing for
perimeter landscaping along the common property lines. Tract 1
(Buildings 1,2, and 3), has a surplus of approx. 650-square feet;
however, this does not begin to address the shortage in Tract 2. It is
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reconnnended that the 6-foot screening wall adjacent to Forest Hill Drive
will be required. In the event that it is not, significantly more tall
evergreen trees, which are full to the base, will be required to provide a
visual screen between this property and the residential property to the
The retail tracts are providing sufficient non-vehicular, interior
landscaping and perimeter landscaping adjacent to streets and the
office/assembly/warehouse area but are deficient in internal lot line
landscaping. As detailed on the Tree Survey, a significant number of
trees will be removed to allow for the development of this property. It
appears that increasing the landscape setback along MacArthur Blvd. by
approximately 20 feet could preserve approximately sixteen lO-12-inch
caliper Cedar Elms and Live Oak trees that were planted as street trees
years ago. The preservation of these trees will enhance the streetscape
of MacArthur Blvd and addresses our Primary hnage Zone landscape
The final issue relates to the elevations of the buildings. VChile the
elevations are conceptual in nature and will be further defined for all
buildings (except for Tract 4 - See S-121 l in this agenda) when detail
plans are submitted, this is intended to provide for the overall character
of the development. The applicants have agreed to carry the materials,
signage criteria and design elements from the office/assembly/warehouse
area to the retail pad site areas.
As mentioned in the beginning of this report, the initial purpose of
placing this property under a PD is to allow for a variance to Section 12-
33-5. Type of Exterior Construction of the Zoning Ordinance, which
requires that buildings in this district be a minimum of 80% masonry,
exclusive of doors and windows. Masonry is defined as "brick and stone
of earth tones colors", and does not permit tilt wall. The elevations for
the office/assembly/warehouse buildings appear to be 100% tilt-wall
construction with 2.5 feet of brick veneer along the base of the building
with stone accents to enhance the entries, which is a typical industrial
building design. The rear elevations (100% tilt wall with metal doors)
face the residential area and Forest Hill Drive. The calculations on tile
elevation sheets are in error, in that they do not exclude windows and
doors from the percentage calculations, and they even included the metal
roof to increase "percentage of masonry." Metal is not considered a
masonry product.
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The Planning Commission discussed the aesthetics and the detail of
building design at great length when the 70,000 square foot office
building was considered for this property in September 2001. The
Commission spent considerable time assisting the developer in creating
an office building that the community would embrace. These buildings
ignore that input.
The buildings proposed for the retail pad sites will utilize the same
materials; however, they will have a significantly higher percentage of
brick veneer, with stone, tilt wall and stucco being utilized as
architectural accents. The percentage of masonry on the buildings also
needs to be recalculated per Section 12-33-5 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The City has been proactive over the past year in rezoning properties
along S.H. 121 from Light Industrial to Highway Commercial to
encourage retail/office and commercial uses and prohibit tilt-wall
industrial/warehousing along S.H. 121 and adjacent to developed
residential areas. As specifically stated in the Zoning Ordinance: "It is
the intention of the "highway commercial" zoning district to create an
attractive and unique entrance into the city". This application is in
direct conflict with that effort.
· This project does not adhere to the stated purpose and intent, or the
regulations, of the Highway Commercial District.
· The industrial nature of this project, in terms of uses and choice of
building materials and design, including the lack of specificity to the
ratio of assembly/warehouse/office, is in direct conflict to the efforts
of the City to encourage commercial/office/hotel and similar freeway
oriented uses along S.H. 121.
· The negative impact that this development (proximity of loading
areas and lack of screening) will have on Forest Hill Drive and the
residential areas beyond.
· The deficits in the proposed landscaping and screening, lack of
commitment about site, parking lot and building lighting.
Recommend approval of the request
Recommend disapproval of the request
Reconunend modification of the request
Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date.
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1) Proposed Signage Criteria (2 pages)
2) Color Site Plan and Landscape Plan
3) Elevation for Front and Sides of the office/assembly/wm-ehouse
4) Elevations for the Rear and Side of the office/assembly/warehouse
5) Typical Retail Elevations
6) Color Elevations
7) Tree Survey
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Vista Point Il / MacArthur Ridge Preliminary Sign Criteria
The purpose of this sign criteria is to create a graphic environment that is individual and distinctive in
identity for the Tenant and also compatible with other signs in the center. The total concept should g~ve an
impression of quality, professionalism and instill a good business image. Lettering shall be well
proportioned and its design, spac,ng and legibility shall be a ma~or criterion for approval.
The following specifications are to be used for the design of your sign; however, in alt cases final written
approval must be obtained_ from the Lessor prior to the manufacturing or installation of any signage.
Lessor shall make all final and controlling determinations concerning any questions of interpretation of this
sign policy.
NOTICE: Written approval and conformance with these specifications does not imply conformance with
local City and County sign ordinances. Please have your sign company check with local authorities to avoid
non compliance with local codes.
1. Tenant shall identify its premises by erecting one (1) sign which shall be attached directly to the
building fascia as described hereinafter. For buildings and leaseholds with one (1) front facade,
(front fagade being defined as the building surtace directty facing a dedicated street, or where
street frontage does not exist, it shall be defined as the width of the lease space which contains
the main entry), attached signs located at a height of 36 feet or less are permitted a maximum
aggregate effective area equal to one square foot per lineal foot of building or leasehold frontage
as applicable, or 300 square feet, whichever is less. Where the Leased Premises is at maximum
aggregate area on any one fagade equal to one S.F. per linear feet of facade width and a
maximum total aggregate area of those of building or tenant frontage on a dedicated street or
300 S.F., whichever is less.
2. Tenant shall install approved signage no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of a Certificate of
Non.illuminated or reverse lighted individually pin mounted channel letters.
Depth - 5 ~E"; height - not to exceed 36". Multiple Rows - not to-exceed 36" in total height
including spaces between rows. Minimum Letter Size 10".
2. In any case the overall length or spread of the sign cannot exceed 70% of the total linear
measurement of the main entry storefront of leased space or 40'-0", whichever ~s less.
3. In the case of an irregularly shaped sign or logo sign with letters and/or symbols directly affixed
to the wall of a building, the area of the sign shall be the entire area within a singte continuous
rectilinear perimeter of not more than the proportional maximum height and width limitations
noted above.
1, Lessor will have final rewew over letter font, style and height.
2. Logos in addition to signage must be approved. They must be proportionate to height of fascia
and s~gn.
3. Box type signs will not be allowed.
Colors are subject to approval by Landlord or his representative. Matte finish required. Colors a*e
limited to white, ivory, or black, unless this requirement conflict with corporate identity.
,,: r~o,nt / MacArthur Rdge S~gn Criteria
~cernbo_r cj, 2002
,"age Z of 2
}. Returns and Fronts - .063 aluminum gauge (minimum)
2. Back of letters shall have a minimum of 1/8" clear Plexiglass face.
3. No exposed trim caps permitted.
4. Letters to be pin mounted 1" off building fascia.
5. U.L label is required.
I. Individual letters to be backlit with neon tubing concealed in the letter and pro~ecting the light
source back on the building fascia.
2. Secondary Wiring - All transformers and secondary wiring are to be concealed behind parapets
or within soffits.
3. Electrical power shall be brought to required location at Lessee's expense. Routing of conduit
shall be below roof deck and not visible.
1. General Notes
a. Tenant s~gnage shall be as close to a center-of.frontage location as possible, subject to
b. allowance for positioning corner.
Attachment of signage to be U.L. approved. No exposed wiring is permitted.
c. All fasteners used are to be non-corrosive stainless steel.
d. Tenant will be responsible for all damage to the building incurred during sign installation and
removal and must patch and paint holes in fascia caused by signage attachment and wiring
upon Lease termination.
1. Prior to awarding a contract for fabrication and installation, Tenant shall submit three (3) scaled
drawings for final rewew and approval to Lessor. --
2. Elevation of building fascia and sign shall be drawn using a minimum ~¼": 1, 0" scale.
3. Drawing shall indicate the following specifications: Type, color, and thickness of Plexiglass, type
of materials, color and finish used on front and return, type of illumination and mounting
method. Tenant's sign contractor shall first visit the site to verify existing conditions prior to
preparation of shop drawings; information needed to prepare submittals shall also be obtained
during the visit.
4. Drawings must include fascia cross section showing electrical connections.
All city permits and approvals from the City of Coppell are required prior to S~gn fabrication.
. Roof signs or box signs
2. Exposed seam tubing
3. Animated or moving components
4. Intermittent or flashing illumination
5. Iridescent painted signs
6. Letter mounted or painted on illuminated panels
7. Signs or letters painted directly on any surface except as herein provided
8. Signs installed or placed along Perimeter of shopping center
~ ! :il '
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