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CC letter of approval on 4/13
T H E · C I T Y . 0 V COPPELL April 15, 2004 Mr. Demian Sahnon Jackson Shaw Company 4890 Alpha Road, Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75244 RE: Case No. PD-199-HC~ Vista Point lit MacArthur Ridge Dear Mr. Salmon: This letter is to inform you that Case No. PD-199-ttC, Vista Point II, MacArthur Ridge, zoning change from HC (Highway Commercial) to PD-199-HC (Planned Development-199-Highway Commercial) with a Concept Plan to allow the development six office/assembly/warehouse buildings, totaling approximately 210.000-square feet, and five retail/restaurant pad sites on approximately 26 acres of property located at the southwest corner of S.H. 121 and MacArthur Blvd., was approved by the Coppell City Council on Tuesday, April 13, 2004, subject to the following conditions: I) A minimum of 52 trees, with species selected by the Parks Department, shall be planted along the Forest Hills Drive property line, locations to be determined by the City. An irrigation system will be installed by the PD applicant, and the applicant will provide a one-(l) year maintenance agreement on all trees. 2) Development ora maintenance agreement if trees are planted on the levee property. The warehousc distribution shall not exceed 30% of total aggregate square footage. Any particular warehouse distribution shall not exceed 50% of any single building. 4) Limited to one dock door per 8,000 square feet of total aggregate square footage; maximum of 10 dock doors on any single building. 5) The installation of headache bars at both of the exits onto Forest Hill, as shown on Exhibit A 6) The 40-square foot sign located on the corner of the auto repair building shall be allocated equally on both sides. 7) The proposed uses shall be developed in accordance with the Color Board (presented to Council 4/13/04), and revised Site Plan and building elevations, as submitted. 8) Provision of a deceleration lane between Tracts 4&5 offMacArthur Boulevard, as required by the City Engineer. LANDSCAPE~ TREE MITIGATION AND SCREENING ]'he proposed Planned Development entails the elimination of the ten-foot (10') landscape setbacks, required per Ordinance 12-34-8(c) between interior property lines on the following Tracts: Tract 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Planned Development will continue to meet all other perimeter landscape buffer requirements along street frontages and along the residential adjacency. The proposed Planned Development Tree Retribution for the site will be applied towards the acreage of the entire Planned Development district and not on an individual Tract-by- Tract basis. Tree Retribution for all protected trees that are removed will be mitigated new tree plantings of either - increased caliper inches of individual trees in lieu of the 50% tree planting m~d 50% monetary- payment, although mitigation payment can be made. The proposed Planned Development provides that landscaping requirements will be calculated on the overall acreage of the Planned Development as opposed to a Tract-by- Tract basis. D. Deleted. See Condition #1. As part of the Planned Development, the screen wall required along the southern properly dine with the residential adjacency shall be increased from six feet (6') to eight feet (8') in height and extend along the entire length of thc residential area, as shown on Exhibit A MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS The proposed Planned Development entails a reduction in the 80% masonry exterior requirements (Article 22, Section 12-22-0 of the current Highway Commercial Zoning District) for Tract 1 and Tract 2 only. Masonry, will be defined as brick or stone of earth tone colors. The revised masonry percentages on Tract 1 and 2 will be as lbllows: i. 35-40% Masonry on Front elevations ii. 25-30% Masonry on the Side elevations iii.0% Masono' on the Rear elevations Additionally, awnings ma3, be constructed of canvas, metal or other city-approved tnaterial, so long as materials are primed, painted and or otherwise conditioned to minimize future maintenance and prevent rusting. INTERIOR SETBACKS The proposed Planned Development entails the elimination of the ten-foot (10') side-yard and rear-yard building and landscape setbacks between the interior property lines for the following Tracts: Tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Planned Development will continue to meet all other perimeter landscape buffer requirements along street frontages and along the Residential Adjacency. USE REGULATIONS The proposed Planned Development will comply with the use regulations set forth in Asxicle 22, Section 12-22-1 of the current ttighway Commercial Zoning District; however, it entails approval of the Ibllowing uses which are either not currently defined as of the date of this submittal or permitted only per Special Use Permit (SUP): Tracts I and 2 (only): i. Limited Assembly and Manufacturing use, and Warehouse/Distribution use shall be permitted uses as defined herein. ii. Warehouse/Distribution use shall be defined as, "A use devoted to storage, warehousing and distribution of goods, merchandise, supplies and equipment. Accessory uses not considered to be part of the storage and warehouse area may include retail and wholesale sales area, office, sales offices, research and development, and display areas ~br products sold and distributed from the storage and warehousing areas." Parking for all herein-defined accessory uses shall be provided on a gross square-foot basis in accordance with Section 12-13-6 of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B. iii. The "storage and warehousing areas" of the Warehouse/Distribution use shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total aggregate square footage of building area for each respective Tract. In addition, no more than fifty (50%) of any one (1) building shall be used for "storage and warehousing". ix,. Limited Assembly and Manufacturing use shall be defined as, "The assembly, repair, disassembly and manufacturing of finished products or parts from previously prepared materials and parts. Fabrication may be used in limited form to shape or define the final product, but shall not comprise the prima0' activity of such operations. Basic industrial processing which transforms raw materials into a new substance, compound, or product is not permitted. Excluded uses include, but are not limited to, meat packing, chemical and petroleum processing and manufacturing, and foundries." v. Sen, ice doors for the respective buildings may be either drive-in (grade level), double personal doors, or dock high. The dock high service doors shall not exceed a ratio of one (1) dock high sen, ice door for ever), eight thousand (8,000) square t;eet of the total aggregate building square footage of each respective Tract. In addition, no one (1) building shall have more that ten (10) dock high service doors. Tract 4 (only): i. Automobile Repair Garage (no overnight outside storage of vehicles) ii. Gasoline Service Station iii. GroceD'and Convenience Store Tract 3, 5, 6, and 7(only): i. Restaurant Use, which shall not exceed an aggregate total of 19,600 square feet, provided a Special Use Permit is granted on each tract. All other uses defined in Article 22, Section 12-22-1, of the Highway Commercial Zoning District, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit C, shall be considered allowable uses. SIGNAGE A. Signage Regulations for this proposed Planned Development will be governed by Exhibit D and Exhibit E, except as stated below. ii. The side yard signage setback shall be reduced by five feet (5') from seventy-five feet (75') to seventy feet (70') such that Tract 3 shall be entitled to a monument sign along S.H. 121. Tract 4 will be allowed two (2) monument signs each of which will display the nmne of both the convenience store and the automotive service center. The square footage of each above referenced sign shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet. in order to prepare an Ordinance, we need to assemble appropriate documentation. The PD conditions, as submitted, will be reformatted and incorporated into standard Coppell ordinance format. When this has been completed and Council has approved the Ordinance, a copy will be sent to you. As a reminder, the zoning change sign can now be returned to the Planning Department for your dcposit reimbursement of $150. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678. Gfir.V L/,Sieb. A.I.C.P. 1 [~ ir~((5.o f Plarming ~c Jell'Libby, Standridge Companies Building Inspection File Vista Poinl I1 / MacArlhur Ridge - PD-199-HC PD ©utline- CiD of Coppeit Page ? of 5 Apr I 2, 2004 EXHIBIT PARKING R~QUIREMENT BASED ON USE, il/ all dislricts lhere shall be provided at file time any building or structure m erected or slruclurally ahered, off-streel parking spaces in accordance '¢,ith the preceding pov~s~ons and accordance v. ith the following requirements: At, h) laund~, One space per 500 square feetofgross floor area 2 Bowling alley: Six park ngspaces for each alley or lane. 3 Business or professional office, (general): One space per 300 square feet of gross floor area Church or other place of worship: One parking space for each three seals in the rnam auditorium. 5 College or university: One space per each da~r student. 6 Community center, librar% museum, or art gallery: Ten parking spaces plus oue adddionalspaceforeach300squarefeetoffloorareainexcessof2,000squarefeet If an auditorium ~s included as a pan office building, its floor area slaall be deducted from total and additional parking presided on the basis of cae space for each four sea~s that 7 Commercial amusement: One space per three guests or one space per I00 square feet of gross floor area, ~hichever is greater. 8 Dance hail, assembly or exhibition hall v, hhoul fixed seats: One parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area thereof. 9 [3ay nurseD: One space per fen pupils ~; c ...... ;,. .... ;, .... dormitc42¢ ~. One 9a, ,.,,,g~¢.~ :','.~o beds, 12 Furniture or appliance store, hard:'~are store, wholesale establis neats much/net,, or equipment sales and service, clothing or si:on repair or sar;'ice: ]'¢,o parking spaces plus one additional parking space for each 300 square feet of floor area over 1,000 13 Gasoline station: Minimum of six spaces 1,1 H~oF .... One .~ .... r'-. cmpl3;.cc cn !hz !argent :.hr,q, Flus ca:: and r:me Ilalf~-fe~ I 5 Hoteh One parking space for each one sleeping rooms or suites plus one space for each 200 square feet of commercial floor area contained therein 16 Library or museum: Ten spaces plus one space for every. 300 square feet. I 7 Lodge or fralernal organization: One space per 200 square feet. t8 Manufacturing or industrial establishmenL research or lesfing laboratory, creamery, bo~ling plant, ~.arehouse, prinlmg or plumbing shop, or shnihr estab}ishm~n~ One parking space for each employee on the maximum working shift plus space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used tn connect/on therewith, but not less than one parking space for each 1,080 square feet of floor area 19 Medical or dental oflqce One space per l75 square feet offloor area. .... -e ...... (convc_ e:~cc :;torag::) Fear Par~-omPle~pkm~pe~afe-feel e ....... ~e area~ddhe~ .... ssZe-im~videa ~ ~;" ~ -~j ...... to a ....... ;ewp ...... ..... o.u..:_e of the~e~gr, ated=F~-.eqe.,m._a.nd ' F .....g DRAFT COPY \*ism Point 1! / MacArthur Pddge- PD-199-ItC I'D Ondine- City of Coppel! Page 6 of 6 April 2. 2004 ~' ....... ~ ............ ~. ....... ~.~. 500 uquaf-eq'eet of 4:h!~m'~h~-~.Ooarctat,~eys qa:~qer:; ho~,~ ,,rear.ban Pa'c spaccs~uirzd~ach 22 Mo~ua~ or funeral home: One parking space for each 50 square feet cf floor space slumber rooms, parlors or individual funeral service rooms. 23 Moteh One parking space for each sleeping room or suite plus one space for each 200 square feet of commercial floor area comained tberein ~ ~a ....... ~:c*~ -ale ......... ~ '"~ car lots: One parking space ~ncb ~0 squ~ .............. r ........ u~r one ~¢~~00 26. Pmate club, counto, club or golf club: One parking space for each 150 square feel floor area or for e~cr> five members, whichever is greater. 27 Retail More or pemonal se~ce establishment, excepl as otherwise specified herein: One space per 200 squ~e feet of grass floor area. One parking space for each 100 square feet of ~oor area. Where drive-through facilities are provided, d~ere shall be a mimmum of five stacking spaces behind the firsf point of order. Slackin~queuing shall no~ be permitled m a dcsi~aled fire lane .......... ~ or bcardingho~ ~¢~.;. · 30 Sanitarium, convalescent home, home for the aged or similar institution: One parking space for each five be~. 33 Tt~ealer, auditorium (except school), spans arena, stadium, or gWmnasium: One parking space tbr each three seaB or bench seahng spaces G ....... ~ ...... parkmg 5Faze: per o_ Technolo~ equipment facility: Oue space per 2,500 square feet of gross floor urea dexoted to technology or computer equipment, plus addilional parking as required m (Ord No. 91500;Ord No 91500-A-322,~ 1,4-9-02: Ord. No. g1500.A_331, } 1.8-13- 02, Ord. No. 91500-A-334, ~ 2, 8-1%02) DPo\FT COPY Vista Poinl I1 / MacArthur Ridge- PD-199-HC PD OutJtne -Ctty of Coppe',l }'age ? 0f 7 April 2, 2004 EXIIIBIT "C" "HC" HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS Use regulations A building or premise shall be used only for file following purposes: I Any use pertained in tile "O" office district (See seclion 12-22-2 for exceptions). 2 Any use permitled in the "R" relail district. 3 Temporary amusement activdy (approved by ciD, council resolution). 4 Exhibition hall 5 Equipment sales. 6 Hotel or motel. 7 Newspaper pnnting. 8 Radio, tele~,ision or m~crowave receivmg dish (subject Io screenmg regulations; see sect/on 12-33-1) 9 University, college, or parochial scboot and related facilities. 10 Manufacturmg and industrial plants including the processing or assembly of parts for production of finished equipment, where the process of manufacturing or lreatmenl of materials is such lhat only a minimum amount of dust, odor, gas, smoke, or noise is emtned and that none of the lot or tract issued far tile open stotage of products, materials or equipment. ] I Any use permitted by special use permit, as listed in sections ~ 2-30-7, ] 2-30-8 or 12-30- 9 (See secl}an 12-22-2 for exceptions). DRAFT COPY Visla Poinl II / MacArlhur Ridge- PD-199-HC PD OuIline - C[~ of Coppell Page 8 0£8 April 2, 2004 EXHIBIT "D" VISTA POINT II / MACARTHUR RIDGE PRELISIINARY SIGN CRITERIA I-he purpose of this s~gn criteria is to create a graphic en',,ironmenl which is individual ar*d distinctive m identity for the Tenant and also compatible wJ[h other s~gns m the center The total concept should gwe an impression ofqualily and professionalism and instill a good business m~age Lerrermg shall be ,~ell proportioned, aod its design, spach/gaudlegibility shall beamajor criterion for appro'~ah Tile ~bllo~ring specificafions are to be used for Ihe design of lenanls' s~gnage; however, in a~.t cases 'final wmtten appro~,al must be obtained from the Lessor prior lo the manufacluriag or ms:allalion of any s~gnage. Lessor shall make all final and controlling determinations concerning an), questions of Jmerprelafion of this sign policy REQUIRED SIGNS I Tenanl shall identify its premises by erecting one (l) facia sign which shall be aItached directly ~o the building fascia as described hereinafler Subject to the rcslricfions under "Size of Sign below, for buildings and leaseholds'c, ith one (l) front £agade, (front faCade being defined as the building surface directly facing a dedicated street, or ~here street fronlage does not exist, it shall be defined as the v¢idd, of the lease space which contains the mare enu3)' anached sigus located at a height of 36 feet or less are permitled a maximum aggregate effecti',,e area equal 1o one-square foot per lineal foot of leasehold frontage, as applicable, or 300 square feet, u. hichever is less TYPE OF FASCIA SIGN Non-iliuminated or reverse lighted individualb, pm mounted channel letters. SIZE OF SIGN 1 Depth - 5: , height not4o exceed 35". N'lulliple Rows - r'~oI to-exceed 36" in total height tncluding spaces be v,.,ee 1 ~ows N4inhnum Letter Size - ] 0". 2 In any case tile overall length or spread of the sign cannot exceed 70% of the lotal linear measurement of themamentrystorefronlofleasedspace r40 ~0 ,'~l~chever~sless. 3 In tile case of an irregularly shaped sign or logo sign u. ith lepers and/or symbols directly affixed to the wra]] Of a building, the area of the sign shall be the entire area v, ithin a single continuous rectilinear perimeter of not more than the proportional max/mum height and [dnitahons noted abo'~e TYPE OF SIGN I Lessor x~,iil have final re,,ic~ over loller fnnl, st?e and heighk 2 Logos itl addition to signage must be approved. Thev must be proportionate lu heigl~t of Fascia and sign. ~ 3 Box type s~gns '~il] not bc allowed COLOR I Colors are subject to approval by Landlord or its rcpresentati;e. DRAFT COPY Visla Poinl I1 / MacArthur Ridge- PD-199-HC PF) Outline - Ciiy of Coppel[ Page 9 of 9 April 2, 2004 ' MaUe is fioish required. 3 Colors are limited to '~qme. ivory, or black L}mited logo color variahon ma%e alloy, ed at Landlords and Git.', of Coppe[I discretioo ' CONSTRUCTION OF LETTERS 1 Returns and Fronts- .063 aluminum gauge (minimum) ~ Back of [eUers shall have a minimum of b8 clear Plexiglass face 3 No exposed trim caps are permi:led 4 Leacrs are to be pin mounled 1" off building fascia 5 U.L label is required 1LLUi'vlINATION AND V,,'IRING I If illuminated individual letters are to be backlit with neon tubing, such tubing musl be concealed in the letter and projecl the IJgh! source back on the building fascia 2 Secondary Wiring All transformers and secondaO, wiring are to be concealed behind parapets or whhin sofiqts. 3 Electrical po'.~,er shall be broughl to required location at Lessee's expense. Routiog of conciui~ shall be below roof deck and not visible PLACEMENT AND INSTALLATION General Notes } Tenant signage shall be as close to a center-or-frontage Iocatioo a.s possible, subject to allowance for corner posmonmg. 2 Anachment ofsignage is to be U.L. approved No exposed '*iriag is perm/tied. 3 All fasteners used are to be non-corroswe stainless steel. 4 Tenant will be responsible for all damage to lhe building incurred during sign installation and removal. Tenant is responsible for pan]ling needed to correct fading and must palch and paint holes in the fascia caused by signage ar~achment and wiring upon Lease terminalio~ SUBMITTAL FOR APPROVAL I Prior toawatdingacontract for fabr/calionandinsa alion, Tenant shall submit rl~ree (3) scaled dra,aings for final re',,iew lo Lessor No constructmn ma3. OCCttr until Lessor has apprm, ed acceplable drawings and specifications 2 EievationofbuildmgJhsciaandsignshallbedra,anusingamumnum %" I'-0"scale 3 Drawing shall indicate the following specifications: Type, color, and thickness of Plexiglass, bpe of materials, color and finish used on front m~d return. ~pe of illuminahon and mounting and w~ring methods Tenant's sign contractor sharl first visit the site to vcrif> DRAFT COPY Visln Poinl II / MacArlhur Ridge - PD-]99-HC PD O,~tlm~ - C~' of CoppetI Page 10ofl0 April 2, 2004 existing conditions prior to preparation of drawings and specifications; information oeeded to prepare submittals shall also be obtained during the ',isit 4. Drawings must incIt~de fascia cross section sho'~,ing electrical connections I'£RSIlTS All city permits and appro,~als from the City of Coppell are required prior to sign t'abrication TRAILER SIGNS OR TEI~IPORARY SIGNS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. THE FOLLO~'ING ARE NOT PERMITTED I Roof signs or box s~gns 2 Exposed seam tubing 3 Animated or moving componems 4 [ntermittent or flashing illumination 5 Iridescent or fluorescent painted signs 6 Leners mounled or painted on illuminaled panels ? Signs or letters painted directly on a~y surface except as herein provided 8 Signs installed or placed alollg perimeter of shopping center DRAFT COPY Visla Point I1 / MacArlhur RJdge- PD-199-HC PD OuIlme - C~t) of CoppeL Page II ofll April 2, 2004 EXHIBIT "E" VISTA POINT Il / MACARTHUR RIDGE MONUMENT SIGN CRITERIA Mcnumenl signs are permitted as follows A Monument signs must be built on a monLm~ent base. as opposed Io a pole base, '~,itll no separation between lite base of the s~gn and natural grade. A monument sign shall coma~]l only tile name, logo, address, producl or ser,,qce of Ihe eslablishmenl(s); and itl tl~e case of gasoline service stations only, the price per gallon of gasoline; and ill tile case el governmental and religious organizations only, information concerning forthcoming public events No otber advertising or promoti0nal information ls permitted lhereon Such sign may be smgle or doubIe faced Can signs made ofpfasticorsimitarmatermlsarenot permitted as detached (monument) signs. Backiit plastic is not permitted within detached (monument) signs. B One monument sign is permdled on lbo premises as follows: On-silos g~ealer Ihan ~,,,,o acres m area Maximum size - 60 square feel Maximum heighl - Six feel Minimum setbacks - 15 feet from street rigltl-of-;,,ay, 75 feet £rom property lines other than those properD lines fronting the street righbof-v, ay. On-s~testwo acres m area or less Maximum size - 40 square feet. Maximum height - Four Feet Minimum setbacks- 15 feet fromst~eetrigh_of_way 75 feet from propert)lines oilier than/hose property JMes fronting the sheet right-of v, ay. C q ',,',o m~nument signs are permitted or, the premises as Follows: Pro',dded that the premises is not a corner lot, tv.o monument signs are pertained on premtses greater than two acres in size having froulage on [',,,o or more streets, as follows: Maximum size- 40 square feet each Maximum height- Four feet each Minimum setbacks - 15 feet From street rigllt-of-v, ay. 75 feet from property lines other allan those properly lines fronting the street rlghl-of-;~a? Maximum num, ber of s~gns - One per slreet fronlage Maximum total nunlber-- l':vo Pro'dried that the premises ha~ fi-onlage on more thaa one street and lhat the frontage on each slreet is 500 Feet or more, ~-o nlonument stg]ls are perlnined on premises greater than five acres irt size as tbllows: Maximum size- 60 square Feet each Nlaximum height--Six feel each Minimum setbacks--15 feet from street right-of-',,,ay, 75 feel from property lines other titan those propen) lines fronting the street right-of-way Maximum number of signs--One per streel fronlage Ma×imum tmal number--Two DRAFT COPY