LS/Tree Plan-revised re CC condVICINITY MAP /i :i 'fREE LEGEND SAND Y LAKE 500.00~ ROAD  _E,L.ST 29'1.0~' ::: .............. .,1,. I - - ~ ;:::::::: :: .............. :::. _'_:.: ..... :_ ....... -:, '_~_ Z._L i-:'-'~i:~i:''~'~, I : ::. -, - .> _. _ ._ ._:.::x- -mI ': ...... - k'.; 15T7 L / , ~7~8 ,-' 1§74 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1565 1' 7 '=7,:$ / / F.F,~ ~1k5(~ / 17,1 1742 174~ 1748 17,~, 1751 1753 1755 17_.57:1 -- ' '. .. / '" / ' / ~ ~ " ' 0,'~- ~" P~. ~' ) ' /,x \ ./ ", ~, ~_ ' ' / / x ',_ -',..~',',/ .,%' ~' --' -x .')." %,. ;'I r,i ,' / · I L.-v: · .. SPEC/ES CANOPY C/~O~N CLASS %1 PO/N TS 10' U-:LIT'~ ! TREE LEGEND NO. DiA. SPECIES CANOPY [ CRO;~NCLASS PO{~TS :520 ;4 ,:,O,rTO~,P/COO r7 '5~ t:-5 H~C.BEe~: 'z ~2 ,C2-C ;:,,f Nxw: 55 f 758 5 ~ ~ '/ 9 ',; d C Q- DCM,,*~ 4 w T 55 i2'45 ] r5 ,/xC~SER~Y "2 ~2 r.f CO-O'Off ~NT ~744 [ Z-O' H'Z:'~E.q~K E rr ~2 I;'45 d HxS'~BER~ ~2 g 3 :,2-5;O~/ W.4*,'f 59 t 50 5 ~xO~EE.~eY ~ ~ 5 .':J'-PCUW4',': / 55 J 8 i~x,Z~E¢~Y 9 ~j 5 fO E, fa~,,',4,WF55 S 89'4.9'26" w 606.12' EXISTING TREE LEGEND O EX STNG fREE TO REMA,N I ISl ~ EX~STff~G TREE \ / TO EE HE',,tQVED TREE FROI'EC f:C,N f E:'.ICih!G 'FO REMAihl ELR big CO'qS [RUCTI,S.N REFER TO 01 "Lt 0O ,-,'~o'"~ ' ' . =.o.l -'%! / ,' ,.._ ¢ ~ ~Y ~.. '7~ ~EXiSTiNG TREE TO REMAIN ~', --' ~ x, ~ · ~ x ..~ . , ETAL T-POST AT UMITS OF DRIPUNE (TREE PROTECTWE FENC.f',iG NTS C0~PELL OXLLA$ COU,WT~ ~APSCO 1.T EXISTING TREE NOTES Exist:rg trees te remain shall ~e prutec[ed durng c:mst"ucton from tree stn.~cture d~r'-'~ge and compac[.on cf so,I ,Jndur arqd arc-rd 2: p:ine (ca"op~,) of tree 8 10 11 12 13 14. ifa'*y :oot slnuctLre ~s damased dunngadjacert e~cavat{on,cons'.n:ction "ctif~.tre Arch ted[mmedate:~ t s ~euon' nended taat a I;~ensed Arbunst be secured for b~e No diMur3ance oJ the sod greater than 4" s"al ce lc ~Mal closer to '.he tree trunk man i/2 the distance of Lne dr:p I re to '*'e bee L'~Jnk A n' r~n'um of 75% of ~he dr,p hne and roct zore sna:l oe p;eser',.ed at ~a~u~al grade A ~F f'e g'ad ng done w,tmn the cr flail root zones cf tr:e prcXe~l~t '.:ees rru~t be dor'e ',', :.h hgh[ :nacl neW such .is u bobudt or light ~r&c(or No each movng eq,:p~ent ~,, ~h tracks s a Ion, ed ~ th n the crq,c~l roct zone of ,vaste matE'-'als ac:u:ulated due to excava~ ca or dem, cl t. on shait be placed wthin ~he limts cf the d,islne ofary bee EqurpmentClea~,qg'[ qu;d D:sposal No equ~pr':'enl may be,., cleaned, Io,,:c bolut ors. cr oLrer 1 qu d ..he'nica;s ~I~ll :e depu~[eJ +,' t~ n the lira ts cf the dnpl ce cf a tree Th s ~ou[d ndude ~:J[ rot Lhose cf a pro.ec%e ns[J'e Snail Se ada2qed to any tree ,/eh::jJarT'affc: No ,,eT:3u~ar and coost~ctoneq,J,3men(L~a~cor par'xu~g ~s al[o,',ed ,',iLl-in :he inrrts of t-'e dTpl ne of t'ees ~,C:nflg Cf L,t I,t, es. "~dy se F,e:,'n tied ur,Cur protected tru~:~ :n ~ .' c reun'~[ances The m[n~mun~ [ergth of the bo'e s~a,I :.,e :he width of ~hetree'scanup~ andsna~lceamr r?:~._~ cffs~y~,ght(48') robes T~er'c' r-g A,',y : gat on trencr:,ng ,'~F, iL:hi TdJSl 2e Jo,",e ¢,';t ~hq :he c-itical rcc[ zcr'e of a t'ee shall be lug 3y "apd a?d enter t:-e area n a~ad~al matter Treu Fl~gg,r~g A I t:~us [o be :e ::Ovid ircrn the sic sr~all be fi~gged 3y the Contractor w~h b~ ght red vin~l ~3~e (3" width)wrapped aFo,Jnd the ma~n t~nX at a he,gPt of fcur (4') feet acove g~ade Flagging shad be appro,,ed by Lands~pe Arch;ted pnor to any tree :emovat. Contractor snall contact Landscape Archi[ed .,vth 72 no,Jr no[ice to schedule on-s te mee~ng Pr'o[e,ct,.e Fenc ng All trees to ;er.a n as qo[6~J O0 dra,',;[-'gs, shall ha',e prclect[,'e fencing located al the tree's ddpl ne The feneng may be comprised cf sno,v fenc ng, orange vinyl cor, sbJctCn fencing, cha;n hnk fence or ether s;mdar fenong ','.,';th a fcur (4') foet approxmate~e,gbl fheprctect,,,efenongwilbeloca~edas (~dica~ed on ',ne Tree P,otect cn Deta I(s) ~a[~ Fr=tecbon hq s [daho;~s wh=re a tee [ema,:s ~n [he turned ate a'-ea of intended ccmst'uctiom, the t:ee shall e"CIOS r.g the enL[re c(roJmferc, nce of Lbe Lree's t~nk e~c :tied ,viLh ¢,,re or o[her means [hat does qot damage the fee Refer to Tree Prcection dur,cg Lhe cou%e cf const~ction, the Ccr, Va,_tcr shall n3[ff/the Lan~sc~peArch:eclimmed;a[el~ In no ins'.anca shall the CcnLrador pnJr'e any po:Loa of the damaged t;ee without the prior ap:;r.3~ al by the La:dssape A-ch;ted 1 smr land~ca0e I?0BN Gr.'fin "~l 214 ~71 Fax 21~ ~71 Emil smr,~m~. ~ 12.27.04 EXISTING TREE PLAN 0 15 30 60 EXISTING TREE PLAN -LETS L1.00 APRIL 19, 2004