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Replat att'd to CC 2/8/05 pckt.
LEOAL DESCRIPTION /,--r~EAS, Uc~v'n E, ,',c+<~"s, .~. cpc ~cmDi jii ,'(oTk{ns ere ers sr~oTec n -~e ¢,.A. Tp'~D:e S~nvet, ids .... ce'q6 ..3- ' 3~ B cc< ~ o+ the ?,'halson ~s~c~es Copse, ~e.os, cs ~ecorcec ~n ,c~me 20010;7, Pcge 2285, Pre ~eco~Cs o io~"-t, 'excs (P,P.l.C.l.l, he'no -hot *rcc- 9; ccd Seconds, Sc;cs County, Texcs, crc 3elng -c~e C,c-?;cu cr!y cesc~'sed by -e~es ccd RE:i, hh t;i-,_~*, c i,/2-"-cr-_ 'nco ,-,~.,~ ,~ith o )e o,,. O:cst[c CCD sTc~sec '-cAz= Assoc., ,'-c,, ':re~ec,~ec ~eferced ko ess ',~h 8c3,') {o~cg ot Sr'e ecs'e~ t 5oJ~n ce~ne~ c:~ 5c'd _o- 1 :s deg-ees 74 t~s 26 seconds '?,'es% o d~stccce os ~s s2 sod so-cc cn sc'2 ecsle- y '-,e of St. Jcme5 F doe Sen *he '3,c'P% o~ cc, i~OounC Deers '.Onffh' 2' ceorees 02 mTn,aPes 5,3, secc~c,s ?,'es% s c~s-c~ce c; 12E.~2: ;ee': seq~c c-g e a; 42 dec-~as 05 T'r-u*es z$, :hr o~ crc nCO *i~ CCD ;,0~-~ {CC The Co'~ o~ T, cc~, '~-, --.E',C[ Sou-" ~3 ce6~ec, 5 ~% ~'~re,s ,SX succors Ecs*, eeoo~t'no sc;d ecste~iy ,'~e, s OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE 'Cc TEKAS ',C,',' -hkq:EFCqE, ~,',2,',' -'__ YEN BY THESE F~E52 '-q c~y cothOcTZed cgen~ do ne~e~y odoD% ~q~s ~O-, {esTgqo%'~g The herein c3ove cescrl~ed 3~-ose~Ty os ?,~NOSC'R ESTATR5 L2CITiON, _0l 'q, 5LOCK ~, cs cCci?'on ?o the i'-t o~ 8dUDe ~, ~c!os 0Ok. rit, -exes, Crc CO ne~ebt dedicc?e, 'n fee simO~e, ~o ~e 2:~D To use ~o~eve~ fire streets sqo.n Tqeceo~, T~e ecseme~Ts sqo,~n }hereon cmo remedy reserves fcc the s~csoses [nc~ccTeO. The uthlTy ccd FT~e ,oPe ecsemenTs she De c~eo +o o~d Drlvote Lth~tles fo~ eoch Dcrtlcucn ese. The moln~encnce of Dov'ng ce the ut'![ty 2, coed LOc,o c~ dye: c~ oocoss *he eose~eo%s cs s~o,~n. Sc}c ecse~enTs De'no remeDY sse so~e. A ,ond ont 3hh~[C ht~my SRO!hr'ye the night to remove ond keeo nemoveG c~ or pOrTS OT Ony b.Ji:ClnG, fences, trees, SrruOS or ot~er Tnproveme~s cc g~o,,,ths ~h~ch 'n cry ,~oy moy endonger cs ;n*er~ere ~T~n ire const/uctFon, mo'nfencnce, ifs respec*Tve system on ~ne eose~ents, ccd o,lpug~Ts u~'~i~les shcl~o? ~'gni of ~ngress cr egress -o c~ $~om ccd upon ?ne scFd e~sements ~or the purpose o~ CO-SPrig-TAg, ~eccnSTrtJct~ng, ~spescTng, Doted lng, mo'ntoTr~ng one cCd'nO to ~emov'ng c t on Orris os t-s respective systems 4. lthou? lng necessity ct cry ?ice of 9~oc~ng the permission o~ onyone. (~ny pee'c uti;tt shcl hove the ers egress to p~'vcte pnoDertl +c~ the pc~ocse o~ recc'ng meters cod service rech'~ed c~ o~d'non}iy perfor~eo el lhct ut'iity.) ?,,clef r-cfr crc .cute ,vd*er eosemen-s 5hc!c'so Tnciude cddltTcnc cneo off: services ccd ,~oste~o~er services ~rom t~e ~c'n es toe co~o on povement ;re, Grid cesc-'ptto~ c= sLcn c~C;tloncleosemen-s he~e;n gronted snc'be Ce~e~mrned by 'Good{Ce CS 'CS*C~ l?ts 3'or cAD'eyed suOiec- TO C p;CT~'ng C,~diPcnces, nc[es, ~eGs'or!cns eno neso btTOnS off: ,',-*,ESS, ,cy r'enc ct Crepe,-exes, th's t~,e doy off: , 2C04. q'C~GT~n~ ?AR', :h E. ¢,ATKiNS je., C,',NER SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE T~:S 'S tO ce~Ti~y thor ~, !ncne~ J. snorer, o Reg!ste~ed Profess'orc~ _cqd SLrveyc~ of The 5tcte off: -exes, hove plct~ed the csove ~ep~ese~Ts The s_:vey ~cde sy me. oc encee my SzDerv'sTon. STATE ~: '"EXAS cpseoreo <neap -o ~e to ~e the person ,~hose nc'Re '5 s~DcnlDeG to ?be chore ccd forego'no [nstrement, end OCknO, ecged TO me inet he executed the sc~e fi:or *he penDoses c~d consTde~oT:cn exsressed enc ~n the ccDeeity ff~ere!n stored. I~- Y 0 ,EU ._ ~ER f ;.rD SEAL CF CFFCE cn T~e doy e'f , 2C04 qECi YYE!',CES' nC7 C~c'r-cn P cnn'no c,~,~ 7cnT,~© ~cTm'ss'o~ C'ty of ~oDD~ I, ,e,,~s ~ty OS C3p0e:, Texc5 BLOCK LOT .... ~c Tc~ B'T: TXU :3~S 2ATE 3: ~:PR,:3,A' COYCAS7 TXIJ ELECT~:;C CELI,E~V A 3 'FloodplcTn Develcpment PeFml± Applfcot!on No. hos been ~l!ed wi±h ±he Cl±y o~ CoppellFIoodplcln AdmTnts±ra±oF on ...... 200_. , F1oodp!oTn AdmTnlstrotor, __, Date' 43,5,'4' S89'15!04"E Ore 0 0 0 7 L01 2 /2 W/C LOT FA .% ~D-'65~3-SC-9 LOT 6-42'05'40" R-175.00' 'x T=67 34' L-128,57' '" Chord- N 21' 02' 50' W 125 70' BLOCK F~- A /2 CDX,, A- 98'39'48" L- 32,71' 0ho~d=S88'34'26'W ' t5_ OCK B LOT B 3,2'5 ZOMING 6 REMAINDER OF' " WINDSOR ESTATES ,>'. PD-165R2-SF-9'" ' NOTE: BY GRAPHICAL PLOTTING NC PORTION OF THIS SITE LIES WITHIN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN AS SHOWN iN DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS AND INCORPORATED AREAS FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS) COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 48113C0155 J, AS REVISED BY LETTER OF MAP REVISION DATED OCT 1, 2003 S U RVEYO I{ /2 c D W / C A D / · ' W/OAD .% - / Holf~ Associotes, nc, 5801 Porkwood Blvd, Ste, 500 Frisco, Yx~ 75054 214-618-4570 BLOCK / / LOT 16 ROUND 6R~"'--':~' , "L .:f: ~ .' DEFOREST c LOCATION _ _.SANDY LAKE: RD .... , LOCATION MAP 'J.T.S. N 2 5 :,3 '5 22 ],3 z9 62 SC~'_E N FEET BENCHMARK: R.R, SPIKE FOUNO IN NORTH SIDE OF POWER POLE AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CICERO LONGS LOT AND NORTH SIDE OF DEFOREST ROAD (SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ESTATES OF CAMBRIDGE MANOR ADDITION) ELEVATIONs472.06 BASIS OF BEARING IS THE WEST LINE OF TRACT 1 AS RECORDED iM DOCUMENT NUMBER 97-R0067506 DEED RECORDS,DENTON COUNTY. SETBACK NC:TES: REAR YARD: 20 FEET SlOE 'fARO: B FEET THE n~c,~_,_r~_~,''~ BL'LBER, SELLER, DR AOENT ~HA EACH PROS?ESTYE BU'~ER OF SUBDI¥.SON LeTS Cq ~',iTbN SPEEiAL FLOOD HAZAqD ~EAS OF TH,S SITE CONFORM TO THE PROViSCbS OF THE C~TY 0~ CCPPELL MAN~GEMENT ORDiNaNCE. 3 i t~ ,, The purpose o+ this replot is to revise the +ence setbeck olong De+o~est Rood ~er this lot Chit THIS PLAT FILED IN VOL. , PO, WINDSOR LOT REPLAT ESTATES 1R, BLOCK B 0,5070 ACRE TRACT ~.,r THE W~A. TRIMBLE SURVEY, ABSTRACT N T-'E CITY OF NO, 1791 COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS r C: ~ MARVIN WA'FKINS 612 St, JGmes Piece, Coppeli, Texos (972) 242-6355 T5019 F'~LFF AqcAC~LT:q, NC.-EN'3iNEERS & SC'ENT:S'S-Fq:SCC,, (2'4)-6!8-4570 SC-'LE:!'=20' A,O 22~41 AU'3L:S~