Let requesting L1, BA replat3-8B ZU~4 3:38PI1 F~QH STREET HOHES 972 219 B477 P 2
March 5, 2004
The City of Coppell
Planning and Zoning
255 Parkway
Coppell. Texas 750~9
RE: Lot 1~ Block A. Windsor Estates
As discussed, I am formally requesting that the City of Coppell give consent and permission to individually
re-plat Lot 1, Block A, Windsor E~ates (as previously granted for Holme~ Builders on Lot 4, Block B,
Windsor Estates), based on the approved re-plat dated Tuesday, January 13, 2004, This re-plat has been
through the process without objection and was approved by the City Council.
This individual re-pi ~t is requested on the fact that the slre~ was not built according to the plat and thus the
property size and titi ~ description is inaccurate and needs to be corrected as soon as possible_
Please eonta~ me with your response as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this matter.
1660 S Stemmons Fwy, Suite Z95 Lewisville, Texas 75067 972-393-2078