Replat filed w/County 3/10/05 ~ Second Revised 13 ~BRAEWOOD WEST Vol. 80153, Pg. 53 ~ M.R.D.C.T BLOCK A 12, LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE ~,4NDY Z~KE RD. ~_VANBEBB£R BETHEL SCHOc BELT L/NE RD. ~L RD. L9 LIO t u:S' 20' Bu//d/ng L/ne 10' LANDSCAPE 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 10 9 Lo. 0' LOT1R, BLOCK A ~-r.-..~ WHITE GLOVE EXPRESS ADDITION VOL. 2001192, PG. 7362 439.55 20' BUILDING SETBACK TEXASBANK VOL. 2003122, PG. 7128 D.R.D.C.T. BEARING w DISTANCE 500'04'59" 188.8~4~ N89'58'50" E 11_9_: SO0'O0'OO" E 24.00, N90'O0'C:O",'~' SO0'05'05"W s85'2~'co' '¢t ~o.5~ N 1U5~'06"',,~. 66.63 N00'05'05" E~ 15.32 / 10' ELEC EMST 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER ----- [ L24 BEN~ING DISTANCE r,.,00'05'05" E 22.87 NBg'54'55"W I 5.00 h¢0'05'05" E 34.69 S89'54'55' E, !5.5.0 u5 Et zu6.oz. NCC,'05'~" ~O ~'~ >.489'54'55" ,'~1 ~ 5.50 --H00'05'05" P:! .54.03 ~89'58'C'8" ~j 15.50 .... ~" vi 58.04 r';OC, u5 O~ m 5 UNE[ C3 C5 C~ C9 DELTA 270'!2'55" 54.00 30.00: 89'59'59" 30.00 90'22'10" 54 O0 --54~0° 10 ARC T CHORD BEARING1 CHORD 47.12 47.32 Na5'05'04" E: S45'06'40"E 545'02'32"W 1!.09 7622i 4- 2.4 ?] 42x .~o.0o 89'54'55" z4,c,o 1~'4~'~o" 30.00 92'04'29" 48,21 548'29'45" E! 54.0o 9o'oo'oo" ~.~2, 9o'c0'c,o"4~.~2 50.00 92'04'29" 86,78 N48'29'45" ,/¢ 77. 74 17'14'08" 3.01 42.40 N09'59'02" W 5.OOj I 5' WALL ESAWT. TEXASBANK VOL. 2005122, PG.7128 D.R.D.C.T. LOT 1R 2.564 AC. 112309 SO.FT. TEXASBANK ADDITION ZONED C 60.0' Recommended ~'r Approval: Chairman Planning and Zoning Commlslon Clf't' of Coppell, T~xas Date Floodplain Development Permit Application No. _~_Jti~._ hoe been tiled with the City of Coppell Floodploln Administrator on , 2005. Floodplain Administrator Dote LOT 50 GADDY EDWARDS VOL. 85162, PG. 5703 ZONED C LOT 1, BLOCK A KENNETH D EASON SHIRLEY A EASON VOL. 93171, PO. 7464 ZONED C The undersgned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppe/t, Texas, hereby certif[es that the forgoing Plat of TexasBank Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell 'wes submitted to the City Council on then D.R.D.C.T. ZONED C CONCRETE CU RB--~ ,\ ~o' ~'u,'/d~ L,,~_ .............................. BUFFER 2.789ACRES ~ _u I m l ~ t ~ the day o and the Council, by formal action, and there accepted ~(he dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, 1 21487SQ FT I NOTE: PR/OR TODEVELOPMENT public pgoces, and water and sewer Iines, os shown and set forth in ond , o I OF LOTIR, LOT IR SHALL upon sad plot, and s~id Counc~l~further outho6zed the Mayor to Rote the ". , acceptance thereof by signing hi,_name as herein above described. ,, g .. ?-.,. ,, ,, % ........................ . '~/ i t, ~ ..... ~~ ; 2 / ~, I t/ ~ t city s~eta~,/_/ x ~ ~ '~ : ! _-~ ........................ %Z%~%~--  APPROVED AND ~CEPTED BY: ""' ~ i , ' · --'~ '~ ~ ~ i > ...... '/~ ?" ' h- ,;o ,1.. I~ ._- %., ~ , ~ , LiS ....... .........................,~ t I k5 ~ .~, -'-' 1J,/ / ~5',25' UnL~ EASEMENT ..... ' ~ ~ / / / " v '* .%- .... ~j/ ' ~ ABANDONED BY THIS P~T z¢ UTILITY ESMT ~ _ ~ , ,*'I, ~,~'tt ---- ir ' ,, r k20 %t ....... ¢ L;C~ Ic~-'v *-- ~ . ..... ABANDONED BY THiS P~T 24. . oou~, ry. uv~ .... ~ ....... ~ ........................ - ... .... PROPOSED TURN ~NE &~ ~ ~U~ ~ ~U ~%~ % ~ TM u~ ~ ~.~rA~ cur ~_ ~ L=259.39 42' BUI LDIN O ---~. ,., SETBACK ~ 24 A¢c,~$$ ~ X/r'~ ~o ~ "( VOL. 88099~ PG. 0629 UTILITY ESMT ' -. ~ p~ L20 .........~ ~~ t ~ -,,,,,'~ ~ ....... .... ~ ~--'~ .... w: ......... .... ~f _ . r~ ......................... , ~- ~-~ .-, --7----~Z: .... ........... ~ ~ ': , _._~ ................... ~':~ -~~ ....]'% .... ~-~~ ~~ ............ ~ = - ........ : '05"E 525.40 DRAINAGE ESMT. .' ~ , ", 'X' CUT FOUND ~ NO0 05 Eos~m~./ 15' S,'d~o/k ~ ~ ~ S/d~o/k · VOL. 88099, PG. 0629 O'¢;NER'S CERTIFICATE WYNNPAGE ESTATES LTD. ZONED C STATE C'F TEXAS COuN f OF DA_~S WHER&~,S TE'XASB~NK, is the o~ner of a parcel or tract of [and situated ~n the EDWARD CROW ~BSTRACT NO. 301, in the City of Coppe~t, Dallas, County, Texas, being recorded by deed recorded in Vol. 2005155, Pg. 7128, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and being part of that tract of land conveyed to Lucy F. 9e~knap, Lucy Rose Ma7f;eld, and Jo Oetahyo by Deed recorded Volume 81244 , Page 2410 , Deed Records, DaJ[as County Texas', and being more particularly described as ~EG~NN!NO Gt "X" cut [n concrete in the east right-of-way of South Denton Top Ro~d, a 100 foot wide right-of-w~/, and being the northwest corner of this tract and being the southwest corner o, WHITE GLOVE EXPRESS, an ~ddJtton to the City of Coppell, according to the p:at thereof recorded ;n Volume 2001192, Page 7362, ~,~ap Records, Oollos County, Texas', THENCE South 89'54'03' East o distance of 278.44 feet to a 1/2 inch rod ~ith a yellow cop marked (MCCUL~H SURV~ING) set for corner, being the southeast corner of said WHSE GLOVE EXPRESS, and being in the west line of the Second Revised BRAE'WOOD ',fi'EST, an Addition to the City of Coppe[I according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 80153, Page 53, k~ap Records, Dallas County, Texas; 3" THENCE South 00'39'1 West a distance of 846.09 feet to a 1/2 inch rod ~ith a yello~ cap marked (MCCUL~H SURV~ING) set for corner, being the ~est I~ne of said 8R~EWOOD WEST, and the north right-of-way line of Vanbebber Road, a variable with Hght-of-way; THENCE South 85'26'2% West a distance of 226.06 feet to a 1/2 inch rod .ith a yellow c~p marked (D~A) found for corner, being the easterly corner clip at the r~ght-of-~ay intersectTon of said Vonbebber Road and sold Denton TaD Road', THENCE North 48'52'03" West a C~stance of 48.68 feet to a 1/2 inch rod ~ith a ' ¢',¢ow cap marked (DM) found for corner, being the westerly corner of said corner clip', THENCE North 02'31'58" West a distance of 49.60 feet to a 1~2 ~ncn rca ~.ith a yellow cop marked (DM) found for corner', at the beginning of a cu¢¢e to the right ~hose chord bears North 01'15'28"West, 259.37; ~HENCE [na NortherJy direction along said cu~e to the right having a central JOSEPH COLLUM THWEAT VOL. 89, PG. 2382 D.R.D.C.T. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ZONED C THAT, TEXASBANK, acting b}, and through the undersigned, its duly authorized agent, does oak A, hereby adopt this plot des gnatn9 the herein obove described property as Lot 1R ond 2R, BI of the Replot of Texasbonk Addibon, an addition to the cry ofCoppell, Dollos County, Texas, ond does hereby dedicate to the public use forever the streets ond ol!eys shown thereon, ond does hereby dedicate the e~sement strips shown on this plot for the mutual use ond occommodotion of all public utilities desiring to use or using same. No bui(dings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements ~nGll Lc constructed or placed upon, over or across the easement strips on said plat. Any public utility ~ . '~, ~inht to remove ond keep removed all or part of any buitdinqs, fences, trees, shrubs or other improv~nents or growths which in ony way endanger or interfere with the construction, mointenonce, or efficiency of its respective, system on any of these easement strips, and any punic utility shall ot all times have the right of ~ngress and egress to and from and upon any of soid easement strips for the purpose of constructing, reconstruction, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, and adding to or removing ail or pert of its respective system ,without the necessity ot any time of procuring the permission of anyone. WITNESS M~Y HAND AT C~PPELL, TEXAS this ,/7 ~ doy of /--~r~. ;z-/__ .... 2005 SUBSCRIBED AND SW N TO before me, o Noto~ Public in and for said County and State SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS I, the undersigned hereby certify that thls survey wos made on the ground of fhe real properly shown hereon by me under my eupervlslon In accordance with the Texas Soclefy of Professlanal Surveyors Manual of Practice for a Category lA, Conditlan II Urban Survey, and offer the exerclse of professfonal dlllgence and reosonoble care, thls survey Is correcf fo the best of my knowledge ond belfef; thor there ore no vlslble discrepancies, conflicts, shortages tn oreo, or boundary conflicts or vlslble intrusions, protrusions or overlopping of lmprovemenfs, excepf os shown hereon; ond thor fhe properly has access to ond from a dedlcafed roadway, excepf as shown hereon. DAVID F. McCULLAH Registered Professional Land Surveyor #4023 WANI - ~cCULLAH, 1720 REGAL ROW, SUITE 240 DALLAS, TEXAS 75235 214.774.1101 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the underslgned, a notory public for the said Counfy and State on thls doy personolly oppeored Dovld F. McCullah, known to me to be the per~on 'whose nome ls subscribed to the foregoing lnstrumenf and acknowledged {o me that he executed ihe same In the capacify ihereln sfoted. R=5679.70 A= 2°37'00'' Lc=259.37 SEAL OF OFFIC%j, hi, /__~9_ day of ~~, 2.005. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND .// /0 -" ;Z! 5/ k-'..~' ~-'-~~ ~. -',r Ii' '"'" ~' ::' ..... '" "'"/Z ' 3- o 7 k4¥ commlslon expl COMCAST 2~ DATE OF APPROVAL DATE OF APPROVAL REPLAT LOT 1R, BLOCK A LOT2R, BLOCKA OF TEXASBANK ADDmON 5,353 ACB S OUT Of THE EDWARD CROW SURVEY, A CT No, 301 CITY OF DALLAS COUN1Y, TEXAS on this '" ' day of ___~_ ..... · >x-:- ...... SCALE: 1" - 40' DATE: FEBRUARY. 2005 , :'. .OWNER/DEVELOPER ~JRVEYOR Nato%' Public in and for the State of Texas Notary's Printed Name WANI - McCULLAH ENGIN[[RS& SURVE'I'OI~ 1720 R[GAL ROW, SUITE 240 DALLAS. TEXAS 75235 PHONE: 214-774.-1101 FAX: 214-774.-1105 angle of 2'37'00", a radius of 5679.70feet, and an orc length of 259.39 feet to My Commision Expires: found for corner;PLAT RECORDED 1i'4 PLAT RECORD OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS rcu~um~,cc"n"^nv,--uw~ SHEET l OF 1 JOBi~O~4 rna rked (DAA) 1/2 inch iron rod <3 cap Z