Temporary banner request12/09/2004 16:45 9723043514 CCPPELL FIRE DEPT PAGE PROPERTIES, IN(;. ;~cptcmber 13, 2004 Gary L: Slab, AICP DirectOr of Plannlng City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 VIA FAX (9'72) 304-7092 TEMPORARY BANNER FOR EXPRESS FITNESS COPPELL VILLAOE,, LTD. - TOWNOAKS CENTRE Dea~ Gary, As you are aware, the interior m~d elevation coastruotion will commence sltortly on the Express Fitness project:which we believe will help mrn the tide on vacancy in TownOaks Centre. Tho owner acknowledges lhat th,~ banner on the fag:adc of the former Minyard's building is temporary s.nd will he removed no later than January 15, 2005. ~ e owner will also coordinate with Express Fitness to get City of Coppell approval of a permenant ;:hah'hal mouateci illuminated sign to bc installed on thc newly constructed elevation at their entry. ,gut y, rou~ will continue to pursue quality tenants to add to the community and appmoiate ~e City of CoppcWa flexibility and assistance on this matter. ~¢mor Vice President cc: Gveg Sones- Chief Building Official, City of Coppell via fax (972) 304-3514 t2/09/2004 16:45 9723043514 COPPELL FIRE DEPT PAGE 03 From: Gary Sieb l'e: Greg Jones Date: 9/17/2004 10:28:06 AM ~ul~j~ Temporary Sign--Express Fitness Greg: By now I know you have received the September 13 letter from Alan Hinckley regarding the above referenced subject. Pleeee honor this request aa the Manager's office end I agreed to allow a blanner sign to be TEMPORARILY placed on the front of Express Fitness lease space in Tow~Oaks Centre. As Mr, Hinckley's letter states, IlS agrees that the temporary sign wlll be removed 11o later than January 15, 2005, to be replaced with an attached sign meeting the dimensional and oti~er requirements of our sign ordinance. I understand the sign now in place meets the size requirements of our ordinance, but Is technically in violation because of the sign material. Although the sign is net in conformance with Code, the distance from the slgnage to Denton Tap Road Is In excess of 250 feet and should have minimal impact on the street scape. From the Manager's and my perspective, this iS a one time only signage issue~ and has been atlowed here tn an effort to assist this long suffering center to gain new life. Jim Witt