Zoning Exhibit/Site PlanFIELD NOTES LOCATION MAP SITE ~ELTUNE ! L,D. j. FR 54 S.W. z GOLF ENTERPRSES VOL. 87174 PG. 5449 SF-12 SUP W, PERRY SURVEY .__, SINGLETON THOMPSON SURVEY H.R.W.S. ¢ T tNVESTM~N S CALLED 4.55 ACRES VOL. 83139 PO. 3247 SCALE: 1"=!00' !566 741 CONNIE J, THOMPSON ' 3.794 ACRES ~x,s~, VOL. 792~5 PG. 1550 ~ ~ ~ t LATTIMORE READY MIX ~ . ~ -. ' 3.00 ACRES ..cb VOl, 85060 - .......... ~ ~ 40 LOXE STA~ GAS ~*~'~ -- ~ ~ . ,000 R.J. DAUM REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 4129 w. EF ERSON COCKRELL HILL, TEXAS 75211 (214) 330-9823 ST. LOUIS-I- $OUTHWE__S E__RN R NOTE' FLOODPLAIN EI.EVA~ONS ARE BASE ELEVATIONS FROM THE CURREN'r F.I,S, HYDRAULIC MODEL. NOTE: (A) EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE M, ETAL BUILDINGS. (B) WATER AND SANITARY S~ER PLANS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED. FROM NATHAN D, MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC, TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 3-16-89 NDM dOB NO. 89-03-037 J.T. DUNKIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. LANOSCAPE ARCHITECTS 9876 PLANQ. ROAD DALLAS, TEXAS 75232 (214) 553-5778 BEING a tract of land situated in the : Wilt Survey, Abstract No. !566 and the d. M. Kennedy Suwey, Abstract No. 74! in Dallas County, Texas, and being the same land described :n a deed from W. L. Lancaster and wife, Nannie Lancaster, t.,$ J. A. Vandergriff as recorded in VD!urea 755, Page 39 of the Deed Records of Dal!as County, Texas, said tract also being the same tract described in a deed from Zi~,ia Vay Penny to J. A. Vandergriff as .-ecorded in Volume 2278, Page 340 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more o~.iculor'.y described as follows: N 1566, BEG1NN'N~ a't c 1/2 .... o. ^ iron rod set ct :,,,e Southwest corner of the P. Wi~t Survey, Abstract the Northwest corner of the J.M. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 741, the Northeast corner of the S. Thompson Survey, AbstCact No. 1493, and the Southeast corner of the W. Per~/ Survey, Abstract No. 1152; THENCE North, with the West tine of the P. Witt Survey, and the Ecst line of the W. Perry Survey, a distance o¢ 559.92 Ceet to o I/2" iro~, rod set for corner; THENCE ~'ong the to~ of bank of the Elm Fork o~ the ~'rinity RTver, the following courses and al!stances: South 42'26'00" East, a distance; of !87.'0 feet to a I/2" iron rod set for corner; South 27'50'00" ~' * .~ of .CO feet ~/2" ~as., a distorts 258 to a iron rod set for corner;, South 33'42'00" East, passing at 232.80 feet the South line of P. Wit* Survey, Tn a', a distance of 3'6.80 feet to a '/'2" iron rod set for corner; . /2" South 42'50'00 East, a distance o¢ 686.0'0 feet to o ! iron rod set for corner in the North right-of-way tine of the St. Louis and Southwestern Ra!iroad; THENCE South 30'00'00" West, with the North right-of-way line of said railroad, a al!stance of 167.10 Ceet to a !,/2" iron rod set ~cr corner; ¢,'~n'nO, ¢,/est, contTn.;i~g edith the North r?ght-of-way line of said railroad, a THENCE North 8,~,~,, ,,~ /2" a described in a deed ' 4 , East line o~ +'ac+ distance of 002.4 feet to a 1 Tron rod set for corner in the ,. - to Lattimore Ready-!Clx in Volume 83366, Page 2235 of the Deed Records of Ocltas County, Texas. THENCE North, with the East line of said Lattimore Ready-Mix tract, a distance of 435.6 feet to a 1/2" iron rod set for corner; THENCE North 85'50'O0"/2,!West, with the North !ina of said Lattimore Ready-Vix tract, a distance of 301.56 feet to a 1, iron rod set for corner in the West line of said J. ,V. Kennedy Survey, and the East line of said S. Thompson Survey; THENCE North, with said common surwe? line, a distance of 226.40 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 10.059 acres of !and. SIZE 0: TRACT: 10.059 ACRES ZONING EXH1B1T / SITE PLAN THOMPSON EAST ADDITION KENNEDY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 741 W/TT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1566 COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS [)A7 E: FEBRUARY DEVELOPE.R/OWNER: JOHNtiY J.E. THOMPSON AOR!Aq F. MOORE STEVE K/VBREL 1708 E. o~u~-~x~ ROAD COpP-~LI_, ~-EXAS 75019 TEL.: (214} 395-0407 PROJECT NO.' SHEET,