MP filed w/CountyI I I Il Illl Il[ I I Ill I I Il I'l I I I Il Il I I I I IIllllnl~llllll rll Illlllll~ IllllllrlI Ilql Ill I Ill I I I I Ilqll I I II'l Il Ill Il I Il Il II Illll III I IlIl I I I I IlI Illlll I OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUN'I-Y OF DALLAS WHERE. AS COPPELL TRADE CENTER, L.P. Ts the sole owner of a 40.655 acre tract of [and situated in the .John E. Holand Su~'ey, Abstract No. 614, Dallas County, Texas, and being all of that tract cf !and deeded to CDPPELL TRADE CENTER, L.P. as recorded in Vol. 2004147, Pg. 7592, Deed Records of Da,las County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.), and be;nD more part'culcrly described as folows, BEGiNNiNG at a 5/8-1ran rod found for a corner being the southwest corner of said 40.655 acre tract and the southeast carrier of (3 51.57 acre tract of land deeded to Ferguson Realty Company as recorded in Vol. 790'85, Pg. 2171 of Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C.'F.), sa~'d point also being in the north ilne of Sandy Lake Road (a voriab:e width right-of-nay); TH=NC= North 00'37'00" West, alcr, g the common property line of said 40.655 acre tract oral said 51.57 acre tract, a distance of 1587.40 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for a corner, said corner being the northeast corner of said 31.57 acre tract and the northwest corner of said 40.655 care tract; THENCE South 89'53'16" East, clang the common iine of said 40.655 acre tract and a tract of land deeded to ~ !;am F. Colloid as recorded in Vol. 80004, Pg. 1855 of Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.RD._.T./;, a distance of 1275.09 feet to a 5/8-'rich iron rod found far a corner; THENCE South 00'37'18" East, o[onq the east line of sold 40.655 acre tract and a nest line of said CollOiD tract, a distorice of 1390.39' feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for a corner, said corner be;nD the southeast corner of said 40.655 acre tract and the southeast corner of sold Colloid tract, said point also being Tn the north line of said Sandy Lake Rood; THENCE North 89'45'12" West, along the common ilne of said 40.655 acre tract and the north line of said Sandy Lake Road, a distance of 1275.25 feet to the PO,NT OF BEGINNING and containing 1,770,908 sq. ft. or 40.655 acres of land more or less. OWNER'S CERTIF;CATE STATE OF TEXAS § OOUNTY C,F DALLAS NOW THEREFORE, KNO,¥ ALL VEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Coppell Trade Center, L.P., acting herein by and through its duly authorized officers, does hereby adopt this j~lat designatirg the herein above described prcpert{_ as COPPELL TRADE CENTER , on to the C:ty of Ccp~el, Do?~s County, Texas, and do here~y dedicate, [n fee s;mple to the public use fore,er, the streets and ~:le~s smo~n thereon. The streets and alleys ore dedicated for street purposes. The e~sements and public use areas, os shown, ore dedicated for the pub![c use forever for the purposes :nd[coted on th[s plat. No buhd;mgs, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements os sho~n except pavements, parking rots, Grid that l~ndscope improvements may be Droned in landscape easements, if approved by the City of Coppell. In addition, utility easements may also be used for the mutual use and accc. m~odat;on of al publ;c utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits the use to pa~iculor utilities, said use by publio utilities being subordinate to the public's and City of Coppell's use thereof. The City of Coppe:l and public utility entitles shall here the right to remo~e and keep removed mil or po~s of any build;nas fences trees, corstructon, ma ntenonce, or efficiency of their respecti,e s~stems in SQtd easements. The City of Cap,el and pubh¢ utility entitles ~h~;I at ~11 times h,a'~e the full right of [harass and egress to cr from their respecti,e easements for the purpose of constructm, g, reconstructing, inspecting, pctrci:;ng, mointcining, recCing meters, and add[nD to or removing ~11 or pa~s of their respecti',e systems ,thout the necessity et any time of procuring permission from an/one. That the undersigned do hereby co.,enont end agree that they shall construct upon the fire ~ene easements, os dad;coted ~nd sho~n hereon, a herd and that t~ey shc!J me;nta;n the same in a state of good repair et all times end keep the same free end c~ecr of any structures, fences, trees, shrubs, cr other ;mpro.,ements or obstruction ;ncludng, but not fire;ted to, the park;nD of motor ',ehic~es, trci~ers, boats or other impediments to the access of fire apparatus. The molntenance of pa~ing cn the fire lane easements is the responsibility of the Darter, and the o~r, er shall post and maintain appropriate signs ,n conspmuous places clor, g such f;re lanes stating "Fire Lone, No Pork[ng". The police or his duly authorized representative is hereby authorized to cause such fire lands and util'ty easements to be maintained free end unobstructed at c:l times for fire depa~ment and emergency use. The unders[gned do covenant and agree that public access easements may be utilized by any person or the general public for ingress end egress to other real prope~y, and for the purpose of general public vehicular and pedestrian use end ~ccess and for fire depo~ment and emergency use in, along, upon and across said premises ~ith the right and pri,ilege at oil t;mes of the City of Coppell, its agents emp[o)ees, ~orkmen crd representati,es ha,ina ingress, egress and regress in, o~ong, upon end across said premises. This plat approved subject to oll p!atting ordinances, rules, regular:ohs and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. ~ITNESS OUR HAhDS, this the '' day of _ ~/' :-( COPPELL TR~BE CENTER, L.P., e Delaware [[m, lted pe~nersh, ip By: COPPE~L TRADE CENTER OP, LLC, o Delaware limited [iabi:ity company, its generc~ po~ner By: COPPELL TRADE CENTER REIT, LLC, a Dele.,are limited liabi:ity company, its sate member By: PRNCIPAL EhHANCED PROPER~ FUND, L.P., a Delaware limited pa~nership, its monaD;nD member By: PRINCIPAL ENHANCED PROPER~ FUND aP, LLC, a Deja,cra limited liability company, its general pa~ner B/: PRNCPAL R~L ESTATE INVESTORS, LLC, o Delaware Emited liab;lit~ camper/, its sole member 2005. SUBSCRIBED AND SzaC, RN TO before me, a '.~' ( , 2005. ,~,ctary,Public in and for said County and State on tbs / ~? da/ of ~ '~ ,, ~IEJ. MI~R  Num~ ~ Nctor/ Pubic in and for the State of Texae_7;'c.,'a ~~~ F~ 4, ~8 My Ccmm, issic, n Expires: r';ot.ory's Printed Name: / /× / / / / / / / / /--20' UTILITY ESMt. ',NILLIAM F. C,~LE,O, TRUSTEE "E (VOL. 80C04, PG, ~835) S8 -- · S 89'53'16 ....... . ................ , , l,% 5._' ~ I ~¢8 70~ / ~ ~0,70'~ ~'g~ NS~'2YOO'E ~Oa.O¢~ ~ / /~ N8~'~ le W ¢e¢.00 730.15 z0o-/ / I -- -- ' ' '~.~ ~ (B/~ m~9 / / 2,oo'~ ~ ~2,c,o' I~ ~00 50 0 ~00 FI~E~NE CU~ ~TA / CURVE DELTA [ RADIUS TANGENT ARC CHORD BEARING CHORD C1 go'o0'o0' I 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S44'23'00"W 42.43' C2 go'o0'o0'~ 54.00' 54.00' 84.82' N44'23'OO'E 76.57' C3 go'o0'o0" 50.00' 50.00' 47.12' S45'57'00'E 42.43' C4 go'o0'o0" 50.00' 30.00' 47.12' N44'23'OO'E 42.43' C5 go'o0'o0" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N45'37'OO"W 42.45' C6 90'00'00" 54.00' 54.00' 84.82' N45'37'OO'W 76.37' C7 go'o0'o0" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N44'23'OO'E 42.43' C8 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S45'37'00'E' 42.43' C9 90'00'00" 30.00' ! 30.00' 47.12' N45'37'OO"W 42.43' C10 go'o0'o0" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N44'23'OO"E 4243' Cll 90'00'00' 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N44'25'OO"E 42.43' C12 go'o0'o0" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S45'37'00'E 42.43' C13 90'00'00' 30.00' 50.00' 47.12' S44'23'00'W 42.43' C14 45'37'00" 30.00' 12.62' 23.88' N67'48'30"W 2,3.26' C15 134'23'00" 30.00' 71.34' 70.36' N22'll'30"E 55.31' C16 44'23'00" 50.00' 12.24' 23.24' N22'48'30'W 22.66' C17 135'57'00' 40.00' 98.06' 94.68' S67'11'30"W 74.07' C18 46'46'47" 54.00' 23.36' 44.09' S22'46'24'W 42.87' Clg 46'46'48" 30.00' 12.98' 24.49' N22'46'24"E 25.82' C20 43'13'15" 54.00' 21.39' 40.73' N67"46'24"E 39.78' C21 45'13'13" 30.00' 11.88' 22.63' N67'46'24"E 22.10' C22 go'o0'o0" 54.00' 54.00' 84.82' N 45'57'00"W 76.37' C23 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N45'57'OO'W 42.43' C24 90'51 '48' 30.00' 50.46' 47.58' S44'48'54"W 42.74' C25 89'08'12' 30.00' 29.55' 46.67' N45'11'O6"W 42.11' C26 90'00'00' 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N45'14'48"E 42.43' C27 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S44"45'12"E 42.43' C28 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N45'14'48"E 42.43' C29 90'00'00' 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N 44'45'12"~, 42.43' C30 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N45'14'48"E 42.43' C31 89'08'12' 30.00' 29.55' 46.67' S45'11'06'E 42.11' C32 90'51'48" 30.00' 30.46' 47.58' S45'11'06'E 42.74' C33 18'27'54" 100.00' 16.25' 52.25' Nog'28'45"E 52.09' c34 NOT USED C55 23'50'25" IOQ.QO' 21.11' 41.61' N10'52'11"E 41.31' C36 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N44'23'OO"E 42.43' C37 gO'O0'O0" 50.00' 30.00' ¢7.12' S45'37'00'E 42.45' C58 go'o0'o0" 30.00' 30,00' 47.12' N45'37'OO'W 42.45' C59 41'00'30" 50.00' 18.70' 55.79' S19'53'15"W 35.03' C40 41'00'30" 54.00' 20.19' 38.65' N19'53'15"E 37.83' C41 24'43'26" 30.00' 6.58' 12.95' N11'44'43"E 12.85' C42 41'00'30" 30.00' 11.22' 2t.47' Slg'53'15'W 21.02' C43 52'09'23" 30.00' 14.68' 27.31 N63'18'18"E 26.38' z o SCALE 1"=100' FEET / / lz _S 8~' 2,~ 0_9_' ~j_ 2,_E.O. 04 '_ / / ~ ---- / / I o .~ / I '°b'__c,~"~ ~59.84' -~ ~ 24' FIRELANE'ACCESS~ ~*d ,,~:~~~ ~0~X~ . ESOT. ~O?/ 4¢ 20' U~LITY ESMT ~. "~ LOCATION MAP MAPSCO PAGE 1-U H.T.S. FERGb, SC,N REALTY CO. (~C'L. 79085, PG 2171) ~D.R D.C.T.) tg / / ~S89'23'00"W 165.00' ~ 20'x20' ELEC~IC ESMT.~ <o~ (By ~is Plot) ~ / / ~20'x20' ELEC~IC ESMT. 20.00' m ~ ~ ' N89'23'OO"E I 10.00' ' o o /~'/ 0 ,'.ci. 79074, Fa. 2C6 '~ / M~ nF,~ AB~N2'CNED BY R,:T'/ / / ', ~10' ELEC~ C ESMT. , I , ~24 FtRELANE,ACCESS / x~ I , ,~ _~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,o i I/N (By ~is Plat) ,x K'" I , I1~ I I~ / /&~ ~ ~ '~/ / ' ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ 24 RRELANE'ACCESS~ I ~ ~ Q ', 2c, o~ I ' A~ / ~ ESMT. ~ ~ , ¢ - ~ ~ ' . ~ 0 50'--- I , t .~/ / A (By ~is Plat), t ; I / '- ' I ~ I ~ ~' I~. o 20.00' >.=oi: =0o..,..0o, 2 246 ¢ ,, /. ,, ' o, / ~4~ ~ I~ I i (By ~is Plat) ~ ~=~/~%~ J, ',~ I ~ (Maintenance of Esmt. ~=~;~P = .~/ k~ ~ , by owner) ~ ~ I / ~ ~ I . I · , , 0~0 O/ ~ II ' ' 1 s 9' 3oo' ., ~ ,_,~, ~ .... ' ~__ S~----~---- ~- ~--. ~ O/ I 10' ELEC~[C ESMT. ~20' U~LITY ESMT. Ltl t CHANNEL CURVE )ATA ~ CURVE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT ARC CHORD BEARING CHORD D.E.1 ¢3'13'13" 100.00' 39.61' 75.¢3' N67'46'24"E 73.66' D.E.2 46'46'47" 54.50' 23.57' 44.50' N22'46'24"E 43.27' D.E.3 46'46'47" 136.50' 59.04' 111.45' S22'46'24'W 108.38' o 0 C39-~ ~-.~. FIRELANE UNE DATA NO0'C '~*,-~ 41.54' Wtl ~-3 UNE EEARiNG DISTANCE L1 NOO'37'OO'W 23.50' L2 S00'37'00"E 23.50' L3 NOO'37'OO"W 23.50' L4 S45'00'00"E 32.88' L5 N45'OO'OO"W 35.53' L6 S00'37'00"E 19.95' L7 S00'14'48"W 19.50' L8 S00'14'48"W 19.50'! L9 NOO'14'48"E 19.50' UNE BEARING DISTANCE WL1 N 22'31 'O0'E 21.81' WL2 S00'00'05'E 118.10' '¢¢1_3 S44'59'55'W 58.19' VeL4 N45'16'38'W 20.00' WL5 N44'sg'55"E 50.00' WL6 NOO'OO'OS'W 113.80' ¢¢__7 N21'12'36"E 21.93' WL8 S89'59'00'E 25.66' WL9 NOO'OO'OO'E 47.20' WLIO Ngo'oo'oo'E 45.53' STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY CF DALLAS _, 2005. THAT I, Der;r, is D. Vote, Rea;stared Professlon. a, Land Su~eyor, do hereby certify that the __4~ /'~,,~" sho~n hereon accurately represents the prope~y as determined by an on the ground ~ made under my d[rect[cn and supec,[sion on No,ember 3, 2C04 and that the ~ocet[on Floodplain ~d-m:nistratoJ ' ~"~'~,i..- _~i,~, ~,¢lat ~ Date ~/.~ ~ O'~"~ foregoing p:at of COPPELL TRADE CENTER, An cdd]Uon tO the City of Carroll. was I' ......... ~I ........ :'"% submitted to the City Council on the day of December 14, 2004, and the Council, by formal ''~:':: ~ "~ ''~O--CMM/~"U~T~''q("~ ~' ~~AR~te~ed~~--A~r~S~r ~r'~ 13 oct[on, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, ,4,,', Suave/,; (9~2} 96,-08~8 ,I L h;s nome ,s hereincbo,e subS~ed. I BEFORE ME the unders~qned a notar~ pub(~c ~n ond for the sold countx and state on th~s daX C~t~ ppell, Texos I personol> ~ppeored Den~s D. Vote. kno,n to me to be the perscn ,hose name ~s subscribed I ~o the foregc.~ng ~nstrument ond ackno,~edged to aethct he executed the same for the purpose {n cops~derot~cn there~n expressed, ond the cepcc~tx th, ere~n s~c~ed. OWEN UNDER MY HAhD AND S~L C'F OFF[CE on this the A~1' day of ~'?¢~> , 2005. FLOC'D P~[N NOTE: By grophical~otting, the Prope~y ~s ~ocated la Zone 'X', as delineated Da the Dallas County, Texas and incorporated Areas Flood I~surance Rate Map Number 48115C01~5 J, dated August 23, 2001, os published by the Federal .07.¢1 ' ~, outs,de 500-year floodplain/ The %u~,e, or ut, fized ,he above referenced . ~ - flood plain ;nformation for th~s determ(naSon and the Su~%or does not ce~if~ U~ commission exp.[res: Notan~ Public in a~d for the that rev;sad flood p~o[n information has or has not been publlshed by the State cf Texas Federal emergency ~anogement AGaric~ or some other source. ]~:"' '"'?J% Nctary Pubi~c. ~tate 0f ~exas ......... ,, April07 2007 BEARINO SOURCE: THE WEST LINE WHICH BEARS NORTH 00'37'0'0" WEST OF I_ATOUR PARTNERS, L.P. TRACT AS RECORDED IrS VOL.95197, PG.359. I [ /---N89'45'12"~V 10.00' II//--NOO'37'OO"W lO.DO' L -Y- ........ 34__2.25' I' ....... ~<~'9~-5 T2 '~-~ ~' f-~ ~-20'x20' ELECTRLC ESMT. 34.75' C40 /~'~ (By This PIat) 20,00' ~9 (By ~is Plat) J (B~ ~;S Plot) 10' ELEC~[C E~MT. .............. II II I III ................ Illllilllll IIIIIII - I Ill II ' II IIII II I Ill IrllIII ........ - "~ ~ lb II k ~ll ~ . I1~ ~IL~ ~ ~ I~ ~2~' nRE~NE~ACCE$S ~ I-- /'.~ ,~ ESMT. ~11 I.~ y/ ~ (By ~is Plot) ~ I 7 //I 15.15' I //11_ // I P 246.57' i (By This Plat) FEROtJSON RE*LTY CO. 20' UTILITY ESMT. DETAIL WATER ESMT LINE DATA (',CL. 79C85,(D.RD.C.T.) P~' 2171) N.T.S. I, t~ EX. 2,3' UT L,TY ES'JT. VD. 79,37~, Pg. 2C6 ~ '] // F.~= LAN= ~':3,~ESS ~ASE,4ENT ' ~' ~ i~/ al 2n041~7 p~ ~-7 2~' RRELANE~ACCESS~ ]0' T.P.&L, ESMT. ~~-~ _t ...... N89'45'12 W 758.82 I~N89'4512 W --C% I ~20,00' I ' N89 45 12 W 1275.25 17.50' ~ 5/8 IRF ~ ~ T~XAS PC,~NER~ L~GHT CO. ~ ~ Prope~y L~me 'mmki*.~Vl~/ MON. & ',C'L. 87zzu, . 5977) Easement Line ................... ~ ~ui',d',P,g Setbccks zOT lA, BLK A _OT 2, ELK. A ~ Fire]one Eosemer, t CC~PELL ~,LL, LTD. PTRS. AMBERPC~NT AT CCRFELL, LLC. FIoodp]o[n Deve'.opment Perm;t App,[cot[on No. ~.~ hos been (',0=. 20031C0, PG. 11037) (',OL. 2C'01249, PG.157C'1) IRF Iron Rod Found f~[ed ~ith the C[t~ of Coppell F[oodp[o;n Ad~;n[strotor on NOTE: APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY: 2, Minimum finish floor for oil b~:l~[ngs ,iLl be 507.00 ONCOR ELECTRLC DELIVERY COMPANY ~ $~de~olks ~[11 be constructed at the expense of the ~'rope~y o'~ner when deemed necessoFy by the City Engineer. ~~)~ /~.-'L . ~/~": Recommended '%for A~rovci: ~/~/ d 4. Maintenance of the drainage easemer, t ~[J ~e pe~crmed~y O~ner. Oh~[rm~~n[ng ~ Zoning Commission Oote of Approval J EL(NOR (Print N~e) City of Coppell, Texas :~-;;7 (Print Name) City of Coppel/,~Texas OUT OF THE JOHN E. HOL ND SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 614 . ,U ' Date OF COPPELL, DALES COUNt, TEXAS aFchC toFezdSCALE: 1"=100' DATE: MARCH 2005 (Print N~me) OWNER SURV OR ENGINEER ,/,~,~. ,~' 5055 KELLER SPRINOS RD SUITE 300 4548 Tuscon~ Dr. CONTACT: DA'~ON .JACAT~E " , TEXAS 75093-7042 6440 N. CENTRAL EXPWY, - - TEXAS, ADDISON 75001 P~N~972)k (Signature) Dote ~f',./'Approvol (972)--280-8355 96~-0858 DAL~.S. TEXAS 75206 W choet F~x (972)-241-7955 FAX (972)964-5604 (214)-575-1180 (Print N~me) /