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Replat filed w/County-2005 pg2
OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE CF TEXAS COUNTY OF ....... NOW THEREFORE, KNO,',~/ ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT J. & M. STREET, INC., D/8/A STREET CUSTOM HOMES, THE HOLMES BUILDERS AT WINDSOR, LTD,, HENRY U. OOBOGU AND V~CTOR!A A. UOORd!, DAVID O. EMBANK AND GLORIA F. EWBANK, RACHEL N. ,¥EiDMAN, DiRK AND MARCY ALLISON, DANIEL L. AND L. MICHELLE HUDSON, GEORGE D. LESSNER, JR. AND SYBIL A. LESSNER, KELLY S. AND AMY E. JORDAN, DONALD C. AND SHARON CLO,~ERS, COPPELL OPTMUM ASSETS, L.L.C., MARV'.N E. ,¥ATKINS dR. AND BAMBIJILL WATK~NS, ROGER DALE AND RITA LYNNE CARLLE, MARK AND KELLY REVG, by ond through it's duly authorized agent do hereby adopt this plot, designating the herein obove described property as WINDSOR ESTATES ADDITION, on addition to the City of Ooppell, Denton County, Texos. And do hereby dedrcote, !n fee simp!e, TO the public use forever the streets shown thereon. The easements shown thereon ore hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. The utility and fire lane easements sba,lbo open to the public, fire ond po:ce units, garbage and rubbish col!eat!ch agencies, Gna oll publo and private uthfties for each particular use. The mc[ntenonce of paving on the uT!fty cna fire lane easements fs the responsibi!ity of the property o~ner. No bui[dTngs, fences, trees, shrubs or other [mprovements of growths shcli De constructed, reconstructed or p',aced upon, or over or ocross the eosements as showp. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutua!wse and cccommodotfon of CAI public utiilt!es using or desirfng to use same, Al!, and ony puollc uthity she:hove the rTGht to remove and Keep removed ali or parts of any bul',dlng, fences, Trees, shrugs or other Improvements or growths '~hrch ;n any .'ay may endorser or interfere ~ltn the construction, maintenance, cr efficiency of its respective system on the easements, and oll pub:fc ut;llties sholl at ciA times hove the right of ingress or egress to or from end upon the said eosements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, Inspecting, patrolITng, molntalnTng Gna adding to or removing oil or ports of [ts respective systems without the necessity at cry t~me of procuring the permission of anyone. (Any public utility shoilhave the right of ingress and egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance or service required or crdincrily performed by trot utility.) ,Voter mo[n end waste water easements shaiI c~so include addTt[onel area of working space for oonstructfon Grid maintenance of the systems. Additional eosement oreo is alSO conveyed for [nstoilation and mofntenonce of manho!es, cleonouts, fire hydrants, water services ond wostew'ater services from tne moth to the curd or povement :ire, and descrfptlon of such additional easements herein granted shcil be determined Dy the'r Iocat!on cs instailed. subje,.t p!att!ng ordinances, rules, regu:atlons and resolutions of This plat approved ' * to all the City of Ccppell, Texas. ,NIT,NESS, my ncnd ot Coppell, Texas, APPRO'vED AND ACCEPTED BY: T,X5' ~ ~LECTR,,'? ~,EL/~_RY C©'/PANY Nome ~ DATE OF APPROVAL "/ERIZON ' ,~cme ATE ~F APPROVAL Name DATE OF ~PPRO',AL SURVEYOR Halff Associates, [nc. 8616 N.W. Plaza Dr. Dallas, Tx. 75225 214-:346-6200 Lot "3 ~ock 4~o'.~er -Henry U. OgbcGu and ',¢ictc, io , dgcrj, 2:rE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY C F ~])J~ _ _~ E~RE ~.E, the undersigned outhorlty, on thls dOy per¥cr, cly appeared ~~ ,known to me to Ge ?ne perscn ~hcse nor,~ Is sebcrlbed ?o the above cnd foregoing ?ho? he executed the some ~or T~e purposes end cc, ns[duration expressed cr',d the ccpacity therein stored. Notary Public, ;p, cc, o ~:cr rne~c ~_~, Te~o5 My CommTssion Exprres: ~i :/- ;.,y !5. 2007 ,. LOt ~t, "6, and ~15 Block A, LOT ~2 Block B o,vne: - J.&M. S?¢eex, inc., :A=E 0/8/~ 5treat Oustcm Hames STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF ....... BEFORE_~ ME, line~--___unders~gned authority, on this day persona:,? · ~///W ~' .~fff~ , kno.n to me to Ce The pe:5C:~ or-,oPe c, cm, e iS subcr~bed ?o ?~e above end ~orego[ng ins?fumeD, t, and ?hQ? he executed the some for the purposes cnd cc, ns~ceroTiC, n expresses the copccity th, erefn stated. GIVEN UNDER Mf HAND AND SEAL CF OFFICE on this ?r',e¢~ ' Xotary Pu¢:c,~n and :ct rne STa?e o~ Te:~cs My Commission E~'p~es: Lot "2, ~4, :7, "8 ond ~17 Block A, Lot =3 Block B o'er, er - The Ho:'es Builders' ct Windsor, Ltd. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEFORE ME/ the undersigned outhority, on this doy perscnsl,y cppeored ~4~9~-z~/~/~'~< /2/-~/~4Zf ,kno.n to me to be the perscn ~r-ose nome ~s s~cr~bed to the above and ¢oregoTng [nstrum, ent, thot he executed the same for the purposes OP, dcc, ns[derotEon expressed the capacity therefn stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SE~L CF OFFICE om M~ Commission Expires: Zcrdcn " STATE OF TEXAS cOUNTY FC,~E ME, the uq~iersigned authority, on this day perscnc:y <ppecreo !. . f~'- , kno,n to me *o ~e ~he parse: ¢,r'.cse r',c:'e fs subcribed to the above cng fcregoFr, g ;nstru:ent, cpc ,Jc~o~:edged to that he executed the same fo: The purposes cna ccnsFder:t;cn expresser or'(J "~ the capacity there~n stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HANO AND SEAL OF OFFICE on tnls the__( .... day of /Notcmy PuD:C, ~n <nd for The of Taro5 My ~mfssion Expires: STATE OF TEXAS BEFORE ME, the underslqned authority, on this day perscr, c:iy appeared xno,n to ,me to pe The person hose ',ome Is subcribed to the above end foregoTng :nstrument, mr':c ccxnoa',eCged to me tha~ ~e executed the some far t~e purposes add conslderctlon expressed ?he cepccl?7 therein stated. / orv'EN UNDER MY H~ND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on s tb, e_~/~a~~ My Commission Expires: Notary PublTo, Tn for The State of Taros ,~11 illttltl _ %,,,,, / . ;/- C q Lot = 9 B!ock A o~ner - RcchelN. We[Omen DATE STATE ,OF TEXAS COUNTY DF _~,u,~E M:, [r,e un,_er =,g ,JO CUT,:OrlTy, on Th $ daf personally appecred \4~¢_~/~,~b/ ~&.~.~_~l~j¢~¢~.~ , known ~o me to Se the person abuse c:~me 's bLUrt:bed 73 ?re GCo',e mhd foregoing ~nstrun;en~, cna acknowledged to me thor he exeouted t~e some ~cr the purposes and cons[~erotTon expressed ~nd in 0 ,~Pier - Coppe i C, ptTmum ~ssets, L.L.C. u~Tc STATE ~ ,~,r TEXAS BEFSR ME, the undersiGced aUThOrity, cn tNfS acy personcily appeared , Known TO me to De The person ~hose nome is SUDCr[Ded to tho above cna foregolng Instrument, cnd ccknow!ecged to me tnQ? he executed fne scme foF the purposes cna consideratTon expressed cnd :n t~e capacity ~nere~n stated. ,3,.,EN uhDER MY H~NB ~kD SE~L 0~ OFF.CE on t,n~s rne ._ 20O4 Mj Oc,'-'r 'ssicn Expire3: Notary Publc. in cnd for the ~tot~ of Texas LOT = ,~F{ (a CPd 5)B 3Ch 5 o~ner - RoGer Dale STATE OF TEXAS ~EFCRE MI thority, on this day perscnc!iy appeared known to me to be tr, e person whose name ~s :iDea TC the c~o;e cna fcreGoFng ' - ~ c ' ins,:u,,en , nd acknowledged to me ?r'::? he executed ?he same for T~e purposes Cna ccns[deFotTon expressed Grid the CCpGCiTt TheneTn STOTeC. ,~=N bNS~R MY H~NO AND <EaU OF OFFICE on tnfs ?he day o , 2004 ,, ~ ,' ~, ! c ,' 'Texos ~ otory r ucI n n ru ~OF Th8 S~Gte ~IOITH JO MURRAY ~ L ........... Lot = i6s,ucK~'~ ' A o,,reF 2'onJoiG cr, d Sharon ,i~o,~e~-b. DATE STATE ,CF TEXIS C CUN TY OF ~!~[LI~ S BEFORE ME, the umde~s!gr'(~O cuthorTty, on this d~y perscnoily oppecred is suDc:ibeo t3 the above cna foregoing ~nsTrument, cna ockno~edged to me ThO? he execs, rec rr, e sc, me fcF the purposes cna cons;de:orion expressed cna ~n t~e c~p~c~t~ Thereln s~sreC. ,3,,EN UhDER M( HA,%:: AhD SEAL_ CF OFFICE cn trJ!S the ....... cloy of 20,34 M, 2 Ccmm!ssicn ExpTr es: )tory PuPic, in n~'~, .~ fcr The State Texc, s DATE S'FATE OF TEX~S OCUNTY C;F p~t~ BEFORE ME, the under~"L4r-ed couthc, rTty. cn tiros Gay personctly appeared !s subcrlbed to ~he obove and foregoing instrument, and cckno'~ledged to me TnQT he e(ecuted rne same for ?he purposes Gna consicere?icn expressed and in The copCCiTy Therein STO?eO. the Stote of Texcs , / 2 · -)- ,~I .... . , ~:->--% Lot ~ 12 Block A o~ner - George D. Lessener, Jr. and SybilA. Lessener DATE STATE OF TEXAS CDUNTY C:F ~___%£_' ~-~- . . kpo~'n to me to Ge the person ~hose ncme is sCbcribed to trJe obove and 'foregolng instrument, cnd ackno~'[edged to me that he executed the same for the purposes ond consideration expressed end the CGpacity thereTn stated. ? ~// A / GPVEN UNDER MY H~ND AND SEAL ' k ' k " e '.',v NO?QCy PubiTc, in cna fo: the S?~e o~ Te~s.'%% ,' LO~ 1 ~:oc~ ~n, er -~a~lfl~.l~atk:~s, J~.&/'~cmblJhl"~'at~s ' DATE STATE OF TEXAS BEFORE ME, tr~p un, cD:signed cuthority, cn this day ~.~6~-/~IT~I~ , Known to m.e to Pe the perscn ~hose ncme is suPcrbed to the e~ove cFid ~oreGc~ng Tnstrument, cna acknowledged to me tn~t ne executed ?b,e s~me for ?he purposes ~nd consTderat~on expressed and the capacity tr.e:e[n stored./~//~. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL CF DFFiCE on t~s ~ ~ ,,,,,,,,,,,. 7 , ~ . . Not~r~ P~bl~c ~n and ~o~ the ?.. Lot = 10 B~ock A o,vne: B' nd Mo:cy ~ls~ E STATE OF =~ ~_XAS cc :Y 5 .FORE ME, the LndersTGned outhorTty, cn ?his cloy personol[y appeared ,kno.'n to me to Se the person whose name is subc:i ed to the obove and forego;ns instrument, ond ocKnowledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes cnd consTderatfon expressed and the CapGcity therein stated. Gl'vE~,; UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFF,CE on th~s tme~ da~ o~~ 2004 NotGry Pubi[c, ;nond for the State o Texas My Commission ExpFres~ Lot ?JdrK and Keliy Revis DATE STATE C'F T~_X~S Gc, u,TY BEF.xE ,M~, t~e um, aersIGne~ authority, on this aGy personoliy oppeored fs ssDcrlbed TO the oDove cnd foregoing Instrument, ond GcKno,ledged to me ?ho* ne execu?ed {he some {or ?ne purposes cnd cons~Cerot{on expressed cnd ~n tRe copGci?y there~n stoTed. GI'~N ~NO~R MY HAND AND 5E~L OF OFFICE oR ~his the~ Got of ~~ , 2C, 04 Notcry PuOI[o, Tn cnd for the State,f Texas My Commission Explres: THIS VOL° PLAT FILED IN WINDSOR 15,78 REPLAT ESTATES ADDITION ACRE TRACT OUT OF THE W.A. TRIMBLE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1T91 ond J.H. MOUNTS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 903 SHEET 2 OF 2 ~N THE CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS FOR COPPELL OPTIMUM COUNTY, TEXAS ASSETS, LLC 308 Parkmeadow Woy, Coppell, Texos T5019 (214)-353-9058 PREPARED BY: HALFF ISSOC',ATES, iNC.-ENGINEERS & SCIENTISTS-DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 (214)-~46-6200 SC~LE:l'=50' AVO 21865 ~bNE 2004