Rev. signage - Admin. Apprvd.Sl~N E LEVA'IION Administrative Apprnval By ~ 7~ Date Harcie Diamond - RE: Coppell Creme de la Creme, Exte~'ior Signage From: "Steve Siegfried" <ssiegfried@PRO.1SOLGROUP.COM> To: "Marcie Diamond" <mdiamond@ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 4/7/2005 8:19:55 AM Subject: RE: Coppell Creme de la Creme, Exterior Signage Thank you and thank Gary Sieb. ..... Original Message ..... From: Marcie Diamond [mailto:mdiamond@ci.coppell.tx.us] ~ent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 9'.02 AM To: Steve Siegfried Cc: Mike Hodge Subject: RE: Coppell Creme de la Creme, Exterior Signage Gary Sieb administratively approved these two signs., with a maxim~Jm combined square footage of 201 square feet. Sign permits are issued though the Mike Hodge in the Building Inspection Department (972- 304-3511). Let me know if we can be of further assistance. Marcie Diamond Assistant Director of Planning City of Coppell 972-304--3676 www,ci.coppell.tx.us >>> "Steve Siegfried" <ssiegfried@PRO3SOLGROUP.COM> 04/05/(~5 11:53 AM >>> Marcie, attached are the new 36" and original 30" versions for Gary,s review. Thank you for the assistance. ..... Original Message ..... From: Marcie Diamond [mailto:mdiamond@ci.coppell.tx.us] ~ent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:48 AM To: Steve Siegfried Subject: RE: Coppell Creme de la Creme, Exterior Signage fax will work, if they cannot be e-mailed >>> "Steve Siegfried" <ssiegfried@PRO.]SOLGROUP.COIVl> ~3/29/05 9:39 AM >>> Marcie, Originally, with three signs approved, one at north, west andlsouth sides of the porte-cochere, had 206 square feet of signage. With two signs at 20 percedt larger than original size, one at north and at south, we will have 201 square feet. Would you like to see different sign on elevation drawings, now? If so, are faxed copies acceptable for at least the first look? we file://C:\temp\GW} 00001 .HTM 4/7/2005 Coppell Creme de la Creme, Exterior §ignage Page 2 of 3 Thank you. Steve Siegfried Project Solutions Group 580 Herndon Blvd., Suite 500 Herndon, VA 20170 Telephone: 703-563-0495 Fax: 703-668-0091 Mobile: 703-932-3925 Emaih ssiegfried@projsolgroup.com ..... Original Message From: Mamie Diamond [mailto:mdiamond@d.coppell~:x.us] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:28 AM To: Steve Siegfried C¢: Gary Sieb Subject: Re: Coppell Creme de la Creme, Exterior Siglnage Steve, ! spoke with my Director, and as long as the total squ~are footage of the two signs are equal to, or less than, the three signs originally proposed, he should be able to sign off on this change administratively..Please submit revised sigh plan to the Planning Department, prior to Building Inspection. Thanks Marcie Diamond Assistant Director of Planning City ofCoppell 972-304-3676 www.ci.coppel!,tx.us >>> "Steve Siegfried" <ssiegfried@PROJSOLGROUP.¢OM> 03/25/05 11:50 AM >>> Marcie, How are you? The Planning Board approved our depicted white bacl~lit signage (revised from blue to meet app o al) at 30 H x 27 ;,6 L on three s~des of the por~e~cochere. We would now hke to install that signage at 36 H x 33' - 6" L on only two sic~es. If we meet Coppell's signage ordinances, can we proceed to permit the two larger slgns or need we present the revision to the Board or your office? Regards, Steve Siegfried Project Solutions Group 580 Herndon Blvd., Suite 500 Herndon, VA 20170 file://C:\temp\GW} 00001 .HTM 4/7/2005