Replat filed w/County 12/10/04POINT OF LOT 2, BLOCK A VISTA RIDGE CAB. F, CL. 271 P.R.D.C.T. N85'56'O9"E 68.56' DENTON COUNTY i NE N43'O9'35"E / _~/2" ERr_ / .... EGiNNING~,~, / DALLAS COUNTY LINE 1/2" ~RF LOT 1, BLOCK A VISTA RIDGE CAB. F, SL. 271 P.R.D.C.T. HIGHLAND DRIVE (Ts' ~,0,'~,) S88'41'13"E 864.88' _5_46.92' _ _ PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL OF DALLAS (FORMERLY KNOWN AS TEXAS HEALTH SYSTEM) TEXAS HEALTH SYSTEM VOL. 98055, PG.5154 D,R.D.C.T. LOT lA, BLOCK D 14-.825 ACRES CCPPELL CITY LI JDB COPPELL VILLAGE LO 0 0 o z PLAZA - COMMERCIAL, L.P. VOL. 04050, PO. 954 D.R.D,C.T. LOT lB, BLOCK D 7.775 ACRES ~ 15' S.S,E. Delto=i 4'22'37" 5/8" iRF k,~l :--VOL g8c, og, PO 1921 R=2665.0C' %% / D.R.D.C.T. T=556.12' 65.64' ~:' ~ ~ ~. // ~ ~=2665.? o f ~ ~ ~-~ // / % T=160.06 ::: : ..... :_ R=2665.00' T=499.96' L=988.44' Chd=N75'57'59"W 982.7:~8:co~~dlr Approve,: LEGEND DE = DRAINAGE EASEMENT SSE = SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT UE = UTILITY EASEMENT D.R.D.C.T. = DEED RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS P.R.D.C.T. = PLAT RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS · IRF = 5/8" IRON ROD FOUND W/ A YELLOW CAP STAMPED "CARTER & BURGESS" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TxDOT = TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALUMINUM RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENT FOUND 1/2" iRS = 1/2" IRON ROD SET WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "DAA" Chairman, Plarning cr, d Zoning Commissicn epted:f City of Coppell, Texas GRAPHIC SCALE 10,O 50 0 100 ( IN FEET ) 1 L~ch = 100 fL VISTA RIDGE ESTATES PHASE FIVE CAB. N, SL. 292 P.R.D.C,T. /LEWISV, LLE QTY LrMIT /_2" :RF 15' U.E. CAS. F, SL. 271 D.R.D.C.T. '~ 20' D.E. CAB. F, CL. 271 D.R.D.C.T. ENCLAVES AT SILVER CREEK CAB, V, PG. 19 DOC.# 2005-R0069725 P,R.D.C.T. LOT 2, BLOCK D CAB. F, SL. 271 D.R.D.C.T. 15' S.S,E. VOL 98009, PG 1921-~ D.R.O.C.T. ~_ _ _ 15' O,E. CAB. F, SL. 271 -~ ~ O.R.0'C'T ..... - / STATE HIGHWAY 121 BY-PASS (SPUR 553) (VAR!ABLE R. 0.'~.) Date THIS REPLAT IS FOR OWNER COMPLIANCE WITH CITY REQUIREMENTS ONLY. ADDITIONAL PLATTING WILL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO DEVELOPMENT OF LOT lB, BLOCK D, Date STATE CF TEXAS § COUNTY CF CODLIN § THAT I, SEAN SHROPSHiRE, c Registered Professional Land Surveyor, da heresy certify DALLAS VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1' = 1000' The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppe~l, Texas, hereby certlf:es that the fcregoing Replct of Lot 1, Block "D" of Vista Ridge cn aUdit,ion rathe City of Coppell, .was submitted to the City Council cn the __O/__KZf~.__ day of /"V~6__tC-~'% ........ 2004, cad the Council, by formal action, then end there accepted the dec,cat,on of streets, alleys, parks, easements, puol;c places, and water end sewer I~nes, os snown end set fo~th 7n ~nd upon pot, and said Oounc;I further author[zed the Mayor to note the acceptance t~ereof by signing r;s/ner name as herein qbgye susscr[bed. Wrtness rny hand this ~ff~ dcy of _~~~ , A.D. 2C04 REDE,PT ACKNOWLEDG~/ENT TXO Etectr c Del'~r7 Ccmpony~ ~/-~_ ~ .......... "Foodpc;n Development Permit ApptTcot;on No .... _~Lc~ has aeon f:led with ;ne City of Coppell Flcodplain Adm:n;strator on .................. 2004." that I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the Iaaa cad that the corner monuments shown hereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the plattlng Rules cna Regulations of the City of Coppeil, Dallas / Denton Ccunty, Texas. Secn Sh¢opsh:re RegFstered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5674 S AlE Or TEXAS § COUNTY CF COLLIN § BErOrx~ ME, the undersigned, c Notary Pub,,c, on this day sensonc y appeared Seca Shropsnlre kno.,~n :o me to Ge ;ne person, whose name is suBsc'ioed to ;ne %raga'ns instrument, cp.d acknowledged to me that he executed the same far t¢e purposes amc ccnsideraticns therein expressed cna ~c the capacity thereLq sic:ed. .... :co G~VEN UNDER Vw HAND AND SEAL O~ OFrJC~ reis tr.e _ __ Notary Puc!i,W~"n cna for t'~Stct~____~ Texas REVISED: I II I ITl I~1 I OWNERS,~_~':RTIFiCATE AND DEB,CATION STATE OF' TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS / DENTON W:EREAS, PRESBYTERIAN hOSPITAL CF DALLAS (FORMERLY KNOWN AS TEXAS hEALTH SYSTEM) and JDB COPPELL VILLAGE PLAZA COMMERCIAL, L.P., a Texas limited parthenon:p, is the owner of all that certain lot, tract or parcel of Icad located in the O.D. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1402, Denton Ccunty cna the C.C. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1792, Dcilas County, Ccppe~l, Texas and ua'nS oil of Lot 1, Block "D", of VISTA RIDGE, an Addition to the City of Coppe ,, Dallas / Denton County, Texas, according to the Plot thereof recorded in Cabinet 'F", Page 271, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas a'~c being more partlculorly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inca iron rod found for corner in the East sine of Denton Tap Road, a vcricOJe width public right-of-way ct the most Westerly Northwest carnet of sc!d Lot 1; =HENCE North 4.3 degrees 09 minutes 55 seconds East, c:ong c carnet al'p, a distance of 89.02 feet to c 1/2 :nan ;ran rod found for corner Fq the South line of Highland Drive, a 70 foot w'ce r.lgnt-of-way; THENCE North 85 degrees 56 ,minutes 09 seconds East, along so}a South I;ne, o distance of 68.56 feet to a !/2 inch iron rod %and for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 4! mFnutes 15 seconds East, pass;ag a 5/8 Etch 'ran ncc with a yellow plost!c cdp stamped "Carter &: Burgess" ~t a distance of 546.92 feet end continuing along said South line, for a total distance of 864.88 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a ?e~low piastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" found for corner; THENCE South O0 degrees 45 re:autos 51 seconds West, a distance of 1,076.96 neet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a ye!low plastic cap stamped "DAA" set in the North line of State Highway 121 By-Pass (Spur 555, o variable width public right-of-way at the Southeast corner of seed Lot 1, said paint Oeing the ~eglnr;ng of a non-tangent curve to the right having a centre! ong',e of 21 degrees !5 minutes 0.3 seconds, o radius of 2,66,5.00 feet, and ~ chord bearing cad distance cf North 75 degrees 57 minutes .39 seconds West, 982.78 feet; THENCE Westerly, cigna sc;d North I:ne of State Highway 121 By-Pass cna sc;d curve to the right, passing ct a distance of 3!9.7.3 ~eet a 5/8 inca iron rod with a ye iow plast;c cap stamped "Carter &: Burgess" found for corner and continuing for a total arc distance of 988.44 feet to a Texas Department of Transportatlon aluminum right-of-way monument found for corner; THENCE North 32 degrees .30 minutes 36 seconds West, c!ong said North line of State Highway 121, a dFstance of 65.64 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yei!o~ plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" fcund far co~ner in the East line of said Denton Tap Road; THENCE North O0 degrees 43 m;nutes O0 seconds East, c!ong said -_-cst sine, a distance of 7.32.78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINN~NG and ccntair',ing 22.598 acres of Icad, more or less. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT we, PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL OF DALLAS (FORMERLY KNO~,~/N AS TEXAS HEALTH SYSTEM) and ~DB COPPELL VLLAGE PLAZA - COMMERCIAL, L.P., a Texas IFmited partnership, do hereby adopt this pict deslgnat:ng the here:n above described property cs VISTA R!DCE, LOTS lA &: lB, BLOCK Dcn cCc'ticn to the City of Coppell, Dc, as County, Texas and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever, the streets and a,!eys, the easements as snown, for mutual use and ccccmmodoticn of the City of Coppeil and ail publ;c utilities desiring to use or using same. Ail and any p~b:[c utility and the City of Coppe;! shall have the rlght to remove and keep removed all or parts cf any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other irnp~ovements or growths, watch [n any way, encange~ or interfere with the ccnstructio~, maintenance or eff:ciency of its respective systems cn sa;d Easements, and the City of Coppell and ail puOlic utilities construcCng, reconstruct;ns, inspecting, patrolling, malntain'ng and adding to :r ner~cv'ng ail or parts of its respective systems, without the necess'.ty, at cay time, of procuring the permiss!cn of anyone. Tn:s plat approved subject to c: platting cra'nonces, rules, regulct',ons, and rosa!ut'oas of the City of Coppett, Texas. PRESBYTfRIAN HOSPITAL OF DALLAS (FORMERLY KNO'~'q ,~,S TEXAS HEALTH SYSTEM A~Texds !imited. par'trershlp Jan Presider, t uO~ COPPE__ VILLAGE PLAZA - COM, MERCIA:, L.P., _?_-,:_: ........... William A. Anderson STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY CF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary F~u~lic, in cna for sa;a County and State, on tnis day personally appeared don Su ~ivcn Vice Presldent, of PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL OF DALLAS (FORMERLY KNOWN AS TEXAS HEALTH SYSTEM), known to me to be the person and officer whose name Es suDscr:bed to the foregoing instrument, cad cckncwledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and cons:aeration there'n expressed, dS the cdt and deed of TEXAS HEALTH SYSTEM, ccd in the caoac[ty thereln stated. GIVEN U~~Y HAND AND SEAL CF OFFICE this the and for the State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY CF DALLAS 20o¢, BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Pubic, :n cna for sc'c County cna State, on tnis day personally appeared W:llFom A. Anderscn, o~ JDB COPPELL VILLAGE PLAZA - CC'M~VERCIAL, u.P., a Texas i;mited partnersh;p, known to me to be the person and officer whose n, ame's suascribed to the foregoing instrument, cna acxqoweaged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and cans!aeration therein expressed, as the act and deed of uBS COPPELL VLLACE PLAZA - COVMERCIA,, L.P., a Texas limited partnership, and in the capacity thereln stated. ~A_ OF OFFICE this the .... day of_ _ , 200~. Notary PuDIT¢~(n aqd 'Fo-F-rna/tare ~__~.~as 22.598 ACRES VISTA RIDGE LOTS lA & lB, BLOCK D BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 1, BLOCK D OF VISTA RIDGE AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL O.D. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1402, DENTON COUNTY G.C. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1792, DALLAS COUNTY DALLAS / DENTON COUNTY TEXAS JANUARY 2004. SCALE: 1" = 100' VOL. ENGINEER DOWDEY, ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 5225 Villoge Creek Drive Suite 200 Plono, Texas 75095 Ph.: 972-931-0694 Fax.: 972-951-9558 OWNER PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL OF DALLAS 611 Ryen Ploza, lOth Floor Arlington, TX 76011 Ph,: 817-462-61,:31 rex.' 817-462-7124 dOB COPPEll Vlll AGE PLAZA - COMMERCIAL, LP, 454 Copperstone Trmil Coppell, TX 75019 Ph.' 972-745-7307 Fax.: 214-981-6888 · . O. 0307~: