SP/LP attached-4/12/05 CC pckt.S TE DATA TABLE R~ ORNAMENTAL FENCE LANDSCAPE LEGEND All existing landscaping and trees to remain unless noted. Plant material to be maintained per City requirements. New landscape materia~ or replacement material per C]~ P~ant Pale~e. Existing Zoning: Proposed Use: Retail Square footage per Use: Cha~er School: College/Retail: To~ Building Area: 114,603 sf Buildb~g Height: 35 feet Required Parking: PD for Retail Charter School, College or universi~ 73,128 sf 41,475 sf Charter School: PreKindergarten: I space/10 students E~emJ~iddle: 1 space/class + 6 spaces High school: 8 spaces/class CoHegeAmive~Ry: 8 spaces/c~assroom Retail: 1 space/200 square feet Restaurant: 1 space/100 square feet Provided Parking: Charter School: PreK: 132 students = 13 spaces Elem/Middle: 27 classrooms + 6 spaces = 33 spaces High School: 8 classrooms = 64 spaces CoHege/Unive~ity: 25 classrooms = 200 spaces Retail/Restau~nt: (41,475 sf) 30,000 sf Retail: t50 spaces 11,475 sf Restaurant: 115 spaces To~l Parking Provided: 541 spaces College/Un,verity and ReiaH uses occupy the same space and will be parked based on final development T =' t0899~ + + Bus Entrance 1,3 COLLEGFJRETAIL ~arPool Lane 6 ~ O0.0' % O4 COLLEG~R~AiL ~ 45' OFFICES LUNCH ROO~ Side~ 6' Open Wrought Iron Fence CLASSROOIVIS P~ayground Area 78,74' GYM/AUDITORIUM Hours of Operation for School: 6:30 am- 6:30 pm 6am - 7 pm Sat. 0 0 34,28' '~]1, 8,0' high required by the City g Screen ~tJ., 8' hig,h a~ required by [he City MUSIC/THEATRE S 89'39'03* Zoning Request _ PD*97R3*R 'to allow the occupancy of approximately 73,128 square feet of the existing building for UniYe~al Academy (grades preK-12th), and the occupancy of the remaining 41,475 square feet for college a~d/or re~i~ uses, 43.0' Site Plan '~ 2o / I 4" wide ¢> st)iping, typ, I0 52'44* 452, 47' 43,09' 85, 91' CORNERS OF Lots 1R, 3R, and 4R, ~¢larch 7, 2005 g SITE/LANDSCAPE Owner: PLAN Reklaw Partnership, ~nc, 675 Third Ave. New York, New York 10017-5704 2'12 661~0400 F: 212 5994450 Universal Academy 2616 N, MacArthur Blvd Irving, TX 75062 972 255 1800 F:9722556122 Masterplan 500 S Ervay, Suite 112B Dallas, TX 75201 214 761~9197 F: 214 748-71t4