Memo re SP/LP correctionsMEMORANDUM
TO: Marcie Diamond, City of Coppell
FROM: Karl A. Crawley
DATE: March 29, 2005
RE: Universal Academy
Case No. PD-97R3-R, Corners of Coppell
masterp an
In response to your letter dated March 18, 2005, the following! items have been answered or
corrected on the Site/Landscape Plan:
Engineering Department review of the proposed circulation patterns and directional
signage prior to opening and during the operation of this ~hool.
The school will keep the Engineering Department informe~ as to the projected school start
date and will help monitor the traffic flow. Past experienc~ on the other school campuses
points to the use of off-duty police officers to help direct traffic.
Provision of additional clarification as to the exact location pfthe fence.
The fence will not cross any of the driveways or firelanes iand will be concentrated along
the Sandy Lake frontage.
3) The applicant re-evaluate the necessity of fencing in the fUture retail areas.
The future retail areas will more than likely remain unfenc~ed, future development of that
portion of the site will necessitate an evaluation at that tim~.
Provision of a letter from a registered structural engineer I~roving the bridges/box culverts
will support a vehicle weighing a minimum of 80,000 lbs.
We are currently talking to a structural engineer and will h~ve a letter stating the structural
integrity of the bridges/box culverts at the time of buildincj permit for the school.
Specification of the type of plant materials proposed for th~ "evergreen hedge."
Review of the City's plant palette and the desired effect of 1~he hedge shows that the choice
for the new hedge and the infill of the existing hedge is Ne!lie R Stevens' Holly.
900 Jackson Street, Suite 640
Dallas, Texas 75202
Phone: (214) 761-9197
Fax: (214) 748-7114
Development and Zoning Consultants
6) Submission of details of the proposed attached signage, inlcluding color, font, size, location
and clarification that no monument sign is proposed for th~s tract.
I have included the general location of the proposed school signage on the Site Plan; in
general the signage will be located above the main entral~ce to the school. In a separate
document the other details have been submitted.
900 Jackson Street, Suite 640
Dallas, Texas 75202
P/~on~: (214) 761-9197
(214) 748-7114
Development and Zoning Consultants