Prop. amendmt to PD-97-RMEMORANDUM masterp a_Ep.n TO: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director, Department of Plannirlg FROM: Karl A Crawley DATE: February 14, 2005 RE: Proposed Amendment to PD No. 97 retail Please find attached 12 Site Plans, 12 Landscape Plans in order to amend PD No. 97 to allow a Charter School. Per our discussions the existing buildings will be ~tilized with physical changes to the site limited to additional landscaping, the construction of a ~layground and signage. I have include~ a Fact Sheej~with the other items in order to better spell (~ut the school's program. Ka ACrawley, Presj~ent / MASTERPLAN 500 South Ervay, Suite 112~3 Oallas Texas 75201 Phone: (214) 761-9197 Fax: (214) 748-7114 Web: masterplancansultants eom UNIVERSAL ACADEMY - COPPELL Universal Academy offers PreK thru 12t~ grade. The propqsed campus would contain approximately 700 students. Development plans for the site !nclude using approximately 73,000 square feet of the existing vacant retail center. The horthern wing of the Center (closest to Sandy Lake Road) will contain the majority of tl~e classrooms. The middle section of the Center will be converted to include a Gym/Auditorium, Lunch Room, Music/Theatre area and Offices. This area will also include ~he area for student pick-up and drop-off. The projected student breakdown by school level is as followS: PreK: 6 classrooms K-6:24 classrooms 7, 8, 9:6 classrooms 10, 11, 12:6 classrooms The total school enrollment is projected to be 700 to 750 students. The school offers bus service to students along with P~rent pick-up and drop-off. Preliminary circulation plans call for parents to use the S~andy Lake Road entrance closest to MacArthur Boulevard as an entry only access to the site. The parents will then be directed through a specific route to drop-off or picl{-up students in front of the main portion of the campus. Buses would enter the sitei from the Mac, Arthur Blvd. driveway and drop-off students in the front. The parking areb and drive aisles (non-Fire Lanes) will serve as cueing area for parents waiting to pick-up students. The school currently and will at this campus employ two off-duty police officers in order to direct traffic dudng morning and aftemoon pick-up and drop-off times. The remainder of the Center will be used as retail space or p~bssibly a satellite location to offer college courses for one of the area colleges. The physical space of this portion of the Center will not be developed at this time. A quick parking analysis was done in order to determine if there is adequate parking on the site in orde~ to open the charter school and other uses in the remainder of the Center. Universal ACademy will require a total of 110 parking spaces. A college use if developed in the reniaining space would require approximately 200 spaces; while a mixture of retail and resitaurant uses would require approximately 265 spaces. Upon development of the chal'ter school, the Center will have a total of 541 parking spaces which is more than adefluate to meet the needs of the school and other development. The school plans to remove the parking area parallel to Sandy Lake Road in front of the existing retail area in order to construct a playground are~. This playground will be surrounded by a six foot fence in order to provide protection for the children. Landscaping will be added to the Center in order to~ supplement the existing landscaping. Finally, signage will be added for the school usP. Attached signage will be constructed in above the main entrance to the school. Directional signage will also be added in order to insure proper movement through the site. MEMORANDUM masterp ajp.n TO: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director, Department of Planni~ FROM: Karl A Crawley DATE: February 14, 2005 RE: Proposed Amendment to PD No. 97 retail ig Please find attached two Site Plan, two Landscape Plans and a ~ompleted rezoning Application form in order to amend PD No. 97 to allow a Charter School. ~.er our discussions the existing buildings will be utilized with physical changes to the site limite~l to additional landscaping, the construction of a playground and signage. I have included a Fa~ct Sheet with the other items in order to better spell out the school's program. Karl A Crawiey, President MASTERPLAN 500 South Ervay Suite 112B Dallas, Texas 75201 Phone: (214) 761 9197 Fax: (214) 748-7114 Web: masterplanconsuJtants corn UNIVERSAL ACADEMY - COPPELL Universal Academy offers PreK thru 12th grade. The prop(~sed campus would contain approximately 700 students. Development plans for the site Include using approximately 73,000 square feet of the existing vacant retail center. The r~orthern wing of the Center (closest to Sandy Lake Road) will contain the majority of the classrooms. The middle section of the Center will be converted to include a Gym/Auditorium, Lunch Room, Music/Theatre area and Offices. This area will also include the area for student pick-up and drop-off. The projected student breakdown by school level is as follows: PreK: 6 classrooms K-6:24 classrooms 7, 8, 9:6 classrooms 10, 11, 12:6 classrooms The total school enrollment is projected to be 700 to 750 studi~nts. The school offers bus service to students along with p~ent pick-up and drop-off. Preliminary circulation plans call for parents to use the Sl~ndy Lake Road entrance closest to MacArthur Boulevard as an entry only access to the site. The parents will then be directed through a specific route to drop-off or pick~up students in front of the main portion of the campus. Buses would enter the site from the MacArthur Blvd. driveway and drop-off students in the front. The parking are~ and drive aisles (non-Fire Lanes) will serve as cueing area for parents waiting to picA-up students. The school currently and will at this campus employ two off-duty police officers in order to direct traffic during morning and afternoon pick-up and drop-ofttimeS. The remainder of the Center will be used as retail space or possibly a satellite location to offer college courses for one of the area colleges. The phys!cal space of this portion of the Center will not be developed at this time. A quick parking analysis was done in order to determine if there is adequate parking on the site in order to open the charter school and other uses in the remainder of the Center. Universal Academy will require a total of 110 parking spaces. A college use if developed in the remaining space would require approximately 200 spaces; while a mixture of retail and restaurant uses would require approximately 265 spaces. Upon development of the chatter school, the Center will have a total of 541 parking spaces which is more than adequate to meet the needs of the school and other development. The school plans to remove the parking area parallel to Sand~y Lake Road in front of the existing retail area in order to construct a playground areai. This playground will be surrounded by a six foot fence in order to provide prOtection for the children. Landscaping will be added to the Center in order to supplement the existing landscaping. Finally, signage will be added for the school use. Attached signage will be constructed in above the main entrance to the school. Directional signage will also be added in order to insure proper movement through the site.