Rev. Paving Plan - Adm. Apprvl. , : 0 20 40 60 C A Hic SCAUE ~ ~ ~ =20 ;~ ~ PAVING NOTES I ~ ~ 1. All materials and construction shall be in accordance with [= ~ the City of Coppell Standard Specifications and Const- ~ ruction Standards, and Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction prepared by North Central Texas Council . of Governments (Lares(Revision). ': ' ¢ 2. Existing utilities are shown schematically end ore for the / i ,~ ' Contractors guidance only. The location and/or elevation I :~.~:.'~: ,'~, . ~ ¢ ~ of existing utilities as shown on these plans are based on I '"','~"~* ,': .~ , records of the various utility companies, and, where possible, [ :"~';¢¢. ;~.',~' ¢,:.¢¢,~i ¢ I ' measurements taken in the field. The Contractor must j ~ ~ I must call the appropriate utility company at least 48 hours x ~ I ,, prior to any excavation to request exact field location of , ¢_,, . , ~ ~ 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting oil .¥'~ ~ ~ existing improvements in the construction of this project. I '~' .cx..~-'~ ~ ~ ~ ~e contractor is responsible for repairs of damage to any I ~ ,' ~ ,iI,' I existing improvements during construction. Repairs shall :)~' "x ,I "i .~~~ ~ ~ ~ be equal to or better than condition prior to construction. .,i .~,- j I ¢ applicable, unless noted otherwise. ~ 'l ~ .'i ] J 5. All curb radii are 3.0' ' ' unless noted otherwise. N ~8~6']5'' ~ ¢ 6. All parking spaces are x 18', unless noted otherwise. ~/~'~ 4 7T -- ~ -- ~ ~ 7. Parking stripes shall be 4" wide, spray applied white vin~ ' ' ~ Sawcut and Remove ¢ ~ ocr/lc paint. Paint sh~ll be applied in two coats to a clean, BF~.~..~ Existing Sidewalk. dry surface using template or striping machine. i Il Ii ,,'1 151!Spoc~s' ~19~ =i~ t17' ¢1 i~ ~ 9' ~' ! ~' , .... ' ¢ ~ ' I 8. ~e Paving Contractor sh~ll not place permanent pavement ' ' ¢ ~ ~ ~ ¢//'~9, 5 SPcci 9' =ii'45' ~ ,' ' 'e~ !' , i,, : j , until all sleeving for irrigation, electric, gas, telephone, , ' ' , i ~ , / /~ I , ~ ; ! ,: ~ I ' 9' 7' j ~ cable TV, site lighting, etc. has been installed It shall be j , ~ , , , = ' ~ I ~ ' I J ~l ~ /~/' ' ~ ¢ I I [ i i ~ , ~ in place prior to placing permanent p~ving. ...... ~:~ ~ ~ ~',~)~/~/~?~ M' !l il I ~,, ,, ~ ' 9. No signage will be permitted on this site, except for Movement :~,' ~ ! ' I ~ Control signs, as defined in Section 29-5.2 (A) of the City , ~ , ,' I I ~ ] i ' ' ¢ , , ! . ~ ~ ~ MATCH EXISTING GRADES ~ ,f . ¢ ¢Spa ¢:~9' =,~ 1 ~ [ , ~ ~. SIDEWALKS, ETC. (TYPICAL). ' ! I ~ .... ¢ ~ ~,, IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE REMOVED i i. /~7 : j ps ~19 =, 135'¢ ' ' ,I ~ OR REPLACED AS NECESSARY. . m' d Strmpe Crosswalk I ~ i Sawcut and Remove ,~ , ~ · ~ / ' ....... ' ~ ~ J~ 40.3' .' .', --I_ ~ 20' ~ 120' 19~Pace ' ' over 9" Scarified and Recompacted '", m I ~ ,:~m , ~: ,~ I ~m ~ I '~ ] i'J :m m I t Full-Depth Sawcut ' [ ~ ~ ExponsTon Joint Exist. Sidewolk m m Full Depth Sawcut and Remove REPOT RIVERSIDE CHURCH OF CHRZST I Existing Concrete Pavement VOLU.~E 2001212, PAGE 00109 '-,~ ,'~ I , Incl. Curb. Construct Longitudinal r:?~ Admi istrati Appr ' , Butt Joint. Motch Existing Joints. ( H V~ ~Val :,[ I Totol Parking Spaces Provided = 127 '~'-"" '~ " / ~ Prior to beg[nn[ng any construction or construction Connect to Existing Concrete Pavement , ~ ' t D.~ ~ stoking, it shall be the Controctor's responsibility Match Curbs. Construct Longitudinal C,"v' O ' ' '"*~' / I to contact the civil engineer to insure that all Butt Joint. Match Existing Joints. ~ / parties are in possession of the most current set I of construction documents. MISC. INFORMATION REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION m,, PAVING PLAN ~ ~ ~~~ RUE ENGINEERING, LLC ~*%" ~ ' RIVERSIDE CHURCH CHRIST (972) 359-1733 off ¢ ~ · - .. ~- , COPPELL TE~S · (972) 359-1833 Fax *~b¢'-..'.",,~'~ DESIGNEDBY TECH REVIEW: DRA',ViNG FILE DRA',ViNCSCALE SHEET '~~ 6E,~',k'N BY 'PEER REVIEW 'bRA,viNO DATE *pROJECT NIjM~ER 4 .............................. ..................... RLK Eng,,'meer,'m9 , RLK ,, Februamy 4, B005 RLK; 04160~~ OF Z RIVERSIDE CHURCH QF CHRIST PARKING ADD'IN