Application & checkMAR 18 '0.~ 16:08 FR COMERICA CO?PEi]L Filing Date: 5/Z~1o5 ~14 589 47~4 TO 997L~98016~? Site Plan Applicatiqn. Plarmiag Departmdnt 255 P~rkway Coppcll, Texas 750[ 9 Phone: 972-304-36~'8 F~.x: 972-304-7092 Filing Fe~:; $400. O0 Name of Applicant: Wachovis Bank, Nationa1 Asso~iat%on Applicant Address: 5080 Spectrum Dr., Ste. 400 ~ddison, TX 75001 Telephone Numar; ~____ F~ Numar: Fi~Prep~ingSitePl~p~ckage: Lawrencm A. Cares ~ AsSociates, LLP Ad~s: 14800 Ouorum Dr., s~e. 200 Dallas, ~X 75254 Telephone Number: (~2) ~R ~-2~? Fax N~b~ ~72) 980-1627 ~11 Correspondence re/att~ tO Ifii$ application should be directed to: N~e: ~hett Niewin~k~ A~dress: 14soo 0uorum Br., St~. 200 Dallas. ~X 75254 Tel~hone N~ber: f 9~ Fax NumbS: - 2 Nam¢ofSubdivisionorPlat:Lot 1, Blocl~ 1 Orandy.'.a ~tddition C~aeralLocafionofPropeny: N-W.C. Denton Tap Rd. & Fitness CoU~t Pr~sem Z~ng; ~c,, Commeroial Proposed Sitc Plan Contains: al I 1 1.41 Owner's Signatvr¢: dain Date: U-'/C~tral/P&Z. srf/Submlssion Farms App and Cbecklists/Sile Apg