DRC commentsCOF'PELL Proiect ID SPA-05-0015 Address 131 N Denton Tap CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Proiect Nbme COl'FELL Denton Tap Development (Wachovia Bank) ProiectType ADolication Date Case ManaAer Prolect Description Site Plan Approval 3/2312005 Marcie Diamond To allow the construction of a 4,081-square-foot bank facility, with five drive-throUgh lanes on 1.41 acres of property Agency Building Inspection 1 of 2 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 3/30/2005 Electric and Gas Marcie Diamond 4/1/2005 Engineering Ken Griffin 3/31/2005 Fire Administration Tim Oates 3/30/2005 Parks and Recreation John Elias 3/30/2005 Commen~ 1. No floc~r plan/construction information furnished for comment~. No comments received. No Comrdent. Site pran: 1. Show existing and proposed fire hydrant locations. 2. What iS the % grade on the east ddve off Fitness Court? Water pla~: 1. Fire hydrants shall be 3' - 6' from fire lanes or d~dicated streets. Need to add fire hydrant along south fire lane. 1. No comiment. COl'FELL Planning Department Reviewed By Marcie Diamond CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Review Date 3~29~2005 COl'FELL Comments SiTE PLAN~ 1. Need lanidscape island with tree, minimum 150 square feetI within the parking row, parallel to Denton Tap Road. 2. If monun~ent sign is proposed, then the location needs to b~ indicated on the site and landscape plan, and elevati~)ns need to be submitted, including size, materials, ~olors, fonts, external illumination source, etc, 3. Verification that a dumpster is not being proposed. 4. Need to !ndicate type, height and location of any site/parking lot lighting. 5. Indicate ~zoning and ownership to the south. 6. Add top0 to site plan LANDSCAPE PLAN 1. Need to iresolve the discrepancies between the number of ~rees indicated on the Landscape Plan, on the Plant ~st and the Landscape tabulations, it appears that that Plant List and Landscape Plan match, but the Landscape Tabulations do not. 2. Per the ~treetscape Plan, the over-story trees along Denton Taj3 (primary image zone) should be Cedar Elms instead of Live Oak trees. 3. Need landscape island with tree, minimum 150 square feelt, within the parking row, parallel to Denton Tap Road. 4. Correct the vicinity map--- F635 is to the south of Coppell, n~t SH 121. 5. Correct ~the leader lines from 3-TYH along the south side of the{ building. ELEVATI(~NS: 1. Need td, submit details of attached signage, including (~imensions, total square footage, materials, color(s), fc~nt, and light source, and location on the building. 2. It wouldi be extremely helpful to have color renderingS, and/or pictures of similar buildings, if this is the proto~pe. 3. Staff prefers the prototype building as constructed on FM3040 in Lewisville to the one proposed for this tract, it wcluld be significantly more compatible with surroundir~g buildings in Coppell, than what is being proposed. COPPELL Prelect ID RP-05-0016 Address 131 N Denton Tap CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Prelect Name COPPELL Denton Tap Development (Wachovia Bank) Prelect Tvee AeDlication Date Case Manaeer Prelect Description Replat 3/23/2005 Marcie Diamond Replat of the Grandy's Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Minor Plat, to allow the construction of a 4,081-square-foot bank facility, with five drive-through lanes on 1.41 acres of property Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engineering 1 of 2 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 3/30/2005 Marcie Diamond 4/1/2005 Ken Griffin 3/31/2005 Comments 1. No platting comments made, No comments received. Replat 1. Additional utility easement may be required depending on possible relocation of fire hydrant due to Fire Department requirements. C-9 2. Verify the existence of the 18" RCP stub that you propose to connect to. Verify that it is in an easement. 3. Verify that in connecting to the 18" RCP you will not be crossing private property. If you will be crossing private property, provide documentation of permission to do so. C-11 4. Maintenance bonds are required for 2 years, not 1 year. 5. PVC water pipe smaller than 10" in diameter shall be Class 200, DR-18. 6. Submit more detailed grading and drainage informatiO~. Comments will be made upon submission of the more detailed information. Fire Administration Tim Oates 3/30/2005 Parks and Recreation John Elias 3/30/2005 Additional comments may be generated upon detailed Engineering review. 1. What is the % grade on East drive of fire lane off Fitness Court? 2. May need easement for fire hydrant at east drive? 1. No comment. T H E * G I T Y ' 0 F COl'FELL Agency Planning Department Reviewed By Marcie Diamond CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Review Date 3/29/2005 COFFELL Comments 1. Need to include dimensions, radii, etc. of the fire lane. 2. Include City of Coppell standard signature blocks as shown on the attached. 3. Include the Utility Signature Blocks as shown on the attached. 4. Correct llhe vicinity map--- 1-635 is to the sooth of Coppell, not SH 121. 5. Correct Ihe title block, the Grandy's Plat was not recorded in Cab. 'L'. .... MEMORANDUM To: Matt Steer From: Jeff Curcy Date: April 4, 2005 Subject: April DRC PD-194R3-LI, Amberpoint Business Park, Lot eR, Block At - Zoning Change Acceptable Amberpoint Business Park, Lot eR, Block A Replat - Ease,rnent requircment~ are being finalized at ti'ds time, Contact Jeff Curry at 972-570-41~6 to discuss details. S-1224.TC, Little Caesars Pizza - Zoning Change Acceptable please contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to discuss electrical load requirementL S-1211R, Service Star - Zoniog Change Acceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 972- 323-8917 to discuss electrical load requil'enqents. Vista Point II, Lots 1-7, Block A, Amending Plat - Plat UnaFceptable' please contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to discuss electric easement req[drements. Denton Tap Development, Lot 1, Block A, Site Plan (Wachgvia Bank) - Site Plan Acceptable. please contact Lan'y Redick at 972-323-8917 to diiscuss electrical load requirements. Denton Tap Development, Lot 1, Block A, Replat (WachovSa Bank) - Replat Unacceptable, pIease contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to ~liscuss electric easement requu'ements. Park West Commerce Center, Lot 2R-3, Block 2, Site Plan -~ Site Plan Acceptable Park West Commerce Center, Lot 2R-3, Block 2, Replat - Rcplat Unacceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972-0570-4126 to discuss electric eC, sement requirements.