Site PlanLOCATION MAP [' i I o,I N , ,{ , c9 J ' I b Ii ,'1 .I ATTACHED C.C. PACKET DESIGN, !NC. ARCHITECTUqE . pL,,2, h,N,,,,,O . 'NTER:O~q DES,'3',' 10800 OLD Y~I¥ BOA~ HOUSTON, TE,~S 77043 713-465-4650 w~r~.[hesligroup.com COPYRIGHT Home Office tbr Town Center Bank Coppell, Texas 75019 ISSUED FOR CLIENT APPROVAL DATE ISSUED FOR BIDDING ISSUED FOR PERMIT ISSUED FOR COI'STPUCTiON APPROVED BY CLIENT REVISIONS M:LRK DESCRIPTION ~ ,:.,I,:~- , The Lnformahon, ide~*, designs, detdle, layouts, technJque~, featureg, arrangements, plan,, ~equence~, ~en*lon,, ~o~nce~, tolerance,, concepUon~, ~peciffcaUon~, intenUon~, technologj or embod~en~ a~ illustrated, arranged, ~played, noted, recorded, ~cated repre~en~d, disclosed, eqdenced, de~fled or o~er~e reduced to t~gible form hereon, either ezpre~slZ, ~erenUy or ~e ~e co~idenU~l ~nd proprie~ry ~orm~Uon ~d sh~ not be u~ed tot ~ purpose o~er th~n ~e ~peciftc project or ~der~lnl tden*~te4 on ~e ~a~ni title block or Ielend for w~eh they ~e ~nd ha*e been prepared by SU Design, ~e. .~ o~er reprodueUon, ~closure or use of any porUon of ~e eo~t- dentlM ~d prop~e~ry ~orm~Uon of SU bre~eh of ~e obll¢.Uon of confidence created by ~ accept~ce of ~s ~ from SU De.In, ~e. for ~ ~peeitle project er Con.set, ~y eop~nl, dupUc~tinE, reproduc~, utllizaUon, 8iteratton, mo~fteaUon, re.don or ch~ge to ~ts ~a~i, t~ ezpres~ly pro- ~bt[ed ~es~ done ~ ~e prior -r~tten consent or *pprovM of SU Design, [ne,, ~d ~hMl not be undert~n m~vt, t receipt of ~uch prior -ritten ~pprovM. This dr~ ts lo.ed by SU ~e,, for ~ Umited purpose of compl~ng ruth a speckle ConP~et. Th~ ~*~ng remai2~ ~e property of SU DeMgn, ~e,, and shah be ret~ned upon request or compleUon of the con.act, unless spe- cifically authorized by Contract, under which it wa~ loaned. CttECKED BY A-PPRoVED BY