Minor Plat att.-CC 4/12/05 pcktN CURVE DATA CURVE DATA UNE DATA CF~O-~- - ' DELTA RADIUS ARC j Ci 7°04 03'i 3000' 3.70 I C2 55 '43 '49" 30.00' 29.18 __ .73 120 '02 '05' 30.00' 62.85 C4 5,9 °57 '55" 30.00' 3 ~ .40 C5 30 °02 05" 33.00' 17.30 66 30 R)2 05" 57.00 ' 29.88 C7 90 ~C,O '00" 30.00' 47.12 C8 90 '00 00" 54.00' 84.82 C9 56 ~14'53" 33.00' 32.40 C10 56 °14 '53" 57.00' 55.96 Cll 10 ",0'23" 5,90.40' i04.83 C :2 ~O ~ ~0 '23" 566.40' I00.57 ' CZ3 23 '34 '44" 33.00' 13.58' C14 23 ~34'44" 57.00'i 23.46' CURVE DELTA RADIUS ARC C15 90 '00 00" 30.00 47.I2 C16 90 '00'00" 30.00 47.12 C17 ~9 °li '38" 30.00 ~0.05' ~ t8 40 '34 'I3" 30.00 2 1.24' CI9 89 °59 28" 30.00 47,1_2' C20 28 °50'43" 30.00'! 15,10' C2~ 28 °43 '30" 30,00 15.04 ' C22 gO °00 32" 30.00 47.i3' 023 79:21'17" 30.00 41.55' C24 28 °55 '52". 30.00' 15.15' 025 £8 '38 '4 1" 30.00 ' 15.00 ' 026 I00 '38 '43" 30.00 ' 52.70 ' W .... -- E LINE BEARING DISTANCE Li NO1 '14'31'E 36,19 L2 N58 °43 24 "W 58.80 L3 N58 '42 52"W 33.63' L4 N58 '42 52",q 33.67' L5 N48 '04 '4 I"W 18.14 ' L6 N48 ~04 '41",'1, 2.49' L7 N31 °16'36'E 55.52' ABBREVIATION LEGEND U.E, UTILITY EASEHENT O. ~ Ij.E. DRAINAGE 8 UTILITY EASEMENT O.E. CRAINA~E EASEHENT B,L. BUILDING LINE R.O.~. RIGHT CF IP.F. IRON PiN FOUND C.I.P.F, CAPPED IRON PiN FOUND 68AP!tlC SCALE 1'= lO0' / / ' ~-~ ~ ~'~ ~ O 'OO 200 300 x V;uEE;6;i~. A?~IT~8~9 11 - - ~ ¢"I p.E. - _ --',,,,~ INOUST~IAL OEVELOPHENT. INTL. TX. L.P. ~' ' ' ' / ~ ~ ~/ ' / ~?,x~, VOL ~0040~8, PG 146 , ~ ' ~ O R.O.C.T. ~ ~ ~ · ~ ¢¢ ~ ~ ~ ~'~t~ ~6{~*~n '~ ' ~ .... ' x ,~ , ' x _ ~ , ~.u. ~o,,c,~r..°~ .~ S /' -~- ' ~ sF"~:~- ~ - .v~° , " '. X ' ' , ~ ~ ~ ~_,nnG, .%c ~S' 5%~ , A t~ ~u ~,~7'u~- ', -x%_ ~(~/e'c. rp.F. XT ~N/ .~ ', - ou. V uOu %5, c x r, %?' / .,,;¢P. ZR , k. / ,~"T ~'' ~ nO' ~ ~ ET ~3:"¢~ I .--/ //=ddq OD %~ % b'?~', / I k / % .~ l'J5; ?" <x '~' %' Cs' iNgLE REAL ES]Ar~ ~1, / . ~ ~ _ Z/ .~ ~ . LIHITED PARTNERSHIP ~1] / / ; ' q Z7 /~. / ~ - VOL. 200222~, PG. ~268 ~1' , / / % . ~'/ /77 /, / ; / u,n.u.u.~,n n ~ ~ ~ ,I: ,w/ . ~ / . / .' /.- DALLAS PONER ~ L~GHT CONPANY I . / /' / dC // ~ o' / CITY OFCOPPELL APPROVALS, ' g // LOT L BLOCK 1 / ~ ~7 q &~..~' ' RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: / / 27 072 ACRES / / zZ/' ~z / ' , ' g zo mg commission SHAHS REAL ESTATE J~ I/ ' I/ /~1 z ~-. / CRy of Copne]] Texas PARTNERS, LTD. ~- / / / - / / ' - % ~ . ' VOL 2000240, PG 2919 /~ // ///~, /./ ~ - .. ' ' / /~, 'Y ~ ~ ~' A P ~ ~ .' / ~/--I / ~ / ~ ~ / CRy of Coppe~ Texas ' I / / ~ / - ~ ~ ' / ~ V The undeps~ n h ' ' ' ' , ~ // . /4~(//~ ~ / .., g ed, t,e City Secretary of the City of Coppell Texas, hereby certifies that the fonegomq ~ ~ / ./ ~ / /e/ ~{~ .//~ ~% / m~n~p O}a~ o¢ LO~ ~, BLOCK ~, BELT LINE TRADE CENTER Sub.divls~on on Addition to the City I ~ / / ~ / /'' / ¢~ /i -.. v / or uoppell was suomitted to the City Council on the day of .................. I _/ / ~ / /~/ w/¢ ~ / 20. , a~d the. Council, by formal action, then a~ accepted the dedication of streets, aile s, I / // ~ / /~/ ~' ,' ~% / p~n~s, e~sements, public places, and ~aten and se~en ]ires, as shown and set forth in and u~on said Y a/ .JY 0 / s id qounoil ,¢ua?.a tno ize to note acceCtance smning his/ e . . ~ ~ ~ / /e ~/ ~ / name as neneinaDove SUDSCplBe~. ~1 I ~ / // /~ ~' / ---- ~ ' ' ---' 0 , // ~,,0' INGLE REAL ESTATE I CJI °e~ ~ / / / .~4.,/16~ / Floodplain Oeve]opment Permit Application No.~ LIHITEO PARTNERSHIP I J ~ ¢~ ~j. /I/ ~e~w i-- has been filed with the City 0f Coppell Floodpl~n Administrat~ 20 VOL. 200222~, PG. 11268 I . / ~'~¢¢ // 'Cs~ * / ~ ' ' I ~ ,~ ~ ' % % /~/ ¢~/ / F~ooapzaLn AdmLn~s~¢a~on Date I ,~ I ~ ~ ~ / ~<}' NOTES: I ~ j , .~ ~ / ,;, ~.¢.~.~ shorn heceon ~e ~efen~ed to the ~uthe~y ::ne of the DART nzght-of-~ay ~ ~ I / %;$~' '/ / unless otherwi~ noted. I /l~ ~~%E~.. Xe~/ / / 3. ~e ]ocat~' of the abstn~t line' ~ sho~' '~s ap~oxmate',. ~RECEtPT ACKNOWLEDGMENT I I~ : ~:~'/~ / ~; ACC~m, to the C~ty o' Coppe]] Zon~ ~p, the ~*ct p~penty is ~nnently zoned L' TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY L ~ / / ~ / uight inoustria]), ~o ~ ~;/ ~ / ~ , ,, ATMOS ENERGY ~z . ~/ % / IA= 37 32 01 5Acc~ing to the F~d~ak~mer~ency ~a~ent Agency Flood Insurance Rate ~ap / ~' ,' ~ .~ ~ / ~_~ ~, No. 48~%0~55 J, Effective uate ~ugust 23, 200L the s~b~t property appears to l~e ~n COMCAST VERIZON ~ 6. Front building line shoxn is based on "LI" Zoning PaCLiPements with front yard C~king. ~,'2"c. z. ~. s. ~,~ - / ~ CB=S 50 '03 '09" N 'i / CH=883.05' ~ ~ ~ ~ P~P~ED BY: Atlanta · Chicago · Cincinnati. Dallas Lauderda ,e · wempnls · Los ngeles c,v, ~ ~ 5420 LBJ FREE~/AY,- Sfe 1275 2405 Mustang Drive, Grapevine, ~. 76051 / ~ DALLAS, TEXAS 75240 (972) 99t-9414 Metro (817) 329-4373 O~NER'S CERTIFICATE ~tHEREAS INDUSTRIAL OEVELOP~ENTS INTERNATIONAL (TEXAS), L.P,, a Georgia Limited Partnership is the owner of a 27.072 acre tract of ]and located in the City of Copbe]], D81]as County, Texas, situated in the McKin:ney ~ Williams Survey, Abstract No. ]054 and the d.C. Carlock Survey, Abstract No. 3~& and being Tract 1 of those tracts conveyed to Industrial Developments International (Texas), L.P. by deed recorded in Volume 200~028, Page ~6 of the Deed Records of Oa]las County, Texas (DRDCT) and being more particularly descriOed as follows: BEGINNING at a ]/2" iron pin fourd, said ir-on pin beinq the not.east coPner of a tract of lan.d conveyed to Shams Rea] Estate Partners (LTD) by deed r~corded in Voiume 2000240, Page 29~g ORD,CT, said iron pin aisc being on the southerly line of a Oallas Area Rapid Transit (OART) right-of-way (formerly St. Louis and Southwestern R,R. right-of-way); THENCE N 75'57'00" E along said southerIy right-of-way }ire of OART, a distance of 559.73 feet to a capped ]/2"' iron pin set from which a cap~ed (NO~) ]/2"' 1Pon pin found bears N 80 '37'07" ~, ~.]~ feet, said capped iron pin set also being the northwest corner of a nemairder tract conveyed to Dallas Power and Light Company by deed recorded in Volume 44]4. Page 83 OROCT, said capped iron pin set also being the Point of Curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 604.36 feet, a central angle of 40'46'57" and being subtended by a chord which bears S 83'3g'31" E , ~.~5 feet; THENCE along said curve to the riq~t and westerly line of said 0a]las Powe¢ ard Ligl~t Company tract, a distance of 430.]~ feet to a capped ]/2" iron pin set from which a capped (NO~) ]/2" ipoo pin found bears N F:~5'30'55" ~, 0,52 feet and from which a bent ~/£" iron pin fo~d bears N 83'25'26" N, 0.22 feet; THENCE S 63 ']6'03" E tangent to said curve and along said westerly line of said Dallas Po~er and Light Company tract, a distance of ~97,95 feet to a caCped ]/~" iPon pin set, said c~,ped iron pin set also being on the northerly right-of-way line of Belt]ire Road (~20' ROW), said capped iron pin set also being the Point of Curvature of a non-tangent circular curve to the left having a radius of ~969.68 feet, a central angle of ]3"~923" and being subtended by a chord which bears S 37 ~B'50" W, ~5B.98 feet; THENCE southwesterly along said curve to the 1eft and said northe¢ly right-of-way line of Beltline Road, a distance of 458.01 feet to a capped U2" 1non pin set f~om ~h~ch a 5/8" iron pin fOL~d bears N 69'10'20" E, 0.36 feet; THENCE S 3~'17'08" W tangent to said curve and along said northerly right-of-way 1me of BeltZne Road, a d~stance of 58~.65 feet to a capped ]/2" mort pin set, said capped iron pin set also being the Point of Curvatu:~e of a circular CLtVe tO the right hav~ng a radius of feet, a central angle of 37'32'01" and being subtended by a chord which bears S 50'03'09" 883.05 feet; ' THENCE along said curve to the ri~t and said northerly right-of-way line of 8eltline Road, a distance of 899,04 feet to a capped ]/2" iron pin set, said capped iron pin set a!so being the southeast corner of said Shams Real Estate Partners (LTD) tract; THENCEE N 0~'J5'45" E along the east line of said Sha~s Real Estate Partners (LTD), a distance of ~459.45 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing ],]79,247 square feat or 27,072 acres of ]and, more on less. NOW, THEREFORE KNOW ALL ~EN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT Industrial Developments International (Texas), L.P., a Georgia Limited Partnership, does hereby ~dopt this plat of Lot ~ Block ], BELT LIKE TP~C.E CENTDq an addition to the Cities of Coppel], Dallas County, Texas and do hereby dedicate to the public use fo,reveP the rights-of-way and easements shown hereon. The easements si~o~n he~eon ape hereby reserved fop the pucposes indicated. The utility easements shall be ocen for ail City or franchised public ljtilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving ~n the easements is the ~esponsibility of the property owneP. No buildings or ~xi]iany structures sI~l] be constructed, reconstructed oP placed upon, over or acnoss the easements as shown. Bald ease?ents being hereby reserved fop the mutual use a,nd accommodation of all public utilities usinq or. desiring to use same Any City on franchised utility shall have the full right to remove and k~ep removed ail or parts ~f any fences, trees, shr~s or other improvements on growths which in any way erdange¢ or interfere with the constPuction, maintenance or efficiency of its Pespective system on the easements and all City or franchised utilities shall at all times have the full rigl~t of ingress and egress to and from and upon said easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective system without the necessity at any time of ~ocuPing the permission of anyone. We have reviewed the City's findings conceming dedications and we do agree that the statements are t~ue and correct, This plat approved subject to ail p/atting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the Cities of C~pel], Texas, Witness our hands this the day of , 2005, Zndusb-ial 0evelopments International (Texas), L.P., a Georgia Limited Partnership , Vice PPesident of Oevelo.pment STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF : Before me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this day perso,nally ~opeaned , Vice ~esident of Oeve/opment of Industrial Oevelopments ZntePnational (Texas), L.P., a GeoPgia Limited Pactnership, known to me to be the person whose name is subscPibed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same fOP the puPPoses and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this the day of , 2005. Notary Pub]iQ State of Texas Hy commission exp~es SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE This is to certify that L BcD Fende~on, dr, a Registered Professioral Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, have platted the above subdivision frem an actual on the ground survey, and all lot corners, angle points, and points of the curve shall be propePiy marked on the ground and that this plat correctly repeesents that survey made by me o~ undee my direction and supervision. PRELIMINARY, THIS DOCUM'ENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE. ISSUEB FOR REVZEN Thu Man 03 09:58:07 Bob Henderson, RegistePed Pnofessional Land Sunveyor No. ~50~ Goo.d~in and Mansha]], Inc. 2405 Mustang 0rive ~apevine, Texas 7605] metro (817) 32g-4373 STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF TARRANT: Before me, the undePsigned NotaPy Fublic in and foe the state, on this day pePsonally appeared Bob Henderson, J.p., known to me to be the person whose name is subscPibed to the foPegoing mstPument and ackno~ledqed to me that he executed the same fop the puPposes and considerations theeein e~pressed. Given under my hard and seal of office this the day of , 20,0¢5. Notary Public, State of Texas ~ Commission Expires M/NOR PLAT LOT 1, BLOCK 1 LINE TRADE BEING 27.0?2 Mc Y & S' CT No. 1054 SURVEY, No. 312 OF COPPELL, D LAS CO I , ~RU~Y, 2~5 THIS PLAT FILED IN VOLUME , PAGE , D.R.D.C.T