CC approval on 5/10/2005Planning AGENDA REQUEST FORM COI>PELL DATE: May 10, 2005 ITEM ~: 21 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Vista Point Il, Lots 1-7, Block A, Amending Plati to allow for the revision to fire lanes, property dimensions and calls to reflect the approved Site Plans and to correct various errors on 25.81 acres of property located at the southwest comer of S.H. 121 and MacArthur Blvd. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE GOAL(S): Motion to Approve subject to cond tons as stated below M - Brancheau S - Faught Vote - 6-1 Tunne voted against EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Date of P&Z Meeting: April 21, 2005 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (7-0) with Commissioners Borchgardt, Hall, McCaffrey, Foreman, Milosevich, Kittrell and Reese voting in favor; none opposed.~ Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: 1) The City of Lewisville's approval of the location and design of the driveways and deceleration lanes along MacArthur Boulevard and S.H. 121. 2) Contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to discuss electric easement requirements. Staff recommends approval. Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/04 Document Name: ~7VPll, AP ! -AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Vista Point II, Lots 1-7, Block A, Amending Plat P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: April21,2005 May 10, 2005 STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director LOCATION: Southwest corner of S.H. 121 and MacArthur Boulevard. SIZE OF AREA: 25.81 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: PD-199-HC (Planned Development4199-Highway Commercial) REQUEST: Approval of Amending Plat to allow for the revision to fire lanes, property dimensions and calls to reflect the approved Site Plans and to correct various errors. APPLICANT: Owner: Jeff Libby Standridge Companies 14860 Monfort Drive #241 Dallas, Texas 75254 (214) 363-1998 FAX: (214) 363-1997 David Littleton Halff~ssociates 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dalla$, Texas 75225-4292 (214) i346-6213 FAX: (214) 361-5573 HISTORY: The subject property is part of Lotl 3, Block G, a 49.20-acre tract within the Vista Ridge Addition. ~he property lies within Denton County and was originally part of the City of Lewisville when recorded in September of 1986. Since that time, the City of Coppell has annexed this and other portions of the Vista Ridge Business Park. Page 1 of 4 Item # 10 In September 1999, a request for a PD for a gas station, convenience store and car wash on 1.5 acres at this coruer of S.H. 121 and MacArthur Boulevard was recommended for denial by staff. Due to this recommendation, the applicant requested a postponement until December of that year to allow for a redesign of the Site Plan and Elevations to address staff design concerns, but staff still strongly opposed the use at this location. On December 16, 1999, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial of this requOst, and it was not appealed to City Council. In September 2001, Council apprgved a Site Plan and Replat to allow for the construction of a oneqstory, 71,000-square-foot office building on seven acres of this 26-acre parcel of land. The Site Plan would have expired on September 11, 2003; however, on September 9, 2003, Council approved a six-month extension. This extension expired in March 2004. On April 13, 2004, Council overruled staff's and Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation for denial and approved the Concept Planned Development to allow the construction of 210,000-square feet of office/warehouse/assembly buildings and five retail pad sites. In August 2004, Council approved the Detail Plan for the first phase of this deVelopment, consisting of three buildings, totaling 93,550-squaro feet. This first phase of development is currently under construction. Council also approved a Replat for the entire 25~81-acre tract at the same Public Hearing. Also approved in April of last year iwas SUP-1211 for a gas station and car repair on Lot 4 of this PD. However, per Sec. 12-30-2.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, "A building permit shall be applied for and secured within six months from the time of granting the special use permit provided; however, the city council may authorize an extension of this time upon recommendation by the planning and zoning commission". The applicant did not seek an extension prior to the expiration of the SUP; therefore, a new application is currently being considered on this agenda. On April 12, 2005, Council approx~ed a rezoning request to amend PD-199-HC to allow for the develc~pment of the Bank of Texas on Lot 5 of this subdivision, subjectI to requesting that the City of Lewisville consider a deceleratioh lane to serve the southern driveway of this tract. Per staff*s request, Council denied the Item # 10 Page 2 of 4 Replat for that property, because all necessary revisions to Lot 5 to bank. his Amending Plat incorporates llow for the construction of this TRANSPORTATION: S.H. 121 is under construction to! freeway standards with access roads, with 450 feet of right-of+way. MacArthur Boulevard, abutting this site, is in the City of Lewisville and is built as a six- lane divided thoroughfare. Thd City of Lewisville has the approval authority over driveway locations, deceleration lanes, median openings, etc. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - S.H. 121, City of Lewisvil~e South - PD-132-SF-9, The Peninsulas of Coppell, and PD-149- SF-7, Vistas of Coppell East - PD-202-TH-1 and office pa~k within the City of Lewisville West - Vistas of Coppell, PD- 149-$F-7 (Single-Family) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for mixed-use development, including retail/commercial, office parks, schools, churches,! and other compatible non- residential uses. DISCUSSION: This Amending Plat encompasses the egtire 25.81 acres of property, which was originally, replatted in Augus! of last year. The previous re- plat established the fire and deceleratiox~ lanes, revised lot lines, and reduced lot sizes due to required dedications. Since that time, construction began on three office/warehguse/assembly buildings on Lot 1; a Site Plan for a bank was approved on Lot 5; and, also on this agenda, is a request to re-approved the SUP for the gas station/convenience store/car wash and car repair on Lot 4, which expired in October of last year. These activities required that detailed leng~neering be completed. It became apparent that minor modificatiorls are required to the existing filed plat to accommodate the proposed dOvelopments. This qualifies as a Minor Amending Plat per Section 212 df the Local Government Code and, therefore, neither notice nor hearingi is required for the approval of this Amending Plat. However, given t~aat there has been significant coordination issues among all parties ~nv01ved, whereas the various Site Item # 10 Page 3 of 4 Plans and Plats did not match, it was! determined that this Plat be reviewed concurrently with the SUP forI the service station, etc., and closely follow the Site Plan a.,pproval for the bank. The proposed Replat for the bank was, per staff s request, ~lenied by Council so that all current information could be reflected on l[his Amending Plat. In sum, this Amending Plat: · Relocates the fire lanes approximately ~eight feet south to match approved Site Plans; · Revises and adds various lot dimensions; · Reflects revisions to the fire lanes and~ocation of the mutual access driveway for the bank on Lot 5i and · Updates the Owner, Utility and City s~gnature blocks, as necessary. As discussed in the companion SUP ~ Boulevard right-of-way, adjacent to thi~, Lewisville. An outstanding issue, whiz property was rezoned over a year ago, is ti deceleration lanes. At its meeting on Ap urged that the City of Lewisville approve equest, the entire MacArthur tract, is within the City of h was a condition when this ce location of the driveways and 'il 12th, the Mayor and Council deceleration lane for lots along MacArthur Boulevard. If approved b~ the City of Lewisville, this deceleration lane needs to be reflected on this Amending Plat, prior to it's filing with Denton County. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING C(~MMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the Amending Plat for Vista Point II, Lots 1 -7, Block A, subject to: 1) The City of Lewisville's approval o~the location and design of the driveways and deceleration lanes alon~ MacArthur Boulevard. 2) Contact Larry Redick at 972-323-89i7 to discuss electric easement requirements. ALTERNATIVES 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: i) Amending Plat Page 4 of 4 Item # 10 LLLLrLLL ,rLLLLFLLLLFLLLLFLbLLrL~LLrLLLLrL~LLFLLLLFI , FLLLL FLLLL FLLLL FLLLL FLLLL FLLLL FLLLL FLLLL FI , ILLLL ILLLL ILLLL ILLLL ILLLL FLLLL ILLLL ILLLL FI ,ILILLILLLLPLLLLPLbLLPLbLLILbLLrL[LLILbLL ,fL[LLfLLLLPLLLLPLLLLPLLLLfLEEPLLLLfLLLLrl ?LLLfLLLLPLLLLPLLLLfLLLLfLLLLPLLLLfLLLL: ILLLLILLLLPLLLLFLLLLKLLLLILLLLrtLLL~LLLrl I bbbbl bbbbl bbbbl bbbbl bbbbl btb~l bbb~l bb~/I iii lie