Email re TXDOT issues, etc.Page 1 of 2 Marcie Diamond - FW: Vista Point 2 Plans From: To: Date: Subject: "Erik M. Hauglie" <ehauglie~pkce.com> <mdiamond~ci.coppell.tx.us>, "Charlene LaMattina" <clamattina~ci.coppell.tx.us> 6/9/2005 1:10:52 PM FW: Vista Point 2 Plans Marcie, I will call to discuss the sidewalks. Erik ..... Original Message ..... From: DSalmon@cityoflewisvitle.com [mailto:DSalmon@cityoflewisville.corn] Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 5:48 PH To: Erik 1'4. Hauglie Subject: RE: Vista Point 2 Plans I had a chance to look at the plans and the response letter. With regard to the taper for the driveway on 121, it is acceptable to The City of Lewisville. Have you visited with Carla at TXDOT about it? You will need to process TXDOT permit for the 1:~1 driveway and taper through City of Lewisville. Same goes for connection to TXDOT storm sewer. The Utility copnections that are within the 121 , ROW will need to be permitted also. Given that it is a City of Coppell waterliine but physically within Lewisville, I m not entirely sure who processes the permit application for that. The City of Lewisville will require that the sidewalk be constructed with the remainder of the public improvements. As we do not have building permit or site plan authority, we have no way ofienforcing the construction of sidewalk when the lots are developed. In addition, the sidewalk along 121 will requirff TXDOT permitting and it will be much more efficient to process that along with the other improvements in the TXDOT ROW rather than going through a TXDOT permitting process for each lot individually. Aisc, if the sidewalks w~re constructed individually, that means City of Lewisville would have to review plans each time a building wgs permitted on the site in Coppell creating another dual review. If all of the improvements are addressed now, there will be no need to involve City of Lewisville on future site construction. Please show the sidewalk on the construction plans. "Erik M. Hauglie" <ehauglle@pkce.com> 06/0712005 09:19 AM To < DSalmon@cityofle~isville.com> cc Subject RE: Vista Point 2 Plates David, We have received a conditional letter of approval from City of Coppell. I sent over this morning two sets of plans. The only thing that has changes from the sets sent to Kumar while yr}u were out is the addition of a Taper on 121 in lieu cfa full decel lane. Please let me know your timing for reviewing the plans. I am attaching City of Coppell's letter, they are requiring an approval letter for the utility tie-ins and paving in City of Lewisville. file://C:\temp\GW} 00001 .HTM 6/10/2005 Page 2 of 2 Thanks, Erik ..... Original Message ..... From: DSalmon@cityoflewisville.com [mailto:DSalmon@cityoflewisville.corrl] Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 4:19 PM To: Erik M. Hauglie Subject:: Vista Point 2 Plans I received the revised plans and have some questions/comments after reviewing them. 1. I was of the impression that Coppell was requiring a deceleration lane forlthe south driveway. City of Lewisville is not requiring, but would like some confirmation with regard to the final de(~ision on this as we don't want to be at odds with the City of Coppell on this issue. 2. Right of way is within City of Lewisville. City of Lewisville requires sidewalks along all street frontages. None are shown on the plans. Comment was made previously, but not addressed[. 3. Need City of Lewisville storm sewer and inlet details for relocation of inlet~ on MacArthur. Comment made previously. 4. Traffic control plan was not revised to take into account deletion of deceleration lane on 121. file://C:\temp\GW} 00001 .HTM 6/10/2005