Replat att. to CC 5/10/05 pckt.NTER / / I _J ~=90~30'00' R=50,O'O L=47.12 T= 30. O0 CURVE C14 A= 90~30'00" R=30. O0 L=47.12 T= 30.00 CURVE DATA ,.TABLE C;uRv~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~=90'oo'0o' ~-9o'oo'oo' ~=43'~2'~ 9' ~-~'~3'26' R=54,00 R=30. O0 R=54,0,0 R=239,73 L~84,82 L=47.12 L=41,19 L=195.49 T=54,00 T=30,O0 T=21.66 T=103,55 ~ ~ CUR~ Clt ~ ~86~'06' ~90~0'00' ~90~0'00' ~90'00'0,0' R=30,O0 R=30,O0 R=20,O0 R=30,O0 L= 45.04 L= 47.12 L=31.42 L= 47.12 T=27,98 T=30.00 T=20.00 T=30.00 ~3'42'19' ~'~'15' ~2'15" ~3'35'05' R=30. O0 R=215.73 R=60,O0 R=56,36 L~22.88 L=176.10 L=42,10 L=4~88 T=I 2,03 T= 93, 29 T=21.96 T~ 22.54 LOT 2R, BLOCK 2 PARK WEST COMMERCE CENTER (VOL. 2000242, PG. 1144) CURVE Cl A= 88'1 ~.'50" &=86~31 '06' R=,30.O0 R=54.0'0 L=48.21 L=81.07 T=29.10 T=50.37 b=90~O'O0' R=30.O0 L=47.12 T=30.O0 b=90~30'00" R=30.O0 L=47.12 T= 30. O0 A= 40'12'15' R=20.O0 L=1~.03 T=7.32 -,1' MUTUAL ACCESS [SMT. ..... N 0~~ 7zo~' F/C/N/T Y - - 1 ..... j~__~_.S89~6'48"" 109.82'E '1 PARK 60' R,O,.W _., Z 60' ROW ~0'53'1 ~' E 93.3~' I N 02<~6'52' W c~O~--~ $ o2'~'52' E i _~ <::::~ ~ N ~ IRS 1/2-INCH IRON ROD W/"PACHECO KOCH" CAP SET (C.M.) CONTROLUNG MONU MF_J%IT .... PROPERTY UNE w .V 1' MUTUAL ACCESS ESMT. O~ ~ PG. -) N 00'53'1~" E 728.36' ----- "- .... ,-7 ....- '-' N 00'53'14" 1003.40' _ 25' BUILDING SETBACK _ , N 00'53'1~' E 758,77. 2~' FIRE LANE (BY THIS PLAT) $ 00~3'14' w LOT 2R-3, BLOCK 2 PARK WEST COMMERCE CENTER 16.800 ACRES (731,812 S.F.) LOT 2R-2, BLOC~ 2 PARK W~ST COMME~CE C~T~ (VO~ 2~2~2, PG. 11~) RNI~ ~ ~VA~ = 519.~ 20'x35' WATER EASEMENT (BY THIS PLAT) IC8 ~...,, ~, =o.0o' N 00'53'14' E N 00'5.3j14' E_ ~ FINISH FLOOR Fi EVATION - 519.00 f24' FIRE LANE (BY THIS PLAT) 757.97' 8~7.32' 817.31' C7 z 1/2-INCH IRON RO0 'HALFF ASSOC' CAP FOUND ~.! b.I , , ~.---~.---_ 15 x50 WATER EASEMENT .-Al F~._ (BY THIS PLAT) 60' BUILDING S~TBAC~ 93' ROW --?2-1NCR IRON RO0 W/ "HALFF ASSOC" CAP FOUND t'37'44" R=38.00' L=59.44' Tan=37.75' CB=S46'O '22"W CD=53.57' 5,0' L$. GAS ESMT. (VCX. 1577, PG. 8) (VOL. 2017, PG. _B 24' FIRE LANE Y TH S PLAT) S 00'53'14' W ....... ~i ~ 15'x50' WATER EASEMENT BY TH s PLAO S 5'30" W 759,06' 738.5¥ '~0' UTIL & DRAIN. ESMT. (VOL. 90218. PG. 32~4) I0' GEN. TEL ES&IT VOL. 70176, PG. 269) t VOC, 71167, PG. 1303) VOL.. 90097, PG, 1144) 1/2-INCH IRON ROD W/ 'HALFF ASSOC" CAP FOUND BELT LINE ROAD Rood~i~tn Development Permit Ap¢lcetlon No. has been filed with the City of Coppell flood¢lain administrator ~ , 2005. (Date) DALLAS POWER &: UOHT 06-18-56 (Roedplain Adminlst.,~t~) c,31 Octe of Approval Dote of Apgrovat 949.00' Approved and Acce_oted b? ATI~OS E~4E]qGY Dote of Ap~rovat TXU ELECTRIC DE]JVERY COMPANY COf4CAST 0 25 5O 100 150 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET LOT 2, BLOCK 1 WEST COMMERCE CENTER (VOL. 93226, PG. 2864) Dote of Approvot 507,91' LOT 3, BLOCK 1 PARK WEST COMMERCE CENTER (VOL. 93226, PG. 2864) 10' DRAINA~ EASE3~ENT (TO BE; ABANDONED BY THIS Pr. AT) I I 20' UT1L & DRNN. ESOT. (TO BE ABANDC~IED BY THIS PLAT) .N 0195'30" E 20.00' 364..85' 35.00' w-~ 1/2-1NC:H IRON ROD ~-W/ "HAL.FF ASSOC" CAP FOUND DESC~PTION, of a 18.800 acre tract of lend situated In the J~mes A. Sim,mens Sue~ey, Abstract No. 1298, In the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and being ~il of Block 2R-2 of Park West Commerce canter as recorded in Volume 2000242, Page 1144 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texa~ said 16.800 acre tract of land bslng mcre perUculerly deecrlbed as foilow~ BEGINNING, at a 1/2-inch Iron rod with 'HALFF ASSOC' cop found at the most southerly point of a 38.00 foot radiat comer clio located on the commas line between the north fight-of-way of Airline Drive (a ~3dable ~dth right-of-way, 0;3 feet wide at this point) and the west right-of-way line of Beifline Rood (a 120 foot wide right-of-way at this point); THENCE, dang the ~ld no~th line of Airline Drlve the following three courses end distances; North 8g deg.reee, 06 minutes, 48 secands West, a distance of 126.02 feet to a 1/2' ~ rod with 'HALFF ASSOC' cap found for comer;, South 75 degrees, 57 minute~, 33 seconds West, a dlstence of 6~.05 feet to a 1/2' Iron rod with 'HALFF ASSOC' found for comer;, Airline Drive being a 60 foot wlde dght-of-way at thfe point; North 89 degrees, O~ minutes, 48 secends West , a distance of 504.10 feet to a 1/2' Iro~ rod with 'PAC~IECO KOCH' cap found; said point being the southe~3st corner of Lot 2R-2, Block 2 Perk West Commerce Cent~, en oddities to the City of CoCpetl, Texas according to the MIno¢ Amending Plat recorded in Volume 2000242, Page 1144 of the Deed Recede of Del{as County, Texa~ THENCE, North O0 degrees, 53 mlnutee, 1~ seconds East, dep~rting the m31d north line of AirlIne Drive and ~ieng the e~st line of sa{d Lot 2R-2, a distance of 1003.40 feet to a 1/2-inch Iron rod with 'Pacheco Koch' cop found for corer, m31d point being In the south line of Lot 2, Block 1, Perk West Commerce Center, an addlflon to the City of Cocpetl, Texas according to the plat recorded In Volume g322.8, Page 286~, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texa~ THENCE, South 89 degree~, O~ minute~, 01 eec<x~ds East; along the south line of aeld Block 1; a distance of 738.15 feet to a to a 1/2' Iron rod with 'HALFF ASSOC' c® found for comer In the m31d west lIne of Belt L~e THENC¢_~ South 01 degree~, 15 minutes, 30 seconds West, ~ieng the said west line of Bait U~e Rood, a dlstence of g49.00 feet to the north end of said curMng comer ctlp whose center of sald com~ cl~ be~ North 88 degree& 44 minutes, 30 seconds West, a distance of 35.00 feet frcrn ~31d point; THENCE, slang a~Id cuing comer cl{p and north right-of-way lIne of AMine Drive through a centr~i a~gle of 89 degrees, 37 minutes, 44 seconds an arc distance of 59.44 feet en a chord bearing and distance of South 48 degree~, 04 mInutes, 22 secends West, 53.57 feet to the POINT OE BEGINNING; CONTAINING, 731,815 feet or 16.800 acres of lend, more or less. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, MajeeUc Realty Company ddea hereby adoct this plat designating the herein descrroed property as LOT 2R-3, BL(X~( 2, PARK WEST CO~4MERCE C~W_E, en addition to the City of Co~elt, Texas end does hereby dedicate to the public use forever-, the streets, atleye, and easements sho~n thereon. The ~e~rnente shown hereon ere hereby reserved fo~' the purpose as indicated. No buiding~, fences, trees, ~hrub~, or other improvements or growth shall be canstructed or placed upon, over or aoross the ~.,~.~ ,ll+al+,~ ~Ae~-~e' beths hereby reserved for the mutual use end accommodation of.~t,I 'Utility Easements' as shown ......... x ........... removed publlc uUlit[es desldng to use or using sam& NI end any public u(lilty sh~ll have the right to remove and kee¢ all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or gro~rths whlch may in any way interfere with the censtructian, maintenance or efficiency of Its respective system en [he 'U~lty Easements' end ~11 publlc utilities shaft at all time have the full right of Ingress and egress to .~ .ir.om and. up.o..n the m3[d 'UUll.ty th.~ purpose of constructing, reconstructIng, Inspecting, patr~ling, m. am.~ammg e~.a .aaaln. g to or remo~ng from m, p~r~a of its respectlve system without the necessity at any time or procurmg me perm~smon of enyane. Notwithstanding the forgoing, Majeetlc Realty Company resecvee fo~ themselves, theIr ~ucceesors end assigns the dght to use the surface of ~il such e~sements for Installing landscaping and IrrlgafJon systems, for p~rking of vshlc{es (except that parking eh=Il not be authorized In any designated fire lanes) for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and to canstruct end maintain paving on the ~urface of such easements for the purpose of such reserved used. Witness my hand at Coppeil, Texas th[s the _ day of ~ A.D., 2005. MAJESTIC RE. Ad. TY COMPANY Noma, COUNTY OF DALLAS STATE OF TID(AS Bt~'ORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Not~ry Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appe<3red ., known to me to be the person whose name Is subscrfoed to the foregoing Instrument end acknowledged to me that he executed the ~me fo~ the purposes end canslderath3~ therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SE. AL (:N= OFFICE this ... day of __ 2005. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission expIres STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY 0¢ DALLAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That J~mes A. Koch, Jr., do hereby certify that I prepared this plot from an actual end accurate sur~ey of the lend; that the comer monumenf~ shown where properly placed under my pe~an~t ~uperv{sion In acc,'dance with the platting rules end regulaUans of thee City of Cocpe~t, Taxa& J~mes A. Koch, ~. Registered Professlanc~ Land No. 4888 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAU_AS BE~CRE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day per~onelly oppecred James A. Koch, Jr., known to me to be the person whose nome le subscribed to the foregoing instrument end acknowledged to me that he executed the some fo~ the purposes and canNderatlon therein expressed. GIV[N UNDER MY HAND AND SteAL O~ OFFICE this ~ Volume: P ge: THE PURPOSE OF THIS REPLA T IS TO DEDICATE EASEMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT .... , Approved: Okector of Planning end Community Set,cee Date City of Cocpeil, Texas The undersigned, the City Secretory of the City of ~etl, Tsxa~, he~y ce~dflee that the forgoing R~lat of Lot 2R-3, Block 2, Park We~t C~nmerce Center, Addlflen to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City o~ the day of , 2005, end approved for flll~g as by the Dlrsctor of I~ning end Community authorized by Secflen 10181 of the Clty of Coppell O~dinanCe of the Local Government Code of the State of Tsxa~ WiTNESS MY HAND, this _ day of , 2005. Date City Secret~ry, City of Cof~pe#, Texas Not~'y Public in and f~' the State of Texas My Commies{on expIres: ')CK 2 JT ENTER __ R-2, BLOCK 2 PARA ,,,._ E CENTER AN ADDITION TO THE ClT v,: COPPELL, TEXAS AND BEING OUT OF THE JAMES A. SIMMONS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1296 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS -,.- ' 04 12/2005 1628 05 054 DWG FILE: 1628-05-03~RP.DWG