Sewer/Water connection & Legend1 ! I" SH AD Y OAK I A6~ B6 C6 I B7 C7 C8 E6 F6 WATER SHEET WATER LEGEND WATER LINE' 't 12"BO GATE VALVE FIRE HYDRANT & GATE VALVE BLOW OFF VALVE PROPOSED WATER NNE VAULT WIDE MAPPING SYSTEM UTILITY/BASE MAP SHEET NO. B5 WA TER ~RINT DATE 7/8/99 ~e Cit~y W;~.~'~ .4. ~:gec.q~ifL~[ Future Water and Sewer Connection - Notes Page 136 Shady Dale (north lot) - Lot 4R, Block C 132 Shady Dale (south lot) - Lot 3R, Block C General Note - We will use the existing water and sgwer tap from the ~nce connection, to be approved by th~city with the . applicable construction permits. The sewer connection will be a minimum of 10 feet down stream (north) of the water connection. Water - North Lot - Lot 4R, Block C The water is currently connected to the existing 8" S~pply line 100 feet from the existing north property boundary. See attached "[Water Connection" reference "WI". Water - South Lot - Lot 3R, Block C The water will be connected to the existing 8" Supply line 60 feet from the existing south property boundary. See attached"'Wa}er Connection" reference "W2". Sewer - North Lot - Lot 4R, Block C ~ The Sewer will be connected to the existing 8" Main[Sewer Line to be a minimum of 10 feet down stream (north) of the water connection. This connection will be made approximately 90 feet from[the north existing property line. See attached "Sewer Connection" reference "S 1". Sewer - North Lot - Lot 3R, Block C The Sewer will be connected to the existing 8" Main minimum of 10 feet down stream (north) of the wate connection will be made approximately 80 feet from property line. See attached "Sewer Connection" refe~ Sewer Line to be a : connection. This the south existing ence "S 1".