P&Z letter of approval 5/19/05COPPEL£ May 20, 2005 TO: PROPERTY OWNERS AT 412 & 420 COPPELL ROAD AND ALONG KAYE STREET RE: PD-210-SF-9(CH}, KAYE STREET Dear Property Owner(s): This letter is to inform you that Case No. PD-210-SF-9(CH), Kay zoning from SF-12 (Single Family-12) to PD-210-SF-9(CH) (PI Family-9, Called Hearing) to allow for the retention of existing ho~ and redevelopment of homes on existing lots and to allow the re[ 9,000-square feet on property located along the north and soutl Coppell Road, encompassing 35 lots (412 & 420 Coppell Road recommended for approval by the Coppell Planning and Zoning Co ,' Street, to consider a change in anned Development-210-Single nes and permit the development latting of lots to a minimum of t sides of Kaye Street, east of and 300-426 Kaye Street), was nmission on Thursday, May 19, 2005, subject to the attached PD conditions amd exhibit, with an additional provision, as follows: Disasters 1. Ifa house is destroyed due to a natural disaster br fire, the homeowner may elect to rebuild the home as it exists today ~v~thout seeking any variances. The date scheduled for consideration by the Coppell City Council is Tuesday, June 14, 2005, at 7'- p.m. You are encouraged to attend this meeting to voice your opinibns. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Departmen~ at (972) 304-3678. Sincerely, Marcie l~iamond Assistant Director of Planning Attachment Cc Building Inspection file