Change to attached signageCIRRUS ASSET MANAG EMiENT August 10, 2005 Mr. Matt Steer Planning Department City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Reviscd .~ffodifieation Request for Signage Coppell Healthcare Center 546 E. Sandy Lake Road Dear Matt: Per our phone conversation, I am providing this letter as our formal writ1 approved Tenant signage locations for the above property. Via Courier request to change the previously One of our largest tenants, TienaHealth/Sleep Healers, has requested their t south facade of the building. Being our largest Tenant, we wish to accommoda Pediatrics currently has signage on this side. Unfortunately, I misunderstood tl that we had 140 square feet total for the building. I thought we would be abh know that we are only allowed a certain amount of square footage at spec'~ already installed the MD Pediah'ies signage totaling 9.5 square feet of the s, only about 14 square feet on the south side for the TienaHealthJSleep Healer their business name and due to them being our largest Tenants, this amount c Therefore, we respectfully request a modification to your previously approved the previously approved east facade Tenant Signage square footage of 24 and ~ Signage square footage remaining of 14. This would give us a total of 38.5 sq~ on the south fa~:ade and 0 square feet of Tenant Signage remaining on the east I have attached the following documents to assist you in the approval of this re Figure 1 - Appearance of south fagade of building once Tie requested. · Figure 2 - detail of square footage related to installed and requested s · Figure 3 - Previously approved square footage spreadsheet · Figure 4 - Letter of approved signage from architect Figure 5.1-5.2 Elevations ofprevionsly approved signage Once again, we request your approval to install this signage. Should there be ~ please call me so we may come to some resolution together to make it happen uilding signage to be located on the e their business needs. However, MD c city approved signage. I understood to put it wherever we wanted. 1 now tic locations. Unfortunately we have ~uth fagade. This now leaves us with ;. Because of the amount of letters in l' square footage simply isn't enough. sign allotment. We would like to take aove/add it to the south facade Tenant ~are feet of Tenant Signage remaining h~:ade. tuest: naHealth/Sleep sign is installed as gns. problem with approving this request, br this Tenant. I look forward to hearing from you. Should you have any questions, please d4 not hesitate to call me at (214) 953- 1722 or you may email me at nmatthews~a)thecirmsgroup.coEn. Sincerely, Cirrus Asset Management Nikki C. Matthews Senior Property Manager Enclosures Admi istr'ative Approval jinx] July t2, 2004 Mr. Matt Steer Plenning Deparlment 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Signage for Coppell Healthcare Center 546 East Sandy Lake Road Dear Matt, Thank you for going through the s~gnage modifications with ,,,n~-~,this af~oon and last week. As per our conversation and your direction, I am enclosing two renderings= one of ~he building signage and one of the monument sigoage, along with copies of the material sent to you previously. Again, it is our intention to provide you with whalever you need to alloWlthe Contractor to install the Building and Monument signs only at this point. Future Tenant signagel is to be applied for under separate permits as necessary and as the building Is leased. Ple...a~. review t.h. le ma,t?al, along with the previously submitted materl~l, and if this is acceptable please notily the permitting onmials as is appropr ate. We will ask the GenerallContractor to apply for the permit again, and if all goes well, we will be complete. Thank you again for your assistance and your patience. Please let me know if you have any questions, or need further information. Sincerely, GSR-A~drade Amhitects W, D. Collins, II, AIA Contract Administ~etor Cc: AJlleon Teague Holly Dewar File ~¥X~I ']]3dd09 VZV]d 3~V] A(]NVS §V×~.~ 'lq~ddO0 VZV-Id ::;~tV1 AONVS ()