LP att. to CC 7/12/05 pckt.? ! -lt IF _/LAWN 80t.!D SOO BERMUDA( LA'~I',,1, SOLID SOD BERMUDAGRASS LANDSCAPE NOTES Conlrac~r ¢half verif~ ~tl exi~ng and i~oposed ~e sterne n~ and r1.~li~y Arohl~eL-t cf any di~ep~n2k~a Su~myu%~ ~e×~J~g c~nd t~n~ vra-s supplled by c~qor~. Conlraclcr M',alt loc:ate all e.,'d,alln§ unde.rg~nd ut~liL;e~ a~J r~l:fy wadrJ'ng in the vk~n. ib/a.~' undar§~ uIJHde~. 3, Conl~lclor fs r.'q>on~lbt,~ for ob~alnlrg aTI r~'fulr~d [r'md~-'m~ and irrfgaL~on parmF~,. Ft~Y ED BHRUB MASS 1' 1 5. Att planUn,g bed~ and la-~n area~ lo be ~eparated by ~tael edgir'~g. No si.eel [,o 10a Ina~alle,d m:lja, c~nl Ia s~¢t~k~ er c:~Jrb~ 6, All landscape area~ [o be 100% irfigafad with an underground automatic i~¢a[iqn s'ys(em and 8hatl includ~ rain and freeze All taws area~ ~o be Solid Sod B~rmJdagrass, nclad on lha MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. The O'~ner. tee. ant and their ager. t, if an),, ~ha! be j~rl~ a%! ~everaUy re~q:,3nalb~e f~ Ihs maintenano~ of all fandac~¢e. All landscape ~hall bo mainLainad in a ~1 and ~ady ~nnar al all limes. Thin shall (nellie m~v[ng, edging, p~n[ng. mainle~n~, 3. All landscape areas shari be kept free at trash, I~iter, weed~ and 4. Ail plant materfat sh~l be maintained {n a hGatl~/and grcwin, g ccnd t~n ae ;~ approorfaht for Ihe semen of the y~r 5. All plant ma[enaJ w!q~ch dies shall be replaced wile plan! rr~atenal of equal or better ve, k~. §. Conlrac[or r~half t:xo'¢,,da r~epm'ate bid pr'ct:~saJ forene year's main!chance ~ begin after final ~oapLar.ce. GENERAL LAWN NOTES P~I~ uniform mu~ing at top and ~om cf s~s and ~er S~nd, below ~n~ fi~h grade, Contac[or to an-~ite Co~s~ctlo~ ~nager. Conlractor st~all prm4da (2") two Inches of imp0d~d ~oPso~l cea ail arm]s to receive fawn, ADO ALTERNATE. h~poded t0¢4,oil shall bo r',aturat, fr~bio s0il from aB bottom [and ~il, free from lumps, day, [.oxic ~ubs~no~, debris, Yecjetat'on, ,~k~ae~, conkalnhng nD sail and black to brown All I~r,~n arena la be fine §radc~, imgati~n treneea ~r~ ~e~, a~ finish ~mdo app~ed by ~o ~nof~ ConCepcion SOLID SOD NOTES 1. Fee grade areas to ac~Teve final oantr_~J.~ [ndica[ed. ~ a~a ~ brooke in grade. Cermet irregurafiL'.'ea and areas ~,d"~re w.aler may stand. 4. Conlractor to ooo~dlnate with en-a~le C~",:slru~L~ Man,~ger fo~ ava d.a bility of' ex[sling Plant sod by hand Ia cq:~er incf. cate~ area cx~p~ertebj¢. Ir~-um ~ el sod are ~ch[~g, ToD drn~ ~lnl~ by hand wt~ ~t ~ ~11 unnatural Waler r~d t.~rc>u~hty aa sod ope~ratbn pm',ams~.e& Conlraclor f,l.all mairdain all lawn areas unlil ~r~ acc.a121anoe, This shall in.c~e, bul ~o[ ~mile, d ia,: mowinl~, watering, w~. culevating, 6feani~ and replaci,,'~rj dead Dr bar9 amos k~ keep plan~, In a v~r'oug, he-a,l~y c~ndiUo~. 10. Contrac(cr ~'hall guarantee eslab4i~hmet:t cf an acoel:{able I~f area add ~ha'lI pro~fde repfa, cemanl from I~ ~uIPP~y ;f aa-cea.aery. If [rwdua~Ecn occurs betwee~ Septefnber 1 and MarT.~ 1,aI sod area~ Io be o~er. ss, e-dad with WInle~ Ryegrass, at a rate of {4) p-our,ds par one Ihousand (1000)t,,'fuare fee4_ LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS PERIMETER LAN~ Reclu.temenl~: 3~t F~e ~halt ccrrta~ m 15' P~rr~lor L.ands~pcc (1C,~.1 Re~.,t)'ed tree~. Qro~ 112 ,% I[X,~I ~ TOTAL LOT AREA: (Exclu~N,~ 2~1,078.~' ~.f. CANOPY ROOF MATERIAL TO M~ATC:It OR COMPLIMENT SITE BU(LDINe_.~ MASONRY ENTRY MJONUMENT MATERrAL TO MATCH BUiLDiNG FtNI$ttES ~ LOW I',~$ONRY ENFRY WALL ...... ":: - \ ~-- / I.'..:..i \ /:! o ' \ /, , '/t \ '.: ,.,., . ...... :, :.. _ ............ -~.~; :~.,~..¥;-~;':'~:-'-~:':. t:~ , ~ '~'"~ '." /:~'2 - .~%'~5;~%-k.~¢'~%¢ ,..~¢1 ..*_, ..~. . ~ ...... ~.,._ 'zf..,... . , ~. ',.,,'~ _ ~ ,, , , . . , POSSIBLE SIG~GE E~fl~ ~ ENTRY MONUMENT AND WALL 114"=1'-0' PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL PLANT TYPE PLANT LIST TREES BO'FANCAL hl/~M E NAME QrY. SIZE REMARKS Lagerstroemla Incllca Crepe Myrb'e 18 30 gal, P;slacia chir~nt~ Chinese Pls&-K~',e 51 3" ~1. Taxl~um dl~c~m Bard Cyp~ ~ 3" ~L Ul~s ~i~ lac~ba~EIm ~ 3' ~1. NOTE: ALL TREES TO IIAVE STRAIGHT TRUNKS AND BE MATCHIhlG WITHIN VARETiE$ 8HRUB,.SeGROUNDCOVER BOTANCAL NAME COM&~ON M-AME QTY. SIZE REMARKS [[ox corr~ "Burl'on:Iii I',lar'~' Ilex app. 'Nellie R_ SJevaf~e' Salvl~ ,~r'eggii 'Furm, an's R~' Raph~le~ [ndi~ ~na' C~n dean Dwarf Bufford Holly 076 30' hl, Nellie R. Ste~r~ He~'¥ 26 7' gal. ~ff W~ ~e 6~ 5 gat. India n H~ 8~ 5 ~m~n o0ntainot full, 20' spread, 24" o0nLalnor full Io ba~o. 36" hr, ~ container full, 20" spread, 24' c~nfainer full, 20" ~p~ad' 24" o.c. oontalner full 213/' spread, 24" o.c~ ~id ..~od, refer to NOTE: Plant list Fa an aid Ia b!rJdere aery. Coatrada, shatl verify ail qua~4;lJea an pla~. Ail heicjhl~ and spmacf~ are m~imuma. All I:~nt material ~hall meet c~ exceed mrr~r~ aa Cndlcal~cl. _LAN.__D S..~CAP E PLAN 1'=40'-0" 0 20 40 80 OWNER JOB COPPELL VILLAGE PLAZA-COMMERCIAL, L.P. 4-,34 COPPERSTCNE TRAIL COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 PH. 972-745-7307 FAX 972-745-7118 CONTACT: JOHN S~EANBURG smr randscape arcNteds, inc. O~T~, Tex~ 7T~s,~X~ Fox 214871 ~5 LANDSCAPE PLAN THE PLAZA C:iTY OF COPPU. L D^LLA$ / DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS DOWDEY, ANDERSON & A$$O£1ATE$, INC. .D.ES!,6N. IDRAWN CHECKED, J BKR DL D^IE J $C^LE J jOB j 'SHEET