DRC commentsCOPPELL Proiect ID RP-05-0032 Address CITY OF COPPELI~ 2nd DRC REPORT Proiect N~me COPPELL Duke-Freepod Addition, Lots 2R1 and 2R2, Block Proiect Type Application Date Case Manager Proiect Description Replat 7/19/2005 Gary Sieb Being a replat of a portion of Lot 2, Block A, to allow the construction of a to allc~w the construction of 142,247-square-foot building on Lot 2R1 and a 93,345-square-foot building on ~ot 2R2, totaling approximately 15.51 acres of property. Agency Engineering 1 of 1 Comments Comments will be generated upon detailed engineeling review. COl'FELL Proiect ID RP-05-0032 Address CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Prolect Nbme COl'FELL Duke-Freeport Addition, Lots 2R1 and 2R2, Block A Proiect Type Application Date Case Manaqer Proiect Description Replat 7/19/2005 GapJ Sieb Being a replat of a portion of Lot 2, Block A, to allow the construction of a to alloW the construction of a 142,247-square-foot building on Lot 2R1 and a 93,345-square-foot building on ~ot 2R2, totaling approximately 15.51 acres of properh/ Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engineering 1 of 2 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 7/27/2005 Jeff Curry 7/27/2005 Ken Griffin 7/28/2005 Fire Administration Tim Oates 7/29/2005 Parks and Recreation John Elias 7/29/2005 Commen~ Replat urlacceptable, contact Jeff Curry at 972-570-~4126 to discuss easement requirements. Replat 1. Show ~he curves (C1-C10) and lines (L1-L2) listed in the table~. Do these curves and lines define the fire lanes? If!not, define curves and lines in the fire lanes. 2. The 25'X25' water easements should be made larger to ;accommodate the vaults without encroaching on the franchise utility easements. 3. Define the locations water easements using a line table or q, all-outs. 4. The F!re Lane should also be called a Mutual Access Easement. Paving ptan 1. How 4o the proposed storm sewer connections to the future B~ethel Road improvements impact the design of the future 21" RCP Storm Drain? How does the propose~J storm sewer system impact the design of the Freepo~ detention basins? Show drainage areas and calculations. Propose the system so there are no adverse impacts. 2. How Will the proposed storm drain system work until the Bethel Road improvements are in place? Water &[ Sewer Plan 1. Clarif7 the unconnected "Proposed 8" Fire Service" that crosses the fire lane between the buildings. 2. Placei an 8" valve between the vault and the water meters. 3. Do n(}t place vault and meters inside the "TXU" Easement. No plat comments noted. 1. Need a 20' Hike & Bike Trail Easement along west property line. COPPELL Agency Planning Department Reviewed By Gary Sieb CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Review Date 7/22/2005 COPPELL Comment 1, Lot 8 rleeds to be relabeled "Lot 2 RI". 2. Lot 9 r~eeds to be relabeled "Lot 2 R2". 3. Dimer~sion and label N/S fire lanes. 4. Plat sl~ows a 16.5 acre site; Site Plan shows 15.5 acres--wl'iich is correct? 5. Add 1~' = 60'-0" below "Graphic Scale in Feet". 6. Modif subject s 7. Clearl easemer 8. Note Road in 9. Chan 10. Toy , Vicinity Map to eliminate black area above te, t show measured limits of firelanes, drainage ts, etc. refers to Thweatt Road. There is no Thweatt Coppell. le all 2004 dates to 2005. hat do Line Table and Curve Table refer?