Replat att.-9/13/05 CC pckt........ I [ ---- [ [ [ ..................... [[[[ [ II [[ [[ '[ [ Ill[ [ [ ........ [[[r--~ --- [ [lift[ .......... ................... [ [ [[ [ I [ ~ [ ~ // ~o , ~ // ~ I / / [ L',OL. 2C, 02125 PG. C.( 70'/ W~'PACHECO KOCH' ~ I ~ O~ ~ ~ ~OD FOUND , · ' , CA~ FOUND 6~' .......... ~ ~N ~'15 E b~ I I ................................................. I I 24' RRELANE & MUTUAL ACCESS ESMT. Al l2- CH ,Ro. ROD W,/'P~CHECO KOCH" CAP. OUND DR.-*N,*OE E~*SEYENT (',OL. 200~. PS. Z7) __ __ __ s ag."2g'~' r ~3g.~,'_ L24' FIRELANE & MUTUAL ACCESS ESMT. (BY THis PLAT) CUR VE TA BL E CURVE DEl TA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BEARING CHORD C1 101'21'12" 30.11 53.27' 36.76' S 55'56'49' W 48.59 C2 90'00'01' 54.00 84.82 54.00 N 45'30'15" E 76.37 C3 90'00'00' 30.00 47.12 30.00 S 45'30'15" W 42.43 C4 90`00'00' 30.00 47.12 30.00 N 44'29'45' W 42.43 C5 90`00'00' 30.00 47.12 30.00 S 45'30'15" W 42.43 C6 66'37'26' 30.00 34.89 19.72' N 32'48'48' W 32.96' C7 66'38'03" 54.00 62.80' 35.49' S 32'4~'48" E 59.52' C8 90'00'00" 54.00 84.82 54.00 S 45'30'15" W 76.37 C9 89'59'54" 50.00 ¢7.12 30.00 N 44'29'42' W 42.43 (;:10 90'00'.01" 30.00 47.12 30.00 N 45"30'15" E 42.43 Cll 90'00'00' 30.00 47.12 30.00 S 4-4'29'45" E 42.43 012 90'00'00" 30.00 47.12 30.0.0 S 45'50'15" W 42.43 C13 90'00'00' 30.00 47,12 30.00 N 44'29%5' W 42.43 C14 go'o0'o0' 30.00 47.12 30.0'0 N 45'30'15" E 42.43 ~1~ 90'00'00' 30.00 47,12 30.00 ~ +~r'29'45' E 42.43 ~:1~ ~0'00'00' 30.00 47,12 30.00 S 45'30'15" W 42.43 (::17 47'02'45" 30.50 ?SAK 13,28' N 66'57'55" W 24,35' '3' ~XJ g:b/'E~EST~,C-~ll ESMT. (BY THIS N 89'29'~-5" W 119827'__ I_ __ 24' F1RELANE & MUTUAL ACCESS ESMT. (BY THIS PLAT)--~r~-~-- FREEPORT XlV LOT 2R 1, BLOCK A DUKE-FREEPORT ADDITION 8.8556 ACRES (585,750 SF) FREEPORT XV LOT 2R 2, BLOCK A DUKE-FREEPORT ADDITION 7.6547 ACRES (555,4'68 SF) N 89'29'4,5" W 4.07,83' FIRELANE & MUTUAL ACCESS ESMT. (BY THIS PLAT) Z INE TA BL E LINE BEA RING L ENG TH L1 N 00'30'15' E 17.00 1__2 N 00'30'15" E 17.00 L3 N 00'30'15" E 17.00 L4 N 00'30'15' E 23.89 L5 N 89'29'45" W 26.24 L6 S 00'50'15" W 25.00 L7 S 89'29'45" E 27.78 L8 N 89'29'45" W 42.00 L9 N 89'29'45" W 41.72 LIO N 00'50'15" E 47.00 Lll N 00'30'15" E 47.00 L12 N 00'30'15" E 47.00 L13 N 00'30'15' E 47.00 L14 N 00'30'15" E 47.00 L15 N 00'30'15" E 47.00 L16 N 00'50'15" E 23.86 L17 N 89'29'45" W 25.00 L18 S 00'50'15" W 25.86 24' FIRELANE & MUTUAL ACCESS ESMT. (BY THIS PLAT)---*--- PLAT) p10t TXU U~qLITY EASEMENT (',,CL..2001065, PG. 37) %% ~ 25'X25' WATER N 8~'2~'4~' w ~.2Y J MUTUAL ACCESS ESMT. E 5 \ -- -,-/ GT= EASEUENT 10' ~'J J=!LITY EASE'/¢N- , , ESMT. (BY ~lS AND MUtuAL ACCESS ESMT. N 8~9'~ W~ (%~1S PLAT) ~ .{vOL 90086, PG. 2288) ~ (',OL. 20:01065, PO 17) 2 :~T) (BY ~lS PLAT) =l =1 (', ~:L.C acr~o' ~,.,~,, p,s. 2288) .... - - z ......... .................... ~I/2-tNCH IRON ROD~1533' 10'X47' WA~R~ 32.gl 10'X47' WA~R~ ESMT. (BY THIS ESMT. (BY THIS W/'PACHECO KOCH" PLAT) PLAT) CAP FOUND BETHEL ROAD !0' TX,J,..UTLTY EASEYENT ~-('.0/ 2..,01C65. ~0. 37) '~,~S 00'30'15' W 80.15' ~..12'34'41' R=240.00' L-5Z69' T-26.45' CB=S 06'47',35' C0=5Z58' ~=12'34'41' R=260.00' L-57.08' T-28.65' CB=S O6'47'35' C0-56.96' 3.33' PART OF' LOT 1, BLOCK A DUKE-FREE. PORT ADDTION (VOL 20m0~5, PG. 37) POINT OF BEGINNING OHWERS DEDICA 170N NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, TEXAS DUOAN L/M/TED PARTNERSHIP, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property os Lots 8 and 9, Block A of Duke-Freeport Addition, an add/t/on to the City of Coppetl, Texas and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever, the streets, ol/ey~, and easements spec/fled os dedicated to the public shown thereon. The easements shown hereon ore hereby reserved for the purpose os /nd/coted. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growth shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the 'Utility Easements' os shown. Sold "Ut/I/fy Easements' being hereby reserved for the mutual use and <TccommodaUon of atl public ut/I/t/es des/ring to use or using some. Afl and any public utility shall hav~ the right to remove ~nd keep removed <711 or ports of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths while reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, mo/nt<7/ning <ynd adding to or removing from oil ports of /ts respective system , within sold "Utility Easements", without the necessity ct any t/me of procuring the perm/ss/on of anyone. Notwithstanding the forgoing, TEXAS DUGAN DM/TED PARTNERSHIP reserves for themselves, their successor~ and OS$ignS the right to use the surface of oil such easements for /hstotl/ng l<yndscap/ng and irrigation sj~tems, for pork/nD of vehicles (except that pork/nD shaft not be authorized in any des/gn<yted f~re /ones) for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular troffYc, and to construct and molhto/n paving on the surface of such e<ysements for the purpose of such reserved used. ~tness my hand <yt Coppe/I, Texas this the __ day of. , 2005. TEXAS DUGAN U/d/TED PARTNERSHIP TYtle: BEFORE /dE, the undersigned authorit~ a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally oppe<yred , known to me to be the person whose nome is subscribed to the fore<icing /nstrurnent <ynd acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and consideration therein GI~Z'N UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFTYCE this__ day of , 2005. Notary Pubh'c /'n and for the State of Texas ?dy Commission expires: LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCX 1 UINYARD ADDITION (VOL 97059 PG. 1150) The undersigned, the City Secretory of the City of Coppetl, Texas, hereby cert/tTes that the forgoing Plot of Lots 8 and 9, Block A, Duke-Freeport Add/tlon, on odd/t/on to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Counc# on the __th day of , 2005, <ynd the Council, by formal act/on, then and there accepted the dod/cotton of streets, ct/els, porks, easements, public places, and water <ynd sewer lines, os shown and set forth /n and upon sold plot, and sold Council further author/zed the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his nome os herein above subscribed. HATNESS MY HAND, this __ d<yy of , 2005. City Secretary, City of Coppell, Tax<Ts Recommended for Approval: A¢¢roved and Acceoted: Chairman, Pl<ynning Dote /dcyor Date Zoning Commission City of Coppe/I Floodplain Development Permit Application No. Coppell floodplain administrator on I has been filed with the City cf 2005. Floodplain Administrator Dote Approved and Accepted b~ ATMOS ENERGY Cate cf 4pprc¢cl TXU ELECTRIC DE~J~r_J~Y COMPANY Date cf VI[~IZON Cate cf ~*pprcval COMCAST Date cf $pprc.al NOTES: 1. Bearing system for this survey based on o bearing of South O0 degrees, 27 minute, 49 seconds West for the west right-of-way h'ne of Coppe(I Rood, os shown in LOt 1, Block A, Duke-Freeport Addition, <Tn <yddition to the City of Coppell, os recorded in Volume 2001065, Page ~7 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. 2. Sidewalks will be constructed of the expense of the property owner when deemed necess<yry by the City Engineer. 5. (C.M.) - Controthhg monument. 'O Z 0 6 0 180 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1"=60' V/C/N/Y Y MA P ~NOT TO ~ ~ ~-~ L b C *~ L ~_/' 0 WA(ERS CER 77FICA TE STATE 0c TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS ~44EREAS TEXAS DU¢AN U/d/TED PARTNERSHIP /$ the owner of <7 16.510 acre parcel of land situated /n the John Vest Survey, Abstract No. 1508, Dallas County, Texas, and being port of Lot 2, Block A of Duke-Freeport Addition, os recorded in Volume 2001065, Page 57 of the Plot R~cords of Dallas County, Texas, sold 1S. 510 acre3 tract being mo~e particularly descn'bed os fo(low&' BEGINNING, at o 1/2-inch iron rod with 'P<ycheco Koch' cop set at the intersection of the west /[ne of Freeport Parkway (110 foot w/de right-of-way) and the north line of Bethel Rood (90 foot w/de rfght-of-woy); said point o/so being the southeast corner of sold Lot 2; THENCE, North 89 degrees, 29 minutes, 4,5 seconds West departing s<7/d west line of Freeport Parkway, along said north I/ne of Bethel Rood, and along the south h'ne of $<7/d Lot 2, o d/stance of 1279. 78 feet to o l/2-inch iron rod with "Pacheco Koch" cop Found for comes7, sold point o/so being the southwest corner of said Lot 2; THENCE, North O0 degrees, 23 minutes, 44 seconds East deporting the sold nor~ //'ne of Bethel Rood and the sold south //'ne of Lot 2, along the west h'ne of sold Lot 2 o distance of 1~2.78 feet to o 5~8 i'nch iron rod with "C~B" cop found for on angle point in the so?d west h`ne of Lot 2; THENCE, North 11 degrees, 17 minutes, 28 seconds West conb`nu/ng along the sold west //'ne o d/stance of 75.57 feet to o l/2-~`nch iron rod with "Pocheco Koch" cop found for an ong(e point /n the sold west h'ne of Lot 2; THENCE, North O0 degrees, 52 minutes, 27 seconds East, cont/huing along the said west line of Lot 2, a distance of 249.56 feet to o l/R-inch iron rod w/th "Pocheco Koch" cop set for cornet7 THENCE deport/`ng sold west //ne of Lot 2, crossing s~/d Lot 2 the follcw/hg slx (6) calls: South 89 degrees, 29 minutes, 4,5 seconds East <7 d/stance of 419.44 feet to o 1/2-inch iron rod with "Pocheco Koch' cop set for comes7, North O0 degrees, 50 minutes, 15 seconds E<yst o distance of ~ZO0 feet to o l~2-/'nch iron rod with "Pocheco Koch" cop set for comer;, South 89 degrees, 29 minutes, 4,5 seconds East o d/¥tonce of 25.59 feet to o l/2-~'nch iron rod found for <Tn angle po~'nt; North 47 degrees, 54 minutes, 19 seconds East a distance of 25. 10 feet to o l~2-inch iron rod with "P<ycheco Koch" cop set for on angle point; South 89 degrees, 29 m/`nute~, 45 seconds East o distance of 450.68 feet to o l~2-/hch iron rod w/th 'Pocheco Koch' cop set for an angle point; North 54 degrees, 04 m/`nutes, 54 seconds East a d/stance of ~82.50 feet to a l~2-/nch iron rod found, sold point be~`ng in the cold west //'ne of Freeport Parkway; sold po~`nt a/so be/`ng /no non-tangent curve to the right; THENCE, dong the s<7/d west line of Freeport Parkway and sold non-tangent curve to the right through o central angle of 20 degrees, 55 m/`nutes, 58 seconds, o rod/us of 1501.12 feet, o chord bearing and d/st<ynce of South 09 degreeg, 57 m/nuteg, 43 seconds East, 472.70 feet, on <yrc length of 475.55 feet to a l/2-~nch ?ran rod w/th "Pocheco Koch" cop set for the point of ton gert THENCE, South 0<2 degree& 50 minutes, 15 seconds West continuing dong the sold west I/ne of Freeport Parkway o d/st<ynce ef 80. 15 feet to o l/2-~'nch iron rod with 'Pocheco Koch" cap set for the beginm'ng of o tangent curve to the right; THENCE, continuing dong the said west h'ne of Freeport Parkway and said tangent curv~ to the right through o central angle of 12 degrees, 34 rn/nutes, 41 seconds, a radius of 240.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South O~ degrees, 47 minutes, 55 seconds West, 52.58 feet, an <yro length of 52.69 feet to o 1/2-inch iron rod with 'P<ycheco Koch' cop set for the beginning of o reverse curve to the /eft; THENCE, continuing dong the said west h'ne of Freeport Parkway and s<7/d reverse curve to the /eft through o central angle of 12 degrees, ~4 minutes, 41 seconds, a radius of 260.~ f~f, o ~ord b~r[n~ and d/stance of South 06 degree, 47 ~ute~ 55 s~onds West, 56.96 feet, on arc /~gth of 57.08 feet to o 1/2-/~ /~n ~d w/th 'Po~o K~'cap set for the point of tong~c~ THENCE, South O0 degrees, 50 minutes, 15 seconds West conb'nu/'ng dong the s<7/d west line of Freeport Parkway <7 d/stance of 11~.~.3 feet to the POINT OF BECANN/NG. CONTAiNiNG: 719, 189 square feet or 16.510 acres of land, more or /ess. S TA TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS KNOW ALL /dEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That /, J<ymes A. Koch, Jr., Registered Profess/anal L<ynd Surveyor do hereby certify that / prepared this plot from on actual and accurate survey of the 1<ynd; th<yt the comer monuments shown were properly p/aced under my personal supervision /n accordance with the plotting rules and regulations of the City of Coppe//, Texas. PRELIMINARY RELEASED 08/08/05 FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE. J~mes A, Koch, Jr. Registered Pro~ss/~nol Land Surveyor No. 4688 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE /dE, the undersigned authority, o Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on th/g day personally appeared James A. Koch, Jr., known to me to be the person whose nome /~ subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and consideroUon therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER /dY HAND AND SEAL OF OFYYCE this I d~ of , 2005. Notary Pub/lc in and for the State of Texas My Commission expires: Volume: Page' LOTS 2R I & 2R 2, BLOCK A DUKE-FREEPORT ADDITION BEING A REPLAT OF PART OF LOT 2, BLOCK DUKE-FREEPORT ADDITION LOCATED IN THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS AND BEING OUT OF THE dOHN VEST SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1508, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS A RGM C JE/JAK 1 "=60' 08/08/2005 2052-05.217 DWG FILE: 2052-05-217PP.DWG