CC approval on 9/13/05AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPPELL ITEM CAPTION: GOAL(S): DEP'[: Planning DATIq September 13, 2005 ITEM ~: 15 PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Duke-Freeport Addition, Lots 2Rl&2R2, Bl~ck A, Replat, being a replat of the remaining portion of the original Lot 2, Block A, into Lots 2R1 &2R2, totaling 16.51 acres of property located at. the northwest comer of Freeport Parkway and Bethel Road. vlotion to close Public Hearing & APPROVED BY \pprove subject to condition 1 below CITY COUNCIL ~- Pete~  ON ABOVE DATE - Suhy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Date of P&Z Meeting: Decision of P&Z Commission: August 18, 2005 Approval (6-0) with Commissioners Milosevich, Kittrell and Reese voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following condition: ore - 6-0 (ork absent Hall, McCaffrey, Foreman, Compliance with Engineering comments generated at the time of detailed engineering review. i) Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/04 ,ocument Name: ~2Duke-Freeport Rpl. I-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Duke-Freeport Addition Lots 2RI&.!R2 Block A, Replat P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: August 18, 2005 September 13, 2005 STAFFREP.: Gary L. Sieb, Planning Director LOCATION: Northwest comer of Freeport ParkW}a~ y & Bethel Road SIZE OF AREA: 16.51 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: PD- 186R2-LI (Planned Developmen!- 186R2, Light Industrial) REQUEST: APPLICANT: Replat approval of the remaining pt A, into two lots totaling 16.51 ~ northwest comer of Freeport Parkwa Duke Construction, L.P. Brace Barclay 5495 Belt Line Road, Suite 360 Dallas, TX 75254 (972) 361-6700 Fax: (972) 361-6800 rtion of the original Lot 2, Block cres of property located at the and Bethel Road. HISTORY: Planned Development-186 has a long history in the City of Coppell. Beginning in 2000, Duke has regularly constructed office/warehouse buildings, and the approval of this ~ddition will basically close out the western portion of this 143-acre l~arcel. Item # 5 Page 1 of 3 In the fall of 2000, Council apl~roved a Conceptual Planned Development allowing seven offi0e/warehouse facilities on this property. Also approved was a Fin~ll Plat allowing the construction of Freeport Parkway from Bethel to Ruby Road. In 2001, Council approved a series of plans dealing with tree mitigation, signage, landscaping and reduced parking. Warehouse use parking requirements were red¢ced from one space for each 1,000-square feet of warehouse to one space for each 5,000-square feet. Additional monument signage was allowed and a tree reparation/landscape plan was appro~ved. An approximate 600,000- square-foot warehouse was constructed now primarily housing a book depository. In 2002, a 160,000-square-foot buil~ling was approved for U-Line, Inc., and in 2003 construction of a 1,100,000-square-foot building was approved for the Container Store. In July of 2004, two more buildingi were approved consisting of a 140,000-square-foot building now housing a bank back-office facility and a 70,000-square-foot building currently being advertised for lease. TRANSPORTATION: Bethel Road is a two-lane asphalt street proposed to be a C4D, four- lane divided thoroughfare in 90 feeti of right-of-way being designed currently with construction estimat~,d to begin in 2006. Freeport Parkway is an improved C4D/6, fbur-lane-divided street built to standard within a 11 O-foot right-of-Way. There is a Hike and Bike easement adjacent to this property on the western boundary of this property. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North -office/warehousing; PD-186-LI (planned Development, Light Industrial) South -Minyard's office/warehouse; LI ~Light Industrial) East -vacant land; PD-186-LI (Planned Development, Light Industrial) West - vacant land; PD-185-LI (Plalmedl Development, Light Industrial) Page 2 of 3 Item//5 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan st ows the property as suitable for light industrial and sho¥"room uses. DISCUSSION: This is a companion piece to the zonin~ change request at Freeport Parkway and Bethel Road. As such, the ~pplicant is requesting to replat a remaining portion of Lot 2, Block A iinto two building sites. The eastern lot (Lot 2R-2) is proposed to accc~nmodate a 93,300-square-foot building, and the western lot (Lot 2R-l) a 143,200-square-foot structure. Both are proposed for office/showroom/~Varehouse uses, similar to the existing uses within this light industrial area. Because the uses planned for these replatted lots reflect those suggested by the Comprehensive Plan, are an extension of the existing hses within the area and are compatible with existing development, staff can support this request. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of this Replat, subject to ithe following condition: 1) Engineering Department Comment: Comments will be generated upon detailed engineering review. ALTERNATWES 1) 2) 3) Recommend approval of the request Recommend disapproval of the request Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat Page 3 of 3 Item# 5