AP filed w/County 10/11/05 50.00 47,~2 ~0' 26,32 222.95 4~,80 00' 00" ~7,~2 ~7,~2 27'39" FiRE LNN£ DATA __ k,._ _ T._ 1859 L~ ~52~ 2' 27'~5'42' ~ 1428 _2~__ 5,59 _ 9' 74' ~'_~ k: __~ ___ 27,~7 No, Be~in.~ O,st. Uti' [.1 ~:L_~2' 35' 20" E L2 S 37'2+'40' E _ L3 N D2'35'20:' L 5~5,~2 k%_ N 37'24'30' W !7,36 L5 _ N ~ S 37'24'40'E L/ _N 26'~'05' W ~5.36 ~ N 66'55'00" E L!I S 52' 35' 19" ~ L14 N 66'5~'~" E~ !25.!3  N 22' 5,'~" w ~ N 66'58' 51' E  23'~'28" W 1!52~ S 52'~5'19" ~ ~3581 5 23' ~' 28" E  S ~"03 !,5" b_~ .~65' 55' 51' W 172,1~ N 60'04'35" E $ 78' 41' 43" E L2~_ S !1'45'21" E 4~,25 L29 S 77' 41' 43" '~ L~ S ~6'52'08' ~__ 7,05 _~ S 07'25'0,0"E 2582¢ L32 N ~7"!3' 0~" ~ .... 2~,~2 ~ $ 02'47'~" E ____24,~0 L37 N 02"47'~' W 5,~ L38 N ~' ~' ~2" E 32,88 L39 N 07'2~'06" W_ ~ 5 07'25'0'0' E 19!,90 ~ S 52'35'20' W L44 N 37'24'41" '~ 93,38 L4~ N 89'0~' 28" ~ 58.70 L48_ N 52'~'20" E _ L59 N 7~' ~9' 2~" E L52 5 52' 35' 20" ~ 59,45 L~5 N 89'05'25" W L55 N 89"05'28" W ~ ~.7 L57 N 37'24'~' ~ ~,17 LS~ N 67' 1&"8' E 87.29 _~ S 7~'~5'20" ,~ ',L~2 M 1~"1'4~'~ _~ 59,~2 L64 S 52'35'20" W ~_ N ~2'35'20" E L57_ S 37'24'~"E 230,05 _~ S ~5'I1'58" E L69 _~ L79 S 52'35'20" ~ 97,70 ~ N 60'04'05"E ~2.57 L73 N 07'25'00' W __99,70 L74 N 89'05'25" W 7.84 L75 N 89'05'25" W_~ L78 N 59'570~' W L77 N 59'5101" ~ 11.09 FIRE ~-- .... 2' M2"_~0' 09' ~,_ 33.30 2- 35'49'20" ~_~: _~_ 33,76 L~E DATA RIGHT TURN LANE R.O.W, 8 N52'35'20'E- 48,51' ~[N55'31'47'E -130,051 ~r~! Sl1'05"39:'E - 95'A9'i S60'27'22"E - 1&g3' N THE PURPOSE OF THIS AMENDING PLAT IS TO] 1, CORRECT FIRE LANE LOCATION TO MATCH APPROVED SITE PLANS. 2, ADD LOT DIMENSIONS PER CITY COMMENTS. ~, ADD NEW EASEMENTS IN LOTS ~, 5 & 6, SCJLE CN FEET ":100' ~ATER ~ EASEMENT \~ BY TH:S FLAT ~-24'FiRE LANE AND /~UTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT BY '~S PLAT LOCATION MAP (~LT.S.) ~__;_ 2~'.13_,L~:; A: 1'/'47'42' I \ !12' POINT OF BEGINNING DETAIL ~/c~P x,, Sg> WTq '~ .... ~'~ ;n o~.. ~ ~ ~MUTUAL ACCESS--~ ~N'~ ~/~P * 'L ~ ~SEUENT ~ J ~ ~ L.~7~ ~ ,..~2~ LOT lA, BLOCK J VISTA RIDGE 10~11 DEC~CAT:CN C~8. V, PO, 952 2,2~2 SO FT. CR ,0~24 ACRES / / N 1c 97' ~ )~- ' , ~s~2 k x /~/ ~ '"' ~' ~ V ,,2'~R} % // -X ~ ~ % ' ~ LOT 6 --.~e 60'aJLO;NO ~A= 15'17'29' DET ~ ~ ~N.' .'' .d--'~ ........ ' ...........~ ...................... -~----~ ~,T,_. n - ,..~ . - / , , , , ~ ~ ~6~~ ~ ~ ~ /~E '~ · ~*) r19 ~ '2 VI cA_.~,P ....2 / , ~ / -- ~ ....... - .... L ~. ~ F~ ~ k .... STA RIDGE ~, , LOT 1 n ~ , p~ 7a l~ Q~/~ 1/2'S:R ~ ~, ; _ , -F,:?E LZXE ANu .... ~ ,-7~ ~";. *:~ ' ~ ', " N ..... '~ x. L69~ ~ ~ ~ ~%L~-' C2,~ ~ ~ ~ ,, ..... ~ W/C~Pm~ .~' ;I / -~ [ MUTUAL 4CCESS j ....... ....... : [ X X ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~'',5%L~, Ec21~ I ]7-- /~/C20 ~ .... ' -~J EX,ST.NG ~ATER EAS~ENT ~ ~ ~ x~~', . ~ // , , EASEMENT I , . , CA3. V, Pg, 9~2 X ~ ~tx ~ ~.~--'', ', ', - - ' I ~-,s5 , ,,:'~", ' x L:O~ /~k~ -' *~'' /IX ..~ur ~W 313,10 , A P 2 ; ................................ ~ c ~ u. G. ~ ~ / ...... ~ ........... C~P~L (~.V P~952) ' ' ..... ~3~ ......... '- " ~ 74 " , ' ~ x - . '~ - ' * ~,~s~.o~o.o~c~. ~ .. ,,o,~,:,,:.T~, ~,-~[~/ :~,~, ,~ x -- ' -'-XY A,~'[. ~ ,. ~ I.-....~, AMENDING PLAT ~T~ /~ ~ ..... t ~t ', .... ~-~---~ ................................. _2_ &~ k" /-'~;7 / / ~ ~--~ . ~ ~ a~ /~= ~,~ ur ~K~'~'' ,~,/a's'a - ~ : + -- -~ ~ ----~T~O' N- '~-'--~ ~ ~ -~ . . ' ~ .- :-~ ...................... r' . --LBO ~ ~ X~' ~,' ~ ~- ~,~ / ..................... ~,~ ~. ;~ ,~ - ~ ~ ~u 'Lg.~. , T- ~ ...................... - CL=542d2 CW L20' C~A,NASE EASEMENT / .... ~,~G~ECT~'C ~}5' ~ECTRiC AND 7 ~C)L. 423~, PC.'Oq3 / ~=~' :. C~S L;hE EASEMENT .... / CA3. J, PS. 276 ' . ]9 / uA~,U,P'S. 5?~ r~n / PC ~?~ ~ :/A'FR~ / LOTS 1, 2, :::5, 4, 5, 6 & 7 BLOCK A 25.81 Acres I 6 BLCCK M ~ 37 ]B C~ C~B.V, PG. 952 /. VIS'fA OF COPPELL ~LOC* M CABINET V, PAGE 952 VISTA OF COPPELL /o×I×~, L_20,~2,3, ELEC~RC PHASE lB PiR.De.C.T. ";OTES: !,-LmAS!S CF ~3EARNC: NORTH 33' 05' 26' ~EST _~EiNG T~E NORTH LNE OF V,STA COP:ELL PHASE 13 AS RECORDED i% VOLIjUE SBC43, PACE 66 (D.P.O.C,T.) 2,-BETA!L SITE PLAN APPROVAL THROUGi4 AN AMENCMF_NT TO 71~E E×IST,N$ PD AND/OR SUP APPROVAL ~LL BE REQU;REO PRIOR TO THE gEVELCPMENT CN ANT LOT ~ITh:N THIS %USD'V,%~ON, E¢,CEPT FCR LOT 4, ~H;CH IS ZONZ0 3.-FUTURE STPEET EASEMENT GR RiGHT-CF-~AY DEDICATION BY SEPARATE ,NSTRUMENT CR RE-PLAT SHALL ~E ~EQU:RED FOR FUTURE DECELERATION L*.NE CCNSTRUCTiON AFFECT;NO LOTS 3 A~;] 4 PI4ASE lA ['[) t l:~ EASEUE~T VOL, 9804], PO. 66 VOL. 97131, PO. 275] ~-t 7' C~B. L, PS, 276 (O,R.O.C.T.) (D.r~,o.C.T,) 1/2 "FOLJND RON ROD WITH A TELLC¢~ PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF ASSOC. NC.' !/2 'FOUND ;RON R09 WITt A CAP STAMPEg 'CARTER & BURSESS' LEGEND 1/2'F~R .~/CA ~/8' F'R ~/C&6 CAP !/2' FIR PRiOATE UTiLiTY AC~EEMENT AND COVENANT :n GCCOrdCnce '.~tn the opproved mcsteF :q~out, Lot to mef~tencnce cccess. ~cfn~en~nce of provoke shc/incrude repc~~ of s~.rfcce feot~res dtst,JFbed d,_e to mc;~tenence of cr oon~ect~on to ~rrvG~e iol owner sh,,c!b8 responsible fop conslrucOTcn p~ecfude o~her ~ot o~rers Orom co~ecf'n~ Lot owners shc:~be responslb;e for mc~pterc~ce of THIS PLAT FILED IN SITUATED ~N THE C.G. ~OOLSEY SURVEY, ABST. NO. 1402 THOMAS B, GARVIN SURVEY, ABST. N0.506 J.H. DONALD SURVEY, Al]ST. NO. 1696 WM.TRIMBLE SURVEY. ABST. NO. 1268 CITY OF COPPELL, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BY HALFF ASSOCIATES, iNC. ENGINEERS-SURYEYORS 8616 NORTHWEST PLAZA DRIVE DALLAS, TEXAS ?5225 PH. (214) ~46-62OO SCALE, 1'=1C0' AVO.22223T JULY, 2005 REF. ~O25 223CFPCI:RE'~).~m C~NERS CERT~F~CAT E STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY CF CF~NTGN ff,~EREAS JACKSON-SHAft / ¥!STA PONT J!L:NiIIED RARTNERSWP, m TexGs I~mJied p~r~nereh~g, T~AS }21 REALTY PARTNE~ LLC, ~ Co~or~do UnTied LTob',[~y ~21 CROSSNG. LID, o T~xc8 United ~mrtm~r~h~p,~ANK OF TEX~S,N,~.,~nd ~ACZRT~Uq PARTNERS, LTD are ~he ~merm of a 25.81 ~cr~ trccf of ~o~d 5C6,!h~ J~.O~c~d ~rvey ~befrmcf N0.1696 end lbo ~.M. TrTmbe Survey. Abstmccf ~[atd Po[n~ IJLfmlt~d Pmrtnersh:p, Q8 recorded tn D~mfom County Document NO. 20C4-65616 (Lot 4. B~ock ~.V~sfa Point IrAddTt~on],be~mg p~rt of those lrccfs o~ !and decor;bed ~n deed fo 8:ock ~,V~efa Point llAdc~trom),be~m~ OFf of that tract of ~end described r~ deed to Texce, N.~.ce recorded fq Ce~on County g~u~eqf No. 2005-46275 [Lot 5, Block Point IIAddltion), o~ befn~ p~rf of ih~t trQct Of [Qnd ~escrrbed Tn deed fo P~rtnem~,L~d.,~8 r~cor~ed [n Vofum~ ~404. Po¢~ 5~OB, Deed Pecorde of 3~fon County, Texd~ LEGAL DESCRiPTiON ~S A GROSS AREA of-~c~)~8 dedicated by deed recorded 'n ft:a ~ S4-ROOOOCO2, o¢ *he Co~¢y C:erk Records rrght-of-~y i[me of Wqc&rlhur -HENCE South 87 degrees 13 mfn,jfes OO seconds ~est, depqr¢img sold 8ou*h~esfer'ly r~ht-of- 5~2J2 ~ecomde, em crc d'afQ¢~ O~ 552.06 feet to c E/8-~nch foumd ~ron rod fJt~ 6~8 ced for cc~ne-, City of CopDeU, Texc8 c~ recorded :n '(ohJme ~343, Fc~e &6, Coed ~ecofdg of T~ENCE North 89 de, tee8 05 m'nute8 2~ ~ecomd8 ~eat, con~ said ~to O¢ CopcehP~dse between the City of Le~fsvTFe, geqton Co, reLy, Texc~ end ire C~+y of Co2~eh, Dm;os County, Texc~: THENCE Ncrih 61 de~ree~ 5~ mTn~tes EO seco~C8 feet, c~ong card sou*hecaterlz ff~ht-of-~oy rrgh~-of-.oy Ifme. o d~stQ:~Ce of 16.3T feet to m ~/2<¢ch set fro~ rod ~ilh cop THENCE North 61 decrees 55 minutes 50 seconds EGst, ccm~ sc'd soulheeste¢:y r~c~t-of-~cy whh COp for Tr~ENCE North 07 <dOrcas 35 minutes 20 sesames Cost, cont[mMrg cord scid soulrecsterly hca, TFEREFORE, KNO# ALL WEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, JACKSON-SHAW / ¥,STA PONT (IL:~ TED P;.RTN~qSHP.~ Texoe Jmited portn~r~fp, TEXAS ~21 REALTY PARTNERS LLC, o Co~or~do Lh~Ited L',mbhlty Company, t21 CROSS~NG. L1D. m Texms LFm~ted Pcr!nershtp. BA%K 0 TEXAS,~.,cmd ~ACARTHU~ R~DOE PARThERS. LTD ~cfrrg here~m by throu~ its du[~ authorized of~cer, doe8 hereby ~dopf ih[s pat designating th~ herein ~ove de~crrbed property cs LOTS 1,2. 3, 4, 5, amd 7,~OCK ~, V~ST~ POINT I~ on cddTt'~n 1o t~e C~ty of Co~el', County, Text.,amd does hereby dedicate, in fe~ a~mpfe, to 1he pub~o use ~mDrofe~ent~ or growth8 ~hallbe Comstfuct~d or p~ced uD~n. over cr may b~ p:cced [m Lc~scc~e Edserren¢~,if opprov~d by th~ City of CopDe~. ~n ~ddiffom, Utfl;ty Easement8 may d:ao be used for l~e mutucl by publla utJiit[~ b~ng 8ubordT~ate to ~h~ Pub'rc's c~d Clt~ of of 1heir resDectfve systems [n so(d E~sememfs. The Clty of CoDpello~d canst ruct~n¢, reconstruct:mt, :nspeatTm¢, potro:r~, mc[n¢cTn[mq, re~crng ~[thout the ~ecessity Qf Q~y fTme of p~ocur~g D~r'*[SS:Gr~ {rom DQrK?ng of roof or ~ehTc'es, The po;fcc or hTs duly c~d e ~er~ancy ThCs p:ot approved SUD;eCt tO c!l p:aTt:ng orC>*;crces, C~NER LOT 3 U~CART~sR A NOTARY FOR IfLCZ-qT~LR RD$C PAqT~r:~s, STATE C~ IEX,',S COUNTf C~ 3~LL~S EE¢ORE ~F~ the upde~s~red c~ffhorltz, d Notcry Pub;:c :n rte tO ~e +i{e ~ers'~hose nc~e thor ho executed 1he some for ¢>e purpcaes consfderot~on there:n e~Dressed cqd {n ln~ ccDcclty there'~ t~'S !he __~ _dCy 3f ~=~i,~i% 20C5 C~NER LOT 4 NgTARY FOR TEXAS !21 REtLT* PARTNERS LLC STATE CF COLORAD9 § CCUNT¥ OF ARAPA~CE ~ BEFORE ~E, the undersTored culhorlty, o Notcry Pub~To fn crd for scTd~otlnty o~:J 5tQte,.~n 1hFs day personclly appeared Te fO be the person whcs~ rome fs subscribed to the consideration fher~n ex~re~sed cnd ~n ~he cop~cHy t~ere~n stored SVCN Uh~ER ~f -:t~9.AW3 S~i CF CFF!C~ sn NOTARY FOR SANK CF TE×AS, h,~. STALE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF D~LL~S BEFORE ~E, the unCers:gned cuthor~ty.c ~,ota~y Publ:c oboYe ond foregoing instrument, ond ccKnow:eaged to me thor he executed the some for the purposes ond consideration therein e~pressed and Fn tre oopcc~ty !hero~n stated ,S:','E~J~ UNDER k~{ ;.~:A'¢ Ah3~L 'OF CFFCE cn ln:s tr, e ~ dcy of ~~ .,2205 ~]~i NOTARY PUBLIC C~NER LOTS 6 *ND 7 J~k~j¢; State of Texas A TonGs L[mTfed NOTARv F(R ~21 CRCSS',S. LT9 S'ATE Or TEXAS CCLNT¥ CF CAL=AS § BEFCRE UE. the undersigned Oblrorlty, o Notcry PLb:TC 'q cnd Eot sCT~,~¢,~}~ ¢~ State. ~ t~8 dray personc y me to be the person obo~e c~d forego'no TPstrurent, Qnd ockncw:ed~ed lh~t he executed stated SVE~ LNDER ~Y Ht~¢ &N~E~L CR C~FISE on Ho¢cry Pubic. Dc'cs Cou~+y / CER AFPR,3fAL C'~yg* CcppeI, Texcs /~ !~oyor w C C:ty of e:!,Tex~s The u~Cers'gned, the City Secret~ry of ?ne C~ty of CoppeP, Texas, hereby certif!es !hot fore~o{ng ATenc[ng Pat Of the ~lefo Ro'nt I¢, Loft8 1, 2, 3 4 5 Gty of Ccpcell .cs submitted ¢o !he Ci?y Ccuqc~lon the' ' ' cmd the Cou~cH. by formc[ cotton, then and !here occeDted the dedUce*Ton of sir, sTgnlng h~s nome cs herofnsbo~e subscr'tod. FLOODPLAN 3RDNAWCE NOTES~ By ~rophic~; plottTn~, the p~rceldesorlbed hereon ties ~ifhtn 'ZONE ×'(chided) os dellneoted on the DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ANO LNCCRPCRATED AREAS Flood nsurence Rmte ~op, PqneINumber ~8113C-0155J. dmted Aug,ust 23,200!, ss pub:rshed by the Federal~ergency ~omd~ement A~ency. Zone 'x' (¢ddec) fs dot[red ~s 'crecs o~ 500-ye~ ~OOdl ~ec~ of lO0-y~Qr ~oQd ~f+h depths of less CPon 1 foot Or ~Tth drc[~e QreQ~ les8 lhon 1 8qucre m':e, above referenced fTood ptc~n information for tn~e determln~tfom mhd the ~rveycr doe~ mot c~rt~f~ +~at revised f~ood ~m ~mformot~on h~ or hcs not ~eem by the FederdEmer~emoy Mmn~gement ~ercy or some offher FLOOD?LAIN CRDiNANCE NOTE: F'oodp[a:n ;e~eropment permit Applicmt!om No. ~hos been fi:ed ~l+h the C:ty Of CoppeP ,2005. comte SURYE~ CR'S CERT;F'CATE Th's's to certify tPot I, Oregory S, Koys, a Registered ProfessionmlLond S'~rve)or rn 5toRe of Texcs. hc~e pratted the qbove s'JPa[v[sfon from ~n occucrsur~ey mocked on the ground Drear to record:nO f~nalp~Qf, ond fhQt +h18 p~f correctly represents !hct sbr~ey ~cde by me, ar under m,y Gregory S. Kcy / RE,S,STERED PRCFESS'ON~L LAND SSRVEYCR TEXAS ~'3. 5040 N,OTARf FC~ SU~'¢ErSR COUWTY OF 9~LL~S BEFORE ME~ !ne ~n{ersrgned mutParlty, a Notary Pubffo [n and for D~!~s County, Texcs, on th!s dray personai[y cppecred Gregory S. Koys RPLS. Kpown to r-e to be tne person ~hose nome [s subscribed to lhe above and foregoing ~nsfrument,~d ccknc~(edged to me thot he execuled the same for the purposes ~nd consideration e>Dressed end Tn the ccp~cTty tb, erelm 8fated, O/ S',EW ~N~ER ~Y HiN3 AND SEAL OF CFFCE on thrs the ,~/:¢/ dcy of (, )~4.~].4 ~ . 2005 Notary , ubi~c, ~"~s County, Te~s Ccm~TssTcn exp:'e~ ~'~ ~1~ ~6 "2 'J~Z~";c~;{~:'c~~!~z''~-''''~'~'~;~x'~ - . i,;" ' '~ ~3:~.~ JUANT6A 2,905 THIS PtAT FILED IN CAB.' , ,,~\ AMENDING PLAT VISTA POINT II LOTS 1, 2,3,4,5,6 & 7 BLOCK A 25.81 Acres CABINET V, PA6E 952 P.R.De.C.T. ~TUATED IN THE C.G. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABST. NO, t402 THOMAS B. OARVIN SURVEY, ABST. NO.506 J.H. DONALD SURVEY, ABST. NO. 1696 WM.TRIMBLE SURVEY, ABST. NO. 1268 CITY OF COPPELL, DENTON COUNTY. TEXAS BY HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC, ENOiNEER$-$URVEYORS 8616 NORTHWEST PLAZA DRIVE BALLA$,TEXAS 75~25 PH, (214) ~46-6200 AVO.22223T JULY, 2005 R¢_F. W025