CC approval on 10/11/05AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPPELL DEP~: Planning DATI~: October 11, 2005 ITE1V[ #: 12 ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Old Coppell Townhomes, Lot 10R, Block A, Replat, to allow the abandonment ora 5' access easement on the east side of Lot 10, 518 Mobley Way. Motion to close Public Hearing & Approve APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL COAL(S): / I~! ~ON ABOVE DATE ~ - Turmoil S- Suhy * Libby Ball Vote - 6-0-I ,3ouncilrnember Faught ~bstained, having filed a Conflict Affidavit EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Date of P&Z Meeting: September 15, 2005 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (7-0) with Commissionersi Borchgardt, Hall, McCaffrey, Foreman, Milosevich, Kittrell and Reese voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, with no conditions. Staff recommends approval. Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/04 Document Name: ~IOCT, 10R Replat I-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Old Coppell Townhome Lot 10R Block Al addition Replat P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: September 15, 2005 October 11, 2005 STAFF REP.: Gary L. Sieb, Planning Director LOCATION: 518 Mobley Way SIZE OF AREA: One lot containing 5,809-square feet CURRENT ZONING: PD- 197R-HO-TH 1/C REQUEST: Approval of a Replat to allow th~ abandonment of a 5' access easement on the east side of Lot lq, Block A, of the Old Coppell Townhome Addition. APPLICANT: Engineer: C and P Engineering, Ltd. Thomas C. Holland 1801 Gateway, Suite 101 Richardson, TX 75080 (972) 644-2800 Fax (972) 644-2817 HISTORY: Page 1 of 3 In April of 2002, City Council acc Plan as a guide for development of 2003, a Conceptual PD was grante townhomes, two free-standing hous~ commercial lots on 3.8 acres of la Item # 4 :pted the Old Coppell Master he subject property. In July of ~ on the parcel calling for 19 ~s, a recreational area and two ad. In December of 2003, a Detailed Planned Development district for the townhouse and recreational portion of the PD was ~pproved on the property, which included the lot being considered With this request. To date, the project has been developed with six completed townhouses, and there are currently four more under c0nstmction. TRANSPORTATION: Coppell Road is an unimproved, two-lane asphalt street contained within a 50- to 60-foot right-of-way4 It is projected to be improved to a concrete two-lane undivided roadway within 60 feet of right-of- way with construction anticipated to begin in 2007. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZON1NG: North- single-family residential; PD~SF7 South- commercial; HO-C East- single-family; PD-SF-7 West- light industrial; PD-LI COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The 1996 Comprehensive Master Plan shows the property as suitable for Historic DiStrict classification. The Old Coppell Master Plan recommended residential development on the subject lot. DISCUSSION: This is a Replat request to remove a five-fOot access easement at the rear of this residential lot. The easement was Originally platted to gain access to the rear of this property for maintehance of the six-foot wooden screening fence. However, as pointed out by the developer of the property, the master homeowner's association agreement has an article requiring all property owners to agree to allow the I-IDA to maintain all screening fences. Therefore, the five-foot easementi is redundant, and the current owner of this lot has asked to have it removed. In discussions with staff, the applicant has advised us that he will be proceeding (at a later Planning Commission meeting) to have the remainder of these easements removed from the Plat in similar manner. Assumingithat future action will be taken to remove the remaining platted access eagements on the remaining lots, staff can support this request. Page 2 of 3 Item # 4 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANN1NG AND ZON1NG coMMIsSION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of this r~quest to remove the five-foot access easement from the Plat. ALTERNATWES: 1) 2) 3) Recommend approval of the request. Recommend disapproval of the request Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat document Page 3 of 3 Item # 4 o<~ oo,~q ,i WAY