Rep.&MP att.-CC 8/9/05 pckt.GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET COPPELL ~" - ' [PROJECT LOCATION] DALLAS COUNTY] MAPSCO 11,D . I/ICIIVI 7' Y Mil P :N~m,~ ¥'~,~ ~u~Lc, LOT 1, BLOCK A 2.1898 ACRES TOTAL 0.2942 ACRES R.O.W. 1.8956 ACRES NET Z '~ ~Z~_I~___ N89'01'041~ 312.5¢' I zz-I i' :' r 0RA,NAGE E* SEL~E.NT -- ~[ ,{BY ?~ S PLA7) ~6 ~/~-~T' _ 1_ _2 ~"E 512.54' '+' - -- ...... ...... N W ~ ,/=_,.~ ,~ ..... .,, ~,~..~ =~ ..... ) ,-~ ..... 89'01'04' RO0 FOt~ND ~ {',©=. alC,~I, PG. 3C$i) I lO © COPPELL COMMERCE PHASE 1 REPLAT ,~L. 28Cll 7:,3 c8, -- ZO' R.O.,¥. C:ED;CATIO.N t,CL. ~.,..~ .o, pn 7C6) KCO TXI iS,3PPELL :,N;. LP (v3_. 2.uu024o, PO. 569,¢) ,_'CUISE ~ " v,3!C, 8, ~'' 'C727:, BETHEL ROAD PRO~:OSED S00'58'56"W J ~ J WATE_R EASEME]q f 17.22'~,/--~ ~ (8'f Pits PLAT) ~J 'd' FI RELANE EASEMENT ~.j ~ (B'f THIS PLAT) R=30. O0 ~ F3 ~ / D=78'44'07" ,, ,, CH=36.75 I~/ )// I CD=N49'41'OS"E~ / 520.41 '-- -- ZONE CENTER --3e~,N~* SE E: SE'? E,'~~ ~ ~R* ~15 Pi~T) ZONE I- 1/2-iNa4 // RO0 FO~JND S 5g'C:',i~" E ZONE · }'7 7 g' u\¢\.xs o? Tx'°°° -LO~- I .FC~Ekl D IRS ',/2-~'~Ch !qSN ROD K,~,.~m .?x,p SET ,*v/'~,:, C h ECC, ~"" (C. M . ) .-¢~,¢ ~ -~CLL N,3 5~ Oh tJ L~ EN T AREA TABLE "S.F. ACRES GROSS 95,390 2.:898 R.O.W. 12,815 0.2942 NET 82,575 !.8956 0 WNER '$ DEDIeA 77¢N NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL bfEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ~ct, City of Coppe/l, does hereby adopt this p/ct designotihg the herein described property as Lot 1, B/ack A, of Th, e Crescent Add/ti'on, on addition to the CitX of Coppell, Texas and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever, the streets, alleys, and easements spec/Wed as dedicated to the pub/ih shown thereon· The easements shown hereon ore hereby reserved for the purpose os indicated. No bu#dings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growth shall be constructed or p/aced upon, over or ocross the 'Uti/itX Easements" os shown· Said 'Ut/litX Easements" being hereby reserved for the mutual use end accommodation cf o/I public ut/7/t/es des/ring to use or using some. Ail and any public utility she// hove the right to remove and keep removed o/I or ports of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other .,'mprovements or growths whffe reconstructing, /nspecting, patro/hhg, mc/nto/h/ng end adding to or removing from oil ports of /ts respective system ,w/th/n said 'Ut/i/tN Easements", without the necessity at anN t/me of procuring the perm;ss/on of anyone. Notwithstanding the forgo;rig, C/tx of Coppell reserves for themselves, their successors and assigns the right to use the surface of cfi such easements for /hsta///ng /ondscop/n9 and /m/got/on systems, for parking of vehicles (except that parking shall not be authorized /n on/ designated fire /ones) for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, end to construct and maintain paving on the surface of such easements for the purpose of such reserved used. W~tness my hand ct Coppe/I, Texas this the__ day of , 2005. Jim ~4tt CitX /Wonager, City of Coppe/I, l'exos STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE .~E, the undersigned author/tx o Notary Pubh'c /.n and for the State of Texas, on this day personal/X appeared Jim IrTtt, known to me to be the person whose nome is subscribed to the for~o/hg /hstrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the pu~oses and consideration therein expressed. UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF' OFFTCE this __ do/ of 2005. OWNER'S CER77FTCA TE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS M~/EREAS C/tN of Coppeil is the owner of o 2. 1898 acre tract of /and situated in the dames A. Simmons Survey, Abstract No. 1296, Dallas County, Texas; said tract being port of a tract of land descrg2ed in deed to City of Coppe/I recorded in Volume 2003094, Page 0797 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; said 2. 1898 acre tract being more particularly described os follows: BEGINNING, at a 1~2 inch iron rod found for comer, said point being ?n the south right-of-way h.ne of Bethel Road (a 50 foot right-of-way),, said point o/so be/hg the northwest corner of that certain 1.0g acre tract of /and described in deed to Comgle duraszek recorded /n Volume 9910.0, Page 674 of the De~d Petards of Da/las Coun fy, Texas; THENCE, South 01 degrees 18 minutes O0 seconds West, deport/hg said south right-of-way //'ne of Bethel Road, o d/stance of 18~.30 feet to a ~ inch iron rod found for comer;, said po/hr being in the north //.ne of a 18.918 acre tract of /ond described in deed to KCO TXII Coppe/I /nv. Ltd. recorded /n Volume 2000246, Page 3694 of the Deed Records of Da/los County, Texas; THENCE, North 89 degrees 01 minutes 04 seconds West, o distance of 520·41 feet to a "+" cut found on the top of cur/2 ih the east right-of-way //'ne of Freeport Parkway (a 70 foot right-of-waN at this point); THENCE, North 01 degrees 18 m/hutes O0 seconds East, dong said e~st right-of-waX line of Freeport Parkway, o distance of 18J. ZO feet to a ~ inch iron rod W/'PACHECO KOCH" cap set for corner;, said point being at the /'ntersect/on of the e~st right-of-way /,''ne of Freeport Parkway and the south right-of-waX h'ne of Bethel Rood; THENCE, South 89 degrees Ol minutes 04 seconds East, depart/`ng sam east right-of-way i/ne of Freeport Parkway and along said south right-of-way h`ne of Bethel Road, o d/stance of 520.41 feet to the POINT OF BEGiNNiNG; CONTAINING, 95,390 square feet or 2.1898 acres of /and, more or less. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Cornmission expires: NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That /, James A. Koch, Jr., Registered Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that / prepared th/s p/at from on actual and accurate survey of the /and; that the comer monuments shown were properly p/aced under my persona/ superWsion in aocordance w/th the plotting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. The undersigned, the City Secretory of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the forgoing P/at of Lot 1, B/ack A Crescent Add/t/on, an odd/t/on to the City of Coppetl ~os submitted to the City Counc# on the __th day of , 2005, and the Council, by formal oct/on, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, porks, easements, public p/aces, and water and sewer lines, os shown and set forth in and upon said plot, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance therec¢oy signing his nome os herein above subscribed. ;~TNESS MY HAND, this __ day of 2005. PRELIMINARY RELEASED 06/17/05 FOR REVlEW PURPOSES ONLY, THiS DOCUMENT SHAll NOT BE RECORDEB FOR ANY PURPOSE. James A. Koch, Jr. RegiStered Pro~ss~nol Land Surveyor No. 4688 City Secretary, City of Coppe/t, Texas [~ecornm ended for Approvq/' Aporoved and Acce~ted: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE /dE, the undersigned authority, a Notary Pub/lc in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared James A. Koch, Jr., known to me to be the person whose nome is subscribed to the for~o/`ng /hstrument and ocknow/edged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and consideration there/n expressed. OlVEN UNDER /dY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFTCE this day of , 2005. Cha/'rmon, P/cnm`ng Dote Zoning Commission City of Coppell Roodplcin Development Permit Application No. __ Coppell floodplain ~dmin[strator on been filed with the City of , 2005. Floodplain AdmFnistrator Date NO 1. Bearing system for th/s sur~ey is based on o bearing of South 89'01'04' East for the south r/ght-of-woy //'ne of ¢ethel Rood as descr/bed /n deed to City of Coppe// recorded ~n Volume 200~094, Page 797 of the Deed Records of Do~los Coun tx, Texas. 2. (C..~f.) - Contro/h`ng monument. Notary Public ?n and for the State of Texas My Commission exp/res: ©P CRESCENT ADDITION LOT 1, BLOCK A BEING A REPLAT OF BLOCK 5 OF COPPELL COMMERCE CENTER PHASE I AND A MINOR PLAT OF A 1.0959 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS AND BEING OUT OF THE dAMES A. SIMMONS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1296 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 0 WNER: CITY OF COPPEI I 255 PARKWAY BL VD. COPPEI I , TEXAS 75019 d 8350 N CENTRAL EXPWY SUITE 1000 DRAWN BY CHECKED BY SCALE RM/MWW NK 1"=50' DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 972,235,303' DA YE JOB NUMBE/7 06/17/2005 2052-05.17,3