Landscape NotesLAND$Ci'~PE SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - REPEFEf',GED DOCLMEh'TS ,~ P',c~er to ~dd ~,~ requlro:r, gr'~g, special pro,is c~,s ar, d SrCP, ad'~S for a~d t,onal 2 CESC:~:P T'QN CF co~ere~ ;c ti,ese specif,caUsp, s and ar, dscaplr,'a plans, 2 Bed prepared,on aod 3 Not,NaahOn O~ sources 4. ,'~ater apd Maifl~enar:ce uptl fir, a; acceptance 5 Gdarantae 13 ~iEFERENCE STANDARDS A~ricam Ste~dar,d for Nursery S~ock ~ublshed by Amir,can Asscc~aUon of ~;~rsarymen 27 Octob~, 1980, Ed:t on, by A,merican Natmcnal Standards [mstmtJt~, Imc (ZCO,'}-P art ~ater a! C ~e,as Ass,scat sa ,~ ,Jsrscr~e~ G'~c~s amd Star,lores, ,~m H,jr t S ~r~ ":'~78 ~or ~Sl~ I q:,ars~ty 4 ~On~FCAT ON Or: SO'.:CES A~4D ~?%';:~S PF3~ ~ ~¢,~]~l(a~ v2 ~ ]1: '.:t~¢ g' s8n~¢ !g3~ sail, O~d~Ch, b~d mix matfr~&l ~I .~" r 3~' S '' i :pr ~ ~ ~ ~ t 'c tra~ L~ ~gTe, Ct~qty, 2qc~ fete, al aJthor ti'es '3 ] ',2! r ( (.ERG a 'TCrtrPC:O, to (Om';',Zt~ Lh,~ Clbvrg p;nct ;at Pr:cF to Lar~scape Contractor G; era~ C.,n r,:crcr b~a, pro,ice ~¢ub,): 43 ]OScfDG2 :n Sec(ion 02200 - E&rt~grk ~qect,o~ 02_(':00 - 01 PAql 3 31 BED ¢REPARAT,C,~4 & FEFiTILIZATION Prepare raw p!arbr'g bads b/ s.:,rapl'~g a~ay ex~sNrg grass anJ needs as s,x ;61 ~ncn~s o¢ con-poSt alqd tq into ¢ d~pt~ cf six ~atc"ed n tr'crgj~/ ,%r a Ss A'C2; ;,re~s ~,.* Ce Sclc Sod E]~r,t~J,~;ra~s Sect cn }:-g0:; C5 !6 NOr TO SCALE '7 32 t.,4A!NTENANCE AND GUARANTEE A N~aintenance The Landscape Contractor ,~,ltl be nejd respcns,b:e tot the maintenance of all ~ork from the t;me of planting un(I final acceptance by the Owner No trees, shrubs, groundcover or grass will be accepted unless they show e healthy growth and ant afactcry foliage condor,ohs 2 ~aietenarce shall include water;~ of trees ~nd pfants, cu~Nvat;on, ~eedia,g, sprain, g, ed~;¢Q, pruning of trees, mow~ng of ~rass, cleaning up and all other ~ork accessory of maa[ana¢ce. 3 A wr,tte~ mot:cf raq~esNng fmal :~sgec',[o~ and acceptance shourd b~ submitted to ire O.ner at feast seve~, (7~ days prior to ccmple~Jon An on-site [nspect[c~ Dy Owner aid Landscape Contractor will be comp:atari prfor to written acceptance 4 After fmr&l acceptance of mpSta [8t0n, the Landscape Contractor ~tJ not be requ;red ~ do any of ;ha abo~ Ksted work Guarantee: 1 Trees shall be guaranteed Iora twelve {12} month period after acceptance Shrubs &ad ~ro,¢ndco',,ar sha~l be ~,.,aranteed for l~el~e (~2) months O0¢tract0r spell replace atl dead materials as scoff as ~eather perm;ts a~d not:float;on of Lhe Owner Plants, includ[mg trees, wh;ch hav~ parNally dad so sha¢~, sz~, Or symme[ry bas b~n damaged, st&Il b~ co~sldered sub,eot replacement [a Suc~ cas~s, the optnon of t~e Owner shatl be a Plants used for replacement shal, be of the same kind and size as those or~giaall~ pfanled and shall fe ¢lapted as or~pifal',y spec~hed All ~ork, i~cluding mater a s, abet ~nd equ pment used ia rep S~all carry a twelv~ (,2} month guaraate~ Any damage, i~oludim~ rgts cr b~d 8reap, i~c~rr~d as a r~sg!t of makifg r~prac~m~nts shall b~ ;mme~ ate!y repaired b At the d:rection of the Owner, pratts may ge replaced at the start of the ~ext year's planting seaso~ in such cases, dead p!8~ts shall be removed from th~ fr~misfs immediately o When pfa~ rep'aceme~ts 8re made, p:ants, ~oH mix, fertilizer m~lc~ ~re to ~e utilized 8s cr,g[m~lfy sfec,~:ed and rei~sfected for co~p'ia~c~ with Co~tract requ;r~%~nts Atl replacements ar~ to ~a mc'~d~d ~d~r Work' of (h;s s~ct~on accepta¢ce 3 T~e abo~e Q~ranlee shall riot apply where ¢:ants d;e after acceptance machiqes ortheft 4 Acceptance for all [a~dscap~ work sha)m ~e G;ven after final inspection by O,r,~r p~v~d~d th,~ ~ob is ~n ~ completed, ~u~d~msged condition, ~nd th~r~ ~nd ~f ~r~ m ~tl I~wn ~rea~, A~ ~hs t,~e, the O~ner will ~s~ume m],n~e~an~e on the a~ce~ted ~ork QUALITY ASSURANCE A General Comply with app!icsble Federal, State, Cojnty, snd Local regulations governing landscape materials and work Personnel Err'pioy only experienced personnel who are famihar wt[h the requred work Provide fljl[-t[me gupervfaion by a qualilled foreman acceptable Io Landscape Arohttect C Serect¢on of Plant Material Make contact with supp;;ers mmed:ately upon cbtai",:ng notice of contract acoeplahCa to se:eot and bock mat~rlals D~¥elo¢ a program of mainfenance ',pr~nl"'g ard [ertlHZation) which ~i:l in~ure the purchased roster als will meet and/or exseed proieot sfeciflcat;ons 2 Landscape Architect wiil provde a key idenlfying each tree !ocatlon on s;te ,,'Vr,tten ,,,erl(/cation wll be required tO document mater~al se:eot:ch, source and delivery schedules to site 3, O,,,,r'er and/or Architect shall inspect all plant materials, w~'e~ reasonable, at place cf growth for compNsnoe with requirements for genus, spec;es, cuitivar/var;ety, srze and qualily Secton 02900 - 02 ~NSTALLAT~ON Msinterance of plsnt materals she1 beg:n immed'ately after each plant is delivered to ',he site and S~all conhn~e unt,I all co',struCtion has been Satlsfactortly aoccmphshed Plant materials shail be delivered to Isa site o,'qy a~ter t~e ~eds are prepared and are read~ for pfandng Ail shipments of nursery mater als shall be thoroughly protected from th~ dryi~ wfnds durifg transit All ptaa(s ~'ch 68r~Ot b~ pf~nt~d at o~c~, after d~i~v~r~ t~ th~ s~t~, ~hall b~ ~ell protected a~am~t th~ ¢o~b~fity ~f drym¢ by ~ifd a~d s,~ Bafa o¢ earth of B & 8 pfant~ ~hali be k~t covered ~,t~ ~oil or ~ther ~oceptabfa mat~r~al. Atl p~a~t~ r~mai~ tb~ property of (h~ Contractor ~¢til f,~l acc~pta~c~ Posihoa t~e trees and s~r~b~ m their ~te~ded ;oca~oa as per pla~ Nobly tb~ Lafdscafa Architect for in~¢ect¢~ a~d apfr~va~ of all positioning ~f p~a~t ~ater als ExCavate CMs wt~ ,er(foal sides a~d horizontal botto~ ~ree p;t9 She;; ~e [ar~e e~o~n to ¢~rm4t handh~ and p[a~[~g without i~i,~ry to bal;s ~f ~ar~h pr re,ts and shah be of such dept~ th~, ~8~ p~anted a~d settled, the crow~ o¢ (be plan~ sbatl bear (~ same farallon to the f;~s~ ~r~de that ~f d~d to soil surface ~n plac~ o~ growth DO NOT CUT CENTRAL LEADER Sect,on 02g00 - C6 17 QUALITY ASS £RANCE C Se:eot;on of Piant ~daler~al (cent) 4 Owner and/or Archi!eot rata rs t~'e r ~ht to further ~ssect &! ¢la<r ~'a',e¢ Si ..pC"', branchiae hab,t ifsec(s, ,~;.r,eSr &nd fatert defects 18 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE A PreparaNon: witl not dama¢~ roots, brat:ones s,afe, 8n,J f~t~re de.eopmert protect root B Deh,.ery storage a~d ~ater,~g facdhes are mater;81 ~f ~ot panted ~itb,~ 4 Protect Dia~ts d~r,n~ delivery to ~r~ert :eaves Keep S'a, ~s moist at all limes Co.er a'l ma(er ~;s :.',-*; {rans¢crt 5 Not fy Arch;tact of deh.ary sc~ed,.:e 72 ps.rs Remo~e re~ecred pa~t maferal ,~med:ately from manpufate p!ants by tr~'~ PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2 1 PLANTS A General 'CeCil-termed N'O 1 grade or better r.rsery ,~ra~¢, sto:~. _s'~e: font he ~hts ore D Approval All brant water;als shal be sub~ect ~9 t~e 8¢¢rc.8! Of t~e ~]~'e' a~d/or 9f thie Let, escape ConLractcr ara rep aced (10") ;nch~s in J;a%eter for each one (1') cch tr,~ term 'mui(i-rr,J~k'~.,r~* ~s a platt ha~ng ir, rea ]: ,ct msre :'.,~',,s o' F ~r_pir~ All pr~qq~ cf ',tees anJ srr,.:s as s retted Dy _~r:Jscaz¢ ~':' ',e,ct Sect,on CPC~CS - 03 32 ,NSTALLAT/ON (cent) 3 2 damate, P~an(s shc~[d be thcro.ahlY mo st Cefore remo, eg cc-ta-e~rs ,a~ged, ~ever smlck or glazed bo;rs, the tree needs [o be mc~ed to eno?er ocaton cr ~8~e pmer mca d'a,*aae addez Sohd rock, (opso:i from ',h~ same area Should no~ :e uses watering tO fre~e~t a;r pockets Remove the b~r ap from ~f ~ ~o,low sta~d~rd nursery froot,ce Qf 'root DO ~ot wrap trees Do not o~er prun~ sp~cif{ed m~ich ObStruCtion be(o~ ~ro~n:J ;n t'e ~ent rock or ,.rdergrgjfd ~hen p'aPt i~ properly ~et at :he required ~rs~e T~e ~cr~ of COSt Of th~ Landscape Co~(ractor Sec!ion 929C,0 - 07 EXISflNG TREE NOTES REFERENCE PLAN FOR TREE TYPE ~ RUBBER HOSE 2 STRANDS NO !2 GAUGE GALVANIZED ~*,IRE, TWISTED 2~ LAYER A~ULCH REt SPECIFICATIONS HIGH WATERING RiNG (3) METAL T-POST PAINTED GREEN TRIANGULAR SPACING. FINISH GRADE SCARIFY SIDES ROOTaALL, DO NOT D~STURB, TOP OF ROOTBALL TO BE SET 1' ABOVE EXiSTiNG G~ADE, REMOVE TOP I/3 BURLAP, NATIVE SOIL, REF SPECIFICATIONS --CRUSt-ED ROCK NOTE LOCATE STAKES OUTSIDE OF TREE WELL POSiT;ON STAKES TO SECURE TREE AGAINST SEASONAL PREVAILING W~N©S Z LIMITS OF DRiPLINE TREE PRQTECTi'vE FENCI~qG NTS REPER TO PLAN EXIST,NG TREE TO SNOW FENCE, ORANGE CQNSTRU'CT]ON FE'NCE, C'R CH AIINLPqK FENCE EX~STING GRACE TQ REK,IAiN ~JNDISTCRBED h~ETAL T-POST AT EACH OR FOUR CC, R%ERS 2 ~ SGL FREPARATIC, N MATERIALS Sardy Loam Fr sba, fertl;e da,-~, Iosmt sa I, free cf clay :stops, Subsoil, stet'es and other' ext'Sneous ,'~ater~al snd reas3nably free of ~aeds and fore,gn grasses Loam c3ntaln;ng Qat:asgrass cr N,Jtgrass Shall be rejected 2 PhySCal frcfertes as fOllOws: Cay-ben.ce~ 7-27 percent S,t-bet~ee~ 15-25 ~ercent Sar, d-'ess ~a~ 52 ~erce~t 3 Or~ar~C matter sham Ce 3t~-10t¢ o~ total dry ~e~nt f requested. 2rovde a certfed soil 8na(ys~s conducted by an approved soil testis4 :aboratory ~r fym~ ~ha~ sandy ~oam m~ts (h~ above r~q~rem~¢rs Organ c Ma~ema! Combos( ~(ha a m~xture of 80% ~e~etati~e matter and 20~/, an;mai '~aSte ir, gre,::erts SPOu3 m~x of ¢OjrSG 8rd ~m'ae textured materal Prem~xed EeddnD So, as supple2 By V:tal EarLn Resources, Gadew&ter, Texas; Frofess;ona~ Bed,,P9 Soil as Supp','ed b~ Li~in¢ Eart~ ~echr~olog/, bah'as, Texas cr Aped Sharp Sa~d S~arp said ~ust ee free ~f seeds, sod porto;es and ~eeds Ear'n TeCrmno!cg,es cr approved equal O~a~,c Fer(d,zer Ferh a d austere, cr Gree~ Sefse or equal 8s recommended for reqJ red 8¢phcat,ons ~ert;¢,zer small be dei,vered to the site tn 0rmglnal unofered co~ta,~ers, eac~ bearmg (~e ma~fact~rer's ~uaraftaed statement of a~a[ys~s Commerce81 F~rt~zer 10-20-10 or smiler a~a,ys~s N~trc¢~ sourc~ to b~ 8 m;~;m~m 50",& s~o~ re e~se or~c N~tro~e~ (SOU or U~ w~th a m;n,mum 8~& suif~r ard 4% ~ro~, p'zs m:cron~',r;~m~s Peat Co.marcel sphagnum Dear moss or farhady decomposed shredded pipe bark or ctrar apfro,.ed crga~c materal 2 3 N,~iSCELLA'NE©US !dATER!ALS Stee! Ed~ir~; Shall be Ryerson 'Estate Curbrg', !/$"x4." with stakes 4' on center SIakn2 Mater si for Shad~ Trees PosI: Studded T-Post, ne 1 Armco w~th anchor pate; 6'-0' length; paint black W;re *2 gauge, sng(e strand, ga[varized wire R~bber hose: 2 ¢,y. fber reintorced hose, re;ri;mum 1/2 ir'ch inside d:ameter Co;or: Black Cra.el ',"fasted nahve pea gra,,el, 9reded 1 in to 1-!/2 in Fabrc !,,4ra!~ 140N by Ce!erase Fibers Marketln9 Company, AYal!able at Loftland {214) 631-5250 cr afpro',,ed equal LANDSCAPE NOTES 1 ~ .... ~ ~"~li e"f, ~!i ~" ", ........ :( ~, 2,. r~."~'% r" ,] ::~! %" :C~ .... [% COPPELL NOTES 1 r",_: t,::" :,(:"?,iI!e' s' ~ll ,;!¢-'[e..[7 F ~'-] '~ 'h NST~LLAT,CN iCCNT ) C Sectic, n 029,.00 - 34 Trees sr, d !arge shrJbs ar'all se staked as s,te conditions re,.~ulre Position stakes to secure tree aga:nst seasonal ¢,re,a,qrg w;nds Pr~,-~ and !)Jich ~g Each area sha!l ,se pruned in accordance with standard hcrt;su,t.ral practise to preserve the naturar charscter cf the plant and in the manner flt?g its USe n the landscape design Cead ,,.,cod or suckers e'"d broken or ~eOly bruised branches shall be remo,,ed General tpping cf all branchea is nat permitted 2 Pr;ni'*g s~'sll be done with clean sharp 3 !~rmeda~.ely after p:anhng oDerahons ore comp:atari, covered w,th a layer of spec~tled mulch too (2")inchea ~n depth Tho lint of the speclfled mulch for trees shal be the dsmeter of the prant pit. Steel C~rbng ;rstalaticn All steel curblrg atoll be free of k(nks or abrupt bends 3 Top of curbing shetl be 3/4' maximum higher than exiating grade 4 Stakes ere to be installed on the p!anting bed side o¢ the curbing, aa opposed 5 Do not install s~eel edp/nb along s;dewaiks Oat steel edglrg at 45 degree angle where edging meeta sidewalk CLEANUP AND ACCEPTANCE A C!esn,,..¢ DJr,n~ Ihe ~ork, the pram;scs shall Storage arena tot all materia!a shsll 8e so orgsnlzed that they, too, are neat and orderly All trash anJ deDria Shah be remo,,ed from the site as work progresses. Keep ba,,ed areas c!ean by s¢,eeplng or hosin~ at end of each days' work, ENO OF- SECTION Section 029C0 - 08 ,: 'S :% _/ PARKtNG AREA / TYPICAL BERM SECTION SCALE: 1": 10'-0" DEVELOPED BY: MAINTENANCE NOTES [""eS ~nis S'-~il ;''It,Ce "'o',', "(; e;JC:" : :;,,~ .... ,: ,f;t"(!' su:.;q ,~' aLe-::M c.- ;:!;ar'ts "c;[ i:' ~"L (:f L" ~: I:t" All nla:'t PLANT LIST TREES [} O Tz r'J :C,.~'L [.,aNDSCAPE TABULATIONS UI"'L,S ;rasp fei a Ce:f,)" Er"' 32 7," Pr'us elder.ca E!(J ~-::;~ P.,~ 8 7' Buchlce tinct)lo:des BL~ffaloc~ass i4E :' !/,F-J<S CIVIL ENGINEERS ~ PLANNERS SURVEYORS smr STE~EN'' ~" F 'I i~ , z...__. 214-:7: '-, 2405 Mustang Drive, Grapevine, Texas 76051 Metro (817) 329-4373 Atlan · Chicago · Cindnn · Ft. I.. derd e · · Angeles BERM AREA PARKWAY 7": .... $1DE'¢v A L k' 5420 LBJ FREEWAY, aTE 1275 OALLAS, TEXAS 75240 Phone: (972)546-2640 Fax: (972}546-2650 BELT LiNE ROAD ~ 5.50.05 ' CENTER DRC COMMMENTS 0,3 MARCH 2005 _XAS L1.2