P&Z letter of approval-3/17/05T FI 1~' C J T ¥ 0 F COPPELL March 18, 2005 Industrial Development International 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1275 Dallas, TX 75240 RE: Beltline Trade Center~ Lot Iv Block IT Site Plan Dear Madam/Sir: This letter is to inform you that the Beltline Trade Center. loot 1, l~lock 1. Site Plan, to allow the development of an approximate 375,000-square-foot warehouse distribution building on 27.072 acres of property located along the north side of Beltline Road, approximately 1,000 feet east of North Lake Drive, was recowanended for approval by the Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, March 17, 2005, subject to the following conditions: 1) Show and label all fire hydrants on Site Plan and recclnfigure Fire Department connection locations to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. 2) Dimension width of parking spaces on Site Plan. 3) Beltline Road median alterations must be approved by the City of Dallas. 4) Site Plan and Landscape Plan need to reflect a buildirlg tbotprint in compliance with the building design. 5) Clarify building articulation design dimensions. 6) Compliance with Engineering comments (attached). The date scheduled for consideration by the Coppell City Council i~ Tuesday, April 12, 2005, at 7 p.m. A representative for this case must be present at this meetingI which will be held in Council Chambers at City Hall. Failure to represent this item may result in the denial of this application. City Council has instructed staff to include in its agenda packets only those items that accurately reflect conditions as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Therefore, please submit to the Planning Department three (3) folded copies of ali re¥ised plans on or before 12 noon~ Wednesday, March 30th. Also, please submit one (1) 8 V2 ~x l 1 paper reduction, along wit'"~ one jpg, tiff, pdf or similar electronic file. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Departme, Sincerely, Marcie Diamond Assistant Director of Planning Cc Edward Eckart, P.E., Goodwin/Marshall, Inc. Building Inspection file '" t at (972) 304-3678. DPPELL conp i_ - 2nd DRC REPORT COl'FELL P~roject ID Address SPA 05 0007 E Be~t Line Rd Proiect N~ame Belthne T ade Center Lot 1, Block 1 ~.roject Type Application Date Case Manaqer Project Description Site Plan Approval 2/15i2005 Gary S~eb To allow the deveJopment ol an approxmlate 375,000 squale root warehouse dis~tnbution building on 27 072 acres of property _Agency F~re Admm Engineenng 1 of 1 Comments 1 FDC configuration is not correct Install ~n accordance~ with NFPA and City of Coppell stanc~ar0s Preliminary Utility Layout 1 Additional fire hydrants are needed to meet m~mmum 4pacing (300' min atong fire lane) 2 Overall design of water wdf be rewewed in greater detail 0uring plan review 3 You wdl need permission from DART to work within thetir easement to install the 8" sanitary sewer Ac~ddional requirements may be idenhfied durir~§ furl engineering plan review