CC letter of approval-4/12/05T H E . C I T Y 0 F CO?FELL April 13, 2005 Industrial Development International 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1275 Dallas, TX 75240 RE: Beltline Trade Center~ Lot Iv Block Iv Site Plan Dear Madam/Sir: This letter is to inform you that the Beltline Trade Center, Lot 1, ,~.lock 1, Site Plan, to allow the development of an approximate 375,000-square-foot warehouse ~tistribution building on 27.072 acres of property located along the north side of Behline Road, a~proximately 1,000 feet east of North Lake Drive, was approved by the Coppell City Council on Iuesday, April 12, 2005, subject to the following conditions: 1) Show and label all fire hydrants on Site Plan and rect}nfigure Fire Department connection locations to the satisfaction of the Fire D~partment. 2) Beltline Road median alterations must be approved by the City of Dallas. 3) Compliance with Engineering comments (attached). Please submit to the Planning Department two (2) copies of the revised Site Plan incorporating the above-mentioned related conditions on or before 12 noon, Friday, April 29, 2005. For your information, this Site Plan is valid for a period of two years and will!expire April 12, 2007. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department [at (972) 304-3678. S~c,erely, Gary 1~. Sieb, A.I.C.P. l~reetor of Planning Edward Eckart, P.E., Goodwin/Marshall, Inc. Buil{~ng Inspection file =' .JOPPELL CITY OF COPPELE 2nd DRC REPORT COPPELL Proiect~LD SPA 05 0007 Ad~dres~ E Bott Line Rd _P_roject N{~me Belthne Trade Center Lot 1 Block 1 Project Type Application Date Case Manaqer ~roiect Description Sde Plan Approval 2/15/2005 Gan/S~eb To allow the development of an approx,mate 375 000 square foot warehouse dis!r~butJon building on 27 072 acres of pr operh/ _Aqency Fire Admln Engineenng 1 of 1 Comments i 1 FDC configurakon is no~ correct Insta!l in accordanceiw~th NFPA and City of Coppell standards I Preliminary Utility Layout 1 Additional fire hydrants are needed to meet minimum s~acing (300' lin along fire lane) 2 Overall design of water will be reviewed in greater detatl dunng plan review 3 You wdl need permission from DART to work w~th~n the~r easement to ~nstall the 8" sanitary sewer i Add~tionar requirements may be identified dunng full engineering plan review