DRC commentsCOPPELL Project ID SPA-05-0007 Address E Belt Line Rd CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project N~me COPPELL Bel neTadeCente Lotl,Biockl Project Type Application Date Case Manager Proiect Description Site Plan Approval 2/15/2005 Gary Sieb To allow the development of an approximate 375,000-square-foot warehouse disiribution building on 27 072 acres of property Agency Building Inspection 1 of 3 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 2/23/2005 Electric and Gas Jeff Curry 2/24/2005 1 3 different p/an orientations have been submitted Please s a~ndard~ze to make fu ute review easier. Site Plan/~cceptable COPPELL Agency Engineering Reviewed By Ken Griffin QITV OF O. OPPI LL DRC REPORT COPPELL Review Date 2/24/2005 Preliminary Utility Layout 1 Design ~he private FL so there is no dead end 2 Show lo'cations of FDC. 3 Provide more detail of va yes/connections 4. Why is ~he 8" .,FL connecting to the building 3 times? 5 Why is t~he 10 FL going into then out of the pump room? 6 Meet ad,equate distances between fire hydrants. 7 Is the connection of the 24" and 10" water mains allowed, necessary, preferred? Preliminarf Storm Drain Layout 1. Include ~rainage areas and preliminary drainage calculations including the retention pond Preliminar~ Utility Layout 1 Loop th(~ fire line around the building 2 Show locations of FDC 3. Provide more detail of valves/connections 4 Why is the 8" fire line connecting to the building 3 times? 5 Why is the 10" fire line going into then out of the pump room? 6 Addition@l fire hydrants are needed to meet minimum s~acing. 7 Overall Cesign of water will be reviewed in greater detail durin~g plan review There may be another way to provide tire protection, etc. by tapping the 24" water line twice i~ lieu of installing a parallel 10" water line. 8 You will heed permission from DART to work within their easer~ent to install the 6" sanitary sewer The northern s0ction of the 6" sanitary sewer should be an 8" sanitary Isewer so it could be used to provide service to the remaining lot east of the railroad spur Preliminary Storm Drain Layout 1 Include ~.rainage areas and preliminary drainage calculation~ including the retention pond Additional!requirements may be identified during full engineering plan review. Fire Administration Tim Oates 2/24/2005 I Landscaipe plan shows 30' fire lane, other show 24'. 2 Indicate ~lire lane turning radii (30' inside. 54' outside) 3 Show fir0 hydrant and FDC locations on site plan 4. FDC mu~t be within 50' of a fire hydrant and on the same side Of the fire lane. 5. Complet~ the loop of the fire line. 6. Building !ire pump shall not pressurize the fire hydrant sys!em C PPELL Agency Parks and Recreation Planning Department Reviewed By John Elias Gary Sieb 43(T¥ OK .,OPPEEL DRC REPORT COl'FELL Review Date 2/22/2OO5 2/21/2005 1. Tree mitJgaflon calculations are incorrect They are as follows: Total ProteCed Trees on site: 906"(DBH) Total ProteCted Trees Removed: 381"(DBH) Total ProteCted Trees Preserved: 525"(DBH) 58% Preservatiof~ Credit: 221" LandscapeiCredit: 217 5" No Retribution will be due SITE PLAN 1 Please dimension monument sign. 2. Overall Sign cannot exceed 60 square feet (including title end panel) 3. Does yolur "Provided Parking" total include "Future Parking" lal~eled area? If so, indicate when future parking will be provided; no more than15 spaces w/o Is separation 4 Dimensibn width and length of parking space, typically 191 by 9' or greater 5 Dimensibn space between fire lane and west property line 6. Indicate acreage or square footage of open area behind buillding. 7. Provideispot elevations of railroad crossties every 50 feet or s~o, where adjacent to Creekview Addition. 8. Dimensilon trailer storage parking areas and show on Site Plal~. 9 Beltline Rd, is in Dallas at this location, any median alt(~rations must be approved by the City of Dallas LANDSCAI~E PLAN 1 Orient LiS Plan and Site Plan in same direction (Plan Nortl1 is typically at top of drawing) 2 Dimensi~3n minimum, average, and maximum height of al! berms. 3. Provide section through berms showing how they screen par!~ing ELEVATIONS 1 Any par~ of structure visible from public row must have articulation every 100 feet or less Please revise elevations/l~erspectives to reflect this requirement 2 Color B(~ard is required for this project 3 Please I~rovide detailed floorplan of building as well as section showing screening of any mechanical equipment to be placed on roof. PERSPEC,~IVE DRAWING 1 Indicateifrom where perspective drawings are taken. 2 See conflment #1 ELEVATIONS, above COPPELL Proiect ID MP-05-0008 Address E Belt Line Rd DRC REPORT Project N~me COPPELL Beltline Trade Center, Lot 1, Block Proiect Type Application Date Case Manaqer Project Description Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Minor Plat 2/15/2005 Gary Sieb To allow the development of an approximate 375.000-square foot warehouse di.~ properly 1 of 1 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 2/23/2005 Jeff Curry 2/24/2005 Engineering Ken Griffin 2/24/2005 1. No plat Plat Unao 972-570-4 1. Coordin the propo., 2 Show C 3 Will nee leaves thL, Iribubon building on 27 072 acres of lng comments made. eptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 126 to discuss easement requirements. ]te easements to accommodate changes to ed water line. ty of Coppell and City of Dallas city limits d easement for the sanitary sewer when it site. Fire Administration Tim Oates 2/24/2005 Parks and Recreation John Elias 2/22/2005 Planning Depadment Gary Sieb 2/22/2005 AdditionaI requirements may be identified during full engineerir~g plan review. 1 No comment No comme~nts 1 Final Pl~t needs to change to Minor Plat throughoutlthis document. 2 Note #5~change "lin" to "lie". 3 Please review City of Coppell Subdivision Regulation~s for signature statements needed for Plat approval. -- 4 Remove Prel m nary.., comment from Surveyor's Certificate. 5. lndicate~ row of railroad property. MEMORANDUMi To: Marcie Diamond From: Jeff Curry Date: February 24, 2005 Subject: March DRC PD-199R2-HC, Vista Point II, Lot 5, Block A (Bank of Tex~s) - Zoning Change Acceptable Vista Point Il, Lot 5, Block A Replat - Plat Unacceptable, plgase contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to discuss electric easement requirements. A]~o, please change the signature block to read TXU Electric Delivery Company. S-1211R, Service Star - Zoning Change Acceptable, please c~ntact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to discuss electric selwice requirements. PD-97R3-R, Corners of Coppell - Zoning Change Acceptabl~, please contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to discuss electric service requirement!. Wynnpage Plaza North, Lot 2, Block B, Site Plan - Site Plak Acceptable Wynnpage Plata North, Lot 2, Block B, Final Plat - Plat Utlacceptable, please contact Larry Redick to discuss electric easement reqairements. Also,please change the signature block to read TXU Electric Delivery Company and a~ld a line for Atmos Energy. Beltline Trade Center, Lot 1, Block 1, Site Plan - Site Plan ,cceptable Beltline Trade Center, Lot 1, Block 1, Minor Plat - Plat Unacceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972-570-4126 to discuss electric casement requirements. Park West Commerce Center, Lot 2R-3, Block 2, S~te Plan ¥ Sac Plan Acceptable Park West Conunerce Center, Lot 2R-3, Block 2, Replat - *let Unacceptable. please contact Jeff Curry at 972-570-4126 to discuss electric easement requirements. 818-d ~O0/ZO0 d P~2-~ O£~O~ZZ8 9~0 XO~3N3 ~OONO-mO~ ~dZ~:EO SOOZ-PZ-ZO