Fax-purchase land for CM entry1NC),
Mr. SleD:
Reference our tel, ephone conversation, thl~
.510 acres we purchased ~rom CHARLES & ELIZABETH RENFRO in April
of thl~
We purchased this tract to simply wlden our entry to The Estates
oi* Cambridge Manor because no single-family dwellings will be
built o~ thi~ piece of ~roper~.
I have enclosed the legal description of said property and a rendering o
the "NEW" entry to The Estates of Cambridge Manor, which will expand or
w/der( our total entry by another eighty-three (83') feet.
Please call me if you have any questions regarding any portion of this
Development, Inc.
74,~ D
~ ~ NBg'44'O~"W
P 02
Denton, State of Tax#; and being part of a certain 30.2 acre tract of land designated as Tract
Four (41 as conveyed from Sam Long et al to Cicero Long by partition deed dated 9/8154,
recorded in Volume 406, Page 576, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being part
of *~he Gar~ Ray Wir~ey and wife, Ruby N. Winfrey tract filed May 20, 1958. as shown of
record in Volume 566, Page 609 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being a
part of the WILLIAM A. TRIMBLE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1268, Denton County, Texas, and
being more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto;
Form 'r. 101
Texas Commitment for Title Insurance Schedule A
Effective 1 -
BEING all that certain LOT, Trace or ParceI of land lying and being situated in the County of Denton.
State of Texas; and being ~ of a certain 30.2 acre tract of land designated as Tract Four (4) as
conveyed from Sam Long et al to Cicero Long by partition deed dated 9/8/54, recorded in Volume 406,
page 576, Deed Re~ords of D~ton County, Texas, and being part of the Gary Ray Winfrey and wife,
Ruby N. Winfrey tract fired May 20, 1968, as shown of record in Volume 566. Page 609 of the Deed
Records of De~ton County, Texas, and being a part of the WILLIAM A. TRIMBLE SURVEY. ABSTRACT
NO. 1268, Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as
KGINNII~I at the North boun~lary of a 30 foot Roadway, now called DeForest Road, North 30 feet
from I steel pin an East and ~leet fence line at the Southwest corrter of the above mentioned 30.2
acres tract, aftd being 1540.3~ feet East of the Southwest corner of the original tract of 120.8 acres
of lend, once in the name of ~ Long;
THENCE North and parallel w~ the west boundary line of the 30.2 acres tract, 268.95 feet to a point
THEPK;E East, a distance of a3 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South and parallel w~h the Wast boundary line of the 30.2 acres tract, a distance of 268,95
feet to a corner in the North boundary of the above mentioned 30 foot roadway; and being the
Soul. east corner of tract herein desc¢ibed;
THENCE West along the Nee~ boundary line of the 30 foot roadway and parallel with the South
boundary line of 30.2 acres t~act. 83 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 22,922.90
square teeS'or 0.512 acres o~ kind, more or less.