Landscape Notes - Bldg. BLANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION O290O PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS A. Refer to bidding requlrements, special provisions, end schedu;as for adddional requirements. 12 DESCRtPTION OP WORK A. Work included: Furnlsh ell supervision, labor, materials, services, equipment end appliances required to complete the work covered ir', conjunction with the landscaping covered in these Specifications end lar~dscaping plans, Includ:ng: 1 Planting (trees, ahrubs, end grade) 2. Bed preparation and ferh!izat!on 3 Notification of sources 4. Water and Maintenance until final acceptance 5 Guarantee 13 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. American Standard for Nursery Stock pub!;shed by American Association of Nurserymen: 27 October 1980, Edition; by American Natinnal Standards Institute, (ZBO.1)-piant materfak B. American Joint Commlttee on Horticultural Nomenclature: 1942 Edition of Standardized Plant Names C. Texaa Association of Nurserymen, Grades end Standards. D Hortis Third, 1976 - Cornell 14 NOTIFICATION OF SOURCES AND SUBMITTALS A The Conlractor shall, w~thln ten I10) days fcl[owlng acceptance of bid, notify the Areh~teot/Owner of the sources of plant materiais end bed preparation required for the project B. Samples: Provide representatiYe quantities of sandy icom soil, mulch, bed mix materiel. gravel, end crushed Stone. Sampfee shall be approved by ArchHeot before use on project, C Product Dale: Submit complete product data and specif;catlona on all other Specified materials. D. Submit three representative sampres of each variety of ornamental trees, shrubs, and groundcover plants for Arch,tooL's approval When aperoved, tag, install, end maintain as repreaentatlve samplee for ileal installed plant materials E. Fife Certificates of inspection of plant material by state, county, and federal authorities with Architect, ff required, F Soil AnalysiS: Provide Sandy loam soil enalySlS if requested by the Architect 15 JOB CONDITIONS General Contractor to complete the following punch fist; Prior to Landscape Contractor imtiating any portion Qf landscape ir'ataFaticn, General Contractor ahall leave planting bed areas three t3")inches below finish grade of sidewalks, drives end curbs as shown on the drawings All lawn areas to receive sc, lid sod shall be left one (1"] inch below the finish grade of sidewalks, drives, and curbs. All construction debris shall be removed prlor to Landacape Contractor beginnmg any work B General Contractor shell provide topsoil as described in Section 02200 - Earthwork C Storage of mater!als end equipment at the job s~Ie will be at the risk of the Landscape Contractor. The Owner cannot be held responsOfe for theft or damage Section 02900 - 01 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 BED PREPARATION & FERTILIZATION A, Landscape Contractor to inspect ell existing conditions and report any deficlencles to the Owner B. All ranting areas shall be conditioned as foHows~ 1. Prepare new_planting bads by sorapmg away existing grass and weeds as neoesaary Tdl existing soil to a depth of six inches prior to fertilizer end compost application. Apply fertilizer as per manufacturer's recommendations. Add six (6')inches of compost and till into a depth of Six [6")inches of the natlve soil Apply organlc fertilizer such as Suatane or Green Sense at the rate of twenty (20) pounds ;)er one thousand (1,000) square feet. 2. All planting bed areas shall receive a ~wo i2") inch foyer of specified mulch. 3 Backfill for tree pils shell be as follows~ Use exiatlng topsoil on site, free from large orumps, rock, debrla, ca[lobe, aubaoils, otc,, placed in nine (9') inch layers and watered in thoroughly, C. Grass Area; 1. Areas to be Solid Sod Bermudagrass: Blocks of sod should be laid joint to joint, (staggered Joinls) after fertilizing the ground first, Roll grass areas to achier smooth, even surface. The jo[mls between the blocks of sod should be filled ewl~h topaoil where they are evidently gaped open, then watered thoroughly. 2. Areas to be Hydromurch Common Bermudagrass; Hydromulch wHh bermudaj~rass seed et a rate of two (2) pounds per one thousand (1,000) square feet Use a 4' × 8' batter board against the bed areas Section 02900 - 05 1¸6 17 MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEE A Maintenance: 1 The Landscape Contractor will be held respons;ble for the maintenance of all work from the timeO°fr p[antlng until final acceptance by the Owner. No trees, shrubs, ~roundoover grass will be acceptedunress they show a healthy growth and satiafactory foliage conditions 2 Maintenance shell include watering of trees and planla, cu!tlvation, weeding, sprayinlZ, edging, pruning of treed, mowing of grass, cleaning up and all other work necessary of maintenance. 3. A written notice requeating final inspection and acceptance should be aubmitted to the Owner at least seven (7) daya prior to completion. An on-site inspectiem by Owner end Landscape Contractor w!(I be compreted prior to written acceptance 4 After final acceptance of installation, the Landscape Contractor wdl not be required to do any of the above Irated work. Guarantee; 1. Trees shalt be guaranteed for a twelve 112) month period after acceptance. Shrubs end groundcover shall be guaranteed for twelve [12) months The Contractor shall replace all deed m, ateriafs es soon as weather permits and upon ~otification of th~ Owner, P~ant~, i~cludi~g tr~, which hax~ part,ally d;~d ~o that shape, ~iz~, or ~ymm~try ha~ b~en damaged, ~hall be considered ~ubj~ct ta replacement, in s~o~ o~e$, the opinion ct the Owner ~al/ be final. a. P~a~ts used for repracemeat shall b~ of th~ sam~ kl~d add siz~ as tho~e ori~i~alr~ planted and ~ha[I be pre,ted as oriainaliy specified. All work, [~olud[~g materials, labor and equipment used In replacRmentR, shall c~rry a tw~lv~ (12) month guarantee Any d~mag~, I~c[uding ruts I~ or b~d ~r~as, incurred as a r~sult of making r~piac~m¢~ts shall b~ immediately repaired b At th¢ direction of the Owner, plants may be replaced at 1he start ~f the next y~ar's pla~ting seasom [~ such cases, dead plants shall b~ r~mov~d from th~ pr~mises immediately. o. Whe~ pla~t re¢lacement~ ar~ made, plant~, soil mix, fertilizer and mulo~ are to be utilized as ori¢;n~]fy seecified a~d rei~spected for full complianc~ with Contract r~q~irem~ts All r~pfac~m~t~ ar~ to b~ i~clud~d uhder "Work" of this 2. The Owner agrees that for the guaran~ to b~ ~ffecti~e, h~ ~ill water pla~ts f~ast twic~ a w~k during dry ¢~rfods ~d cultiv~t~ b~ds o~c~ a mo~th after 3. The above guarantee shall not appry where pratts die after acceptance m~ohines orthOR, 4 Acceptance for all fandscap~ work shall be given after final ~spectlon Dy th~ Owner provided the job is i~ a completed, undamaged co~dhion, a~d ther~ 8~8~d Of ~r~ss i2 all lawn areas. At this t;me, th~ O~ner wiil assume maintenance on the accepted work. QUALITY ASSURANCE A General: Comply ,with applicable Federal, State, County, and Local regulations governing I~ndacape materials and work. Peracnnek Employ on{y experienced personnel who are fall ar w~th the required work Provide full.time aupervia[on by a quarifled foreman acceptabre to Landscape Architect C. Selection of Plant Mater~M; Make contact with suppF:ers immediately upon oblaln',ng notice of contract acceptance Io Select and book materials, Develop a brogram of maintenance (pruning end fertilization) which will insure the purchaaed malaria's will meet and/or exceed project speciflcatlons 2. Landscape Architect will provide a key identifying each tree location on site. Written verffloation will be required to document material selection, source end 3. Owner and/or Architect shall inspect all plant materiala, when reasonable, at piece of growth for oompllance with requlremen~s for genus, speclee, cultivar/varlety, Size end quarlty. Sect;on 02900 - 02 32 iNSTALLATION A. Maintenance of plant materlala shall begin immediately after each plant Is delivered lo the site end shall continue until all construction has been Satisfactor+ry accomplished. B. Ill>lent materials shall bo delivered to the site only after the beds are prepared and ere ready for prantlng All shipmenta of nursery materiala shall be thoroughly protected from the drying winds during transit. Alt piants which cannot be planted at once, after de[iv,'ry to ~he site, shall be well protected against the poasibility of drying by wend and dun Bolla of earth of B & B plants ahall be kej~t covered with soil or other acceptable material. All plants remain the property of the Contractor untd final acceptance, C.Position the trees and shrubs in their intended location es per plan D. Nchfy the Landscape Architect for inspection and approval of all positioning of plant materials, E, ExCavate pils with vertical sides and horizontal bottom Tree p~ts shall be large h to permit hanclllng end pleating without injury to balls of earth or roots end shall be~n°ouf~ such depth that, when planted and Settled, the crown of the p!ant shall bear the same relatlon to the finish grade that it did to ecl1 surface in piece of growth. Section 02900 - 06 1¸7 QUALITY ASSURANCE C. Selection of Plant Malerleh (cent) 4 Owner and/er Architect retains the right to further inspect a~l cant material upon arrival et the Site and during instalratlon for size end conddlon of root baliS, limbs. branchlng habit, insects, injuries, and latent defects. 5. Owner and/or Architect may reject unsatiafaotory cr defective rtateriat at any time during the process of work Remove rejected materials from (re site immediately. Plants damaged in transit or et job slte Shah be rejected 18 PROOUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A, Preparation; 1 Bailed and Burlapped (B&B) Plants: Dig and prepare shipment ,n a mar, nar that will not damage roots, branches, shape, and future development. 2 Container Grown Planis: Deliver plants in rigid container to hol2 bell shape and protect root mass. B. Delivery: 1. Deliver packaged materials in Sealed containers showing weight, ana,ySiS and name of manufaclurer. Protect materials from deterioration duri'g del:very end 2. Deliver only plant materials that can be planled in one day un.ess adequate storage and watering faoihties are available on job sde. 3. Protect root balls by heeling in with sawdust or other approved moisture retaining materlal if not planted w,thin 24 heura of deliYery. 4 Protect plants during delivery to prevent damage to root bane ~' desiccation of leaves Keep pronto moist at ell tlmes Cover all materials d~.,'ing transport 5 Notify Architect of delivery schedule 72 hours in advance ac ¢'a"~t material may be observed upon arrival at job site 5 Remove rejected prant material immediately from a,te. 7. To avoid damage or stress, do not rift, move, adjuat to plumb. Cr otherwise manipurate plants by trunk or stems PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PLANTS A. General: Well-formed No 1 grade or better nursery .drown stock Listed piani herghts ere from tops of root bells to nominal tops of plants. Plant spread ret,ers to nominal outer width of the plant, not to the outer reef tips Planls will be indiv;:.,,~ry approved by the Architect and his dacislon as to their acceptability shall be final. B. Quantities; the drawings end Specifications are complimentary; called for on one and not the other is as binding es if shown end called for on bOt~ The p!aAt Schedule is an a(d to bidders oflry. Confirm a:l quartities on pram C. Quality and size: PJnnt molar[als shall conform to the size given hoalthy, symmetrical w~tl shaped, full branched, and well rooted. fre~ from injurious ~nsect~, diseases, mjur[e8 to the bark or roots, ~'oken branches, objectionable disfigurements, insect eg~s and rarvae and are to be ol spec(men quality D Approval: All plant maleri~18 shall be subject lo the approval of t~e Owner and/or Landscape Archktect. All prants which are found unsu~tabre in gro~t~, or in any unhealthy, badly sha~ed, or undersized condition, will b~ r~jected by 'he Lar,dsca2~ Archdect, either beforeor after planting, and ~hall b~ removed at th~ ex,ease of the Landscape Contractor and replaced with acceptable prants e~ ~pecif;ed E. Tre~s shall b8 healthy, full branched, ~ell shaped, and Shall meet thc trunk diameter and height requirements of th~ plant schedule Baited and Eurrapced shall be firm, neat, slightly tapered, ~nd w~il wrapped In burrap. Any tree [oos~ in th~ ball or with broken ball at tkme of pranting wm'.l be rejected Balls shall be ten (10") ~nches in diameter for each one (1')~nch of trunk diameter, m~a~ured (8") inches abov~ bah Nomencfatur~ conforms to customary nursery usa~; for clarmf;caton, the term "multi-trunk" defines a plant ha~ing three (3) or more trunks of nearly equal diameter. F. Pruning; All pruning of lree~ and shrubs, as al(reeLed by Land~ca,,e Architecl, shall bo ~xecutod by Landscap~ Contracto,' at no add,tmnal cost to th~ Owner. Section 02900 - 03 32 INSTALLATION (coat) 32 Shrub and tree pals shall be no less than two (2') feet, twenty.four (24') inched wider than the lateral dimensron of earth ball and si× (6'} inches deeper t,~an its vertical dimension. Remove end haut from site all rocks or slones over one [1") inches in diameter. Planls aho~.~rd be thoroughly mo;st before removing contairers. Dig a wide, rough sided hole exactly the same depth es the herght =f the ball, especially et the surface of the ground. The sides of the hole sh0.;~d be rough and jagged, never slick or grazed H Percoration Teatr Pirl the hole with water, if the water level does not percolate within 24 hours, the tree n~,eda to be moved to another location or have pier hole drainage added. Backfill only with 5 parts ex;sting soil or sandy loam end 1 part bec preparation When hole is dug in solid rock. topsoil from the dame area should not be used. CarefuFy settre by watering to erevant air pockets. Remove the burrer from the top 1/3 of the bail, es as all nylon, prastlc string end wire mesh. Container trees w:[I us~a'y be pot bound, if so follow standard nursery practice of 'root scoring'. J Do not wrap trees K. Do not over prune L Mulch the top of the ball Do not plant grass elf the way to the trLnk of the tree Leave the area above the top of the ball unplanted ~'~d mu!ch w~th at least two 12') inches of specified mulch. M All plant beds and trees Io be mulched with e minimum settled thick"ess of two inches over the entire bed or p~t. 3 3 N. Obstruction below ground; in the event rock or underground const:rt,,ct~on work or obstructions are encountered in any prant pit ex, carat;on work to ~e done under this section, alternate locations may be selected by the Owcier. Where locations cannot be changed, the obstructions shaft be removed to i depth of not than three (3') feet below grade and no less then six (6"} inches ~elow bottom c( ball when plant is property set at the required grade. The work of this section shell include the removal from the site of such rock or underground obetrucfiona encountered at the cost of the Landscape Contractor. Section 02900 - 07 22 SOIL PREPARATION MATERIALS A Sandy Loam: 1 Priab[e. fertile, dark, loamy soP, free of clay rumps, aubsoi), stones and other extraneous meter~al and reasonab(y free of weeds end foreign graaaes. Loam containing Da[lasgraas or NutRraaa shell be rejected. 2. Physical properties as follows,, Olay.between 7-27 percent Slit-between 15-25 i~erceni Sand-leas than 52 percent 3 Organic matter shall be 3%-10% of total dry 4. if requested, provide a certified soil analysis conducted by an approved soil testing raboratory verifying that sandy loam meets the above requirements. 8. Organic Material: Compost with a mixture of 80% vegetative lamer and 20% animal waste I~gred[ent8 should b~ a mix of cours~ end fine textured material C. Premixed Bedding SDil 88 supplied by Vital Earth Resources, Gradewater, Professional Bedding Soil as suepl[ed by Living Earth Techno~ogy~ Da!res, Texas or Acid Crc Municleal Mix ~s supp~ed by Soil Building Systems, Dallas, Texas or approved equal, D. Sharp Sand: Sharp sand must be free of seeds, soil particles and weeds. E. M~fch: Double Shredded Hardwood Mu~ch, partiatry d~composed, dark brown. L~ving Earth Technolog~e~ or aperCved equal. Organic Fertibzer: Fertdaed, S~stane, or Green Sense or equal as recommended for required aeplications. Fertirizer s~8[I be delivered to the Si~e in original u~Ope~ed container~, each bearing the man~fact~rer'~ g~ara~teed statement of a~aly~is G. Commercial Fertillzer: 10-20-10 or similar analys~s. N~rogen so~rce to 50% slow release organic Nitro~en (SOU or dF) with a minimum 8% sulfur and 4% [rom p[u~ micronutrlemt~, H Peah Commercial sphagnum real mos~ or eartia?y decom¢osed shre0ded pine bark or other approved organic material 23 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Steel Edging: Shall be Ryerson 'Estate Curb!ns', 1/5"x4" with stakes 4' on center. Staking Materiel for Shade Trees: 1. Post: Studded T.Poat, no.1 Armco with anchor p!ate; 5'-0' rangth; paint black 2 Wire: 12 gauge, single strand, galvanized wlre. 3 Rubber hose: 2 ply, fiber reinforced hose, minimum 1/2 inch [nslde diameter. Color.. B!ack C. Graveh Washed native pea gravel, graded 1 in to 1-1/2 in. D. Filter Fabric; Mirafi 140N by Ceranese Fibers Marketing Company, Availabre at Loftland Co, ~21a) 831-5250 or a¢¢roved equal Section 02900 - 04 iNSTALLATION (CONT.) O Trees and large shrubs ahall be staked as alta conditions require secure tree agelnst seasonal prevailing winds. Position stakes to P. Pr,~ning and Mulching: EaCh area shall be pruned in aacordanoe with standard hortlcultural practice to preserve the natural character of the plant end in the manner fitting its use in the landscape design, 1. Deed wood or suckers end broken or badly bruised branches shell b~ r~mov~d General tipping of aH branche~ i~ not ~ermitted. 2. Pruning shall b~ don~ with c~n sharp tools. Immediately after planting oD~rations ar~ compr~t~d a~l tr~ p~ts shall b~ covered with ~ foyer of seecified mulch t~o [2") in0he8 in depth This limit of th~ sD~ciff~d mulch for tr~ shall ~ th~ diameter of th~ brant pit. Stee~ Curbing installation: 1 Cur~i~g shall be aligned as indicated on plans. 2. AH ste~l ourblng shall b~ fr~ of kinks or abrupt bends. 3. Top of curbing shall b~ 3/4' maximum hi~h~r than ~xi~t[ng grad~. 4 St~kes are to be instal/ed on the p~enting bed sld~ of the curbing, as opposed I0 the grass side, 5. Do not Jnstatl steel edging along sidewalks, 6, Cut steel edging at 45 degree angle where edging meets s~dewalk. CLEANUP AND ACCEPTANCE A. Clean~p: During the work, the premrses shall be kept ~eat and orderly at all times, Storage arees for all mater{ars shell be so organized that they, too, are ~eet and orderly, AI~ trash a~d de,ds ~all ~ remove~ from t~e s~te as work cro~resses, Ke~p peved areas clea~ by sweeping or hosing at end of each days' work, END OF SECTION Section 02900 - 08 EXISTING TREE NOTES tree str,jctlJre damage and co~pac: on of Sell urde' a'~s around cleared tcxc sc utons, c,' ortner q~:s clsomica's shamm bo JopCSrtOd .s~hin~he ~'ntsof'.ne c~p ne sfa bec be lira:od to paint c l se[,,ents asshslt ccrcre',e mc'ia' otc 7 Tree Attach"se'-ts ~,'o s,}ss ¢,;:es cr ct~er aY, ecsc, eats, 9thor t:-a'3 \.'ebcularTra:'f:: !:::) ,'~ 'l :: ::ar a'd c,¢:~st-uct:er/ etuF, r-lentVaffec,:~ par; "g ,S ai cA©d A ::'i*' t"e i:rtS ,c' t~e al'i:1 re ef trees 11 Troe F egg n.~ Al t'ecs to 9o ro,",c~od from t~o sKe siva I be fla~gec b/ ?'e Ccrtractor v, th 3r:dht red v:n)l taFe (3 ,,H ~tin)~','apFed Fla,ggmrg sham bo app'o,od b/ LanJsca3e Arci-iteet pr;c~ to any bee removal Cc~t'ac~:,rs~alcc~tac:LandscapeArchitect¢,th 72ho,~r 12 ~'o:ect:~c Fer'cl:~G ~;i ?cos :9 'ema,n as ncto~ on cra,,, rgs, s~a I fencr-g ciaamn i:rk fenceorct~ersm:a,fe,:crg ?,:iqa fc.'(4')fcct epp~oxiTate neigh: Tee prctec:lve fe~c ng¢, I be ~ecated as :r~d:ca:ed (n t::e Tree Protec:tien Deta:i(s Ba'k Pro, tee:flor, In stuate~'s,~herea :ree'emars:r:ti~ei'z',[neJi~Le a:eaoflntended cc-st'uC:on the treesha~beprotectedb~ er'::ic s ~'j the entire ( rsu" 'e:e~ e of '.he tree's t-_ink v, th turnb er Rede' to -rea Protect[on beta s) Ccnst'Jc:on Pruning: n a case,'.isere a;o~vnangn9 mb sbrc<en Landsc~[o Arch ted Tmodiatel/ in no rstance shall :he Contractor pruce a~y pc~tlon cf t~e damaged tree .vthout the p~or approval by the Lacdscape Arch'toct 4" DrA PERFORATED PVC PiPE W/ PAINTED BLACK DO NOT CUT CENTRAL LEADER REFERENCE PLAN FOR TREE TYPE k .---.-.-----RUBBER HOSE 2X DIAMETER _) QF ROOTBALL ,,_ 2 STRANDS NO. 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE, TWISTED 2" LAYER MULCH, REP SPECIFICATIONS 4" HiGH WATERING RiNG (3) METAL T.POST PAINTED GREEN TRIANGULAR SPACING. FINISH GRADE SCARIFY SIDES ROOTBALL, DO NOT DISTURB. TOP OF ROOTBALL TO BE SET 1" ABOVE EXISTING GRADE, REMOVE TOR I/3 BURLAP, NATIVE SO]L, FIEF. SPECIFICATIONS -CRUSHED ROCK NOTE: LOCATE STAKES OUTSIDE OF TREE WELL. POSITION STAKES TO SECURE TREE AGAINST SEASONAL PREVAILING WLNDS. (FREE PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE LIMITS OF DRtPL]NE TREE PROTECTIVE FENCING NTS REFER TO PLAN ~OR EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN SNOW FENCE, ORANGE VINYL CONSTRUCTION FENCE, OR CHAINLINK FENCE EXISTING GRADE TO REMAIN UNDISTURBEO METAL T.POST AT EACH OF FOUR CORNERS DEVELOPED BY: ©©DV",,IN t ,v', ARSHALL ii CIVIL ENOINEERS ,',-, PLANNERS ,--, SURVEYORS 2405 Mustang Drive, Grapevine, Texas 76051 Metro (817) 329-4373 Atlanta · Chicago · Cincinnati · FL LauderdeJe · Memphis · Los Angeles 5420 LBJ FREEWAY, STE 127,5 DALLAS, TEXAS 75240 Phone: (972)546-2640 F~x: 1972)546-2650 ,, ,-Ar smr 3~ 7:S?,3[ e ,itrchqe7 Jre STEVEN L1 R,aHN, INC 17(i, 31,J Qr,=;~ Siren' Da::~s TamesT.=212 Er-,~ll srnr,~srcr-a c.cm BELTL Nt- TRADL BU LDNG" CITY OF COSPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, NO'V, 7, 2005 2 TEXAS L1.2 DRC CO~MMENTS 03 MARCH 2005