Fence location & plantings let. don Mitchella Horticulturist Project Manager November 7, 2005 John Taylor Azimuth Architecture 3809 Parry Avenue; Suite 205 Dallas, TX 75226 RE: Sandy Lake 121 Distribution Center · Coppell, TX Mr. Taylor: I have reviewed the revised plan showing the fence location along the west iide of the property. Planting 5' from the fence is appropriate and adequate space for the wax myrtle and eastern ~ed cedar. I have also reviewed the fence location along the east side of the property. ~he fence can be installed with out disturbing the existing trees. In addition there is adequate space to for the n4w plantings. If you have any questions please call at your convenience. Sincerely, Jon Mitchella Horticulturist Project Manager P.O. Box 531807 · Grand Prairie, TX 75053 · Phone 972/263.3500 · Fax 972/642-8850