DRC commentsCOl'FELL Project ID SPR-05-0056 Address 944 W Sandy Lake CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Proiect I~ame COPPELL West Sandy Lake Road Addition, Lot 1, Block I Proiect Type Aeolication Date Case ManaRer Proiect Description Site Plan Amendment (Revision) 10/20/2005 Marcie Diamond to allow the construction of a combination of decorative metal and chain link fen~;ing along property lines the north, east and west Agency Building Inspection FlectrJc and Gas Engineering 1 of 1 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 10/26/2005 Jeff Curry 10/28/2005 Chadene La Mattina 10/27/2005 Fire Administration Tim Oates 10/27/2005 Parks and Recreation John Elias 10/25/2005 Planning Department Marcie Diamond 10/25/2005 1. No fer Site Plan Site Plan: 1. The po easemenl drainage, 1. Fence: access to 2. Gates ( Comment~ ting comments made· acceptable, tion of the fence shown within the drainage should be relocated outside the limits of the ~asement. ;hall not obstruct fire lane easement or fire hydrants· rossing the fire lane easement shall be equipped~ith an opti-com controller to automatically open upor~ Fire Dept signal· Gates shall also be equipped ~vith a manual overdde in case of power failure. tre~s be removed to install fence? if so they 1. Will will need t{} be mitigated and a tree removal permit will be required. 1. Provideidetails on the proposed railings at Sandy Lake Roa~ and the east property line: height, color, materials, ~tc. if they are proposed to be over 18" it could be c~nsidered a fence, which is not allowed in the front y~rd. 2. East prOPerty line: · Include ahd label all proposed trees as shown on the approved I~ndscape plan. · Include e~(isting trees (type and size) that were included t~ be preserved in the approved mitigation plan. · How will this fence effect the existing tree line that was to be I~reserved? 3. West pr<~perty line: Staff is very concerned with the visibility or,his fence from abutting properties, Sandy Lake Roadland SH 121. . Label all I~roposed trees as shown on the approved Landscape!Plan. · Need to ir~dicate where the proposed fence will be in relation to He proposed trees. · It appear~ that there is insufficient width within the 10' landscapeiarea to support the proposed 3" caliper Eastern Re~ Cedars, 4" caliper Cedar Elms and the proposed f~nca. 4. Change file of sheet to AMENDED SITE PLAN