Existing Tree Plan' I 25~ 25( 247 33~ 3: 34~ L I \ f \ f ~ ~--~ f~.~ ~ ~ -~ - ~. ~,(-~/ % . 819 604,800 S.F. ZONED: LI F,F.E. 51 8.00' ~ FUTUR[ OFFICE (50) 9'X 10' DOCK DOORS ................. N 00'57'00"'¢ ZONED: LI/HC NOTE' FUTURE PARKING SHALL MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE. ~1..~z (D I I / / FUTURLC" 43' OFFICE \ 43e / ..J.... / I :[ I . J (. F EXISTING TREE NOTES Ex sting t'ees to rema,n s'*a I be protected during constructon from tree structure damage and comsact on of sod under and around cr plinne (canopy) of tree 2 If any root structu'e is damaged cur:nd adjacent excavation cons:ructionn, noir/the Architect immediately it s reccm,-~ended ',hat a i,censed Arborist be secured for the treatment of any puss,bio tree 3 No d,sturbarce of the sol greater than 4" shal 3e located c;oser to ',he t~ee trunk '.ban *~2 the distance o';he drip line to the tree trunk. A m~n:,vum of 75% of the dr p tine and root zone shall be preset<ed atratura grade 4 Any fine grading done ?,, th n the cr tidal root zones of'Xe P'otected trees must be donne ~;th ight machinery such as a ~obcat or ,ght tractor. Noear, h movr'gequpmentv, th tracks is allo?,ed v~ tnin the c-~tical root zone of the trees. 5. Mater,al Storage: No mater ais interded 'or use ~n ccnstruction or +,aste mater als accumulated due to excavat on or nemoht:on shal be placed ,,vKh n the l:m,ts of the drip ne of any tree 6. Equ ,:'*ent Cleaning Lqu d Disposai: No equ,pment may be cleaned, toxic solut ohs, or ot"er I quid che: cars shall be deposited ,;,,tn: the limits of the drlphne of a tree Tbs would include but not be iirn ted to paint, o,I, sot.efts, aspha!t, concrete, mortar, pr,mens, etd 7 TreeAttachme%s: Nosgns,~%resoro;hera:tachmerts, otherthan those of a prctecti',e nature shah be a~ached to any tree 8 Vehicular Waftc: No,,ehicuiarard corstructionequ,pmenttrafficor park,nd ;s al:o?,ed w th,n the I m~ts of :he d6pl,ne of trees 9 Borrg of Utlq{es: May be pern',ttea u'~derp'otectedtrees;nce:am crcumstances. The Inn'--urn ;ength oft. he bore shall be the tree's canopy and shai, eea mh'tmum depth of fort',y-eight (48") nches 10. Trenshmg: Any ;mgat:cn trenching ~*`hich must be done within the cf,tidal root zone of a tree sha,l be dug by hand and enter '.he area ~n a racial mannner 11 Tree F adding: A!I Tees to be reme,,ed from the site sha,I be flagged by the Contractor ~,,,th bright red vmyl tape (Y' ,*`,~cth) ~*`rapped arour,d Xe main trunk at a he:ght cf four (4') feet above grade F adding shai be approved by Landscape Architect p:or to any tree remc,,al. Contractor sha'L contact Landscape Arch tect '*, th 72 hour notlce to schedule on-s,te meeting Protective Fencng: All treestcrema,n, as noted on drawings, shall ha~e pmtect;',e fencing :ocated at the tree's drip]ne. The protect'ye "eno ng may be comprsed of snow fe~ong, orange ,, nyl construction 'encing, chart ;ink fence or other sm~ iar %ncng ¢,,,th a four (4') foot appro×mate heght. The protective fenc:ng ¢~ ll be located as indicated on the Tree Protection 13 BarkPrctection: ;nst~atons~%herea'.reeremains nthek'nmedate area of ;*tended ccrst%ct on, the tree shall be protected by enclosng the entire c r~umference of :he tree's trunk ,*,' t.h lumber encircled e,,ith ¢,ire or other means that does not damage the tree. Refer to Tree Protect on Deta,,(s) 14 ConstructionP~unrg Inacasewherealewnangtnglimb sbroken during the cc:se of corstr~ct on, the Contractor shall not/',/the Lanc~capeArch,tect mrT'edate!y [nrc nstanceshailthe Cod, actor prune any portion of the damaged tree withouttne prior appm,,al by ;he Landscape Arch tent. REVISED PER NEW ORDINANCE TREE MITIGATION TABULATIONS rem,3,ed 6 cai arc greaar~ To:ia ca ,~e' ,?oPes 3f :;no ecTcd I ' 57 5' + 1, i ~7 5 6' ar'd ,~-e ~.e", R~cu,red 'e:r,b,.t,o,n 735 5 ~-.~zI - 1 32~ 5 - 33~ 5 221 }~..' 3' cai 55 ~4 7'ax +33' 5 3809 Parry Avenue , Suite 205 Dallas, Texas 75226 '214.261.9060 214.261.9049 Fax "T-I I EXISTING TREE PLAN , 0 30 60 120 L1.00 DATE: November 9, 2004 SHEET: 0-0o 2 DRC Submittal 3 05.06.04 DRC Meeting 4 05.11.04 P & Z Submittal 5 0526.04 City Council 6 11.09.04 Const. Docs. 7 11,01,05 Owner Comments 8 tl.30.05 Owner Comments I 7REEPROTECTIvEFENCING NT5 LIMITS OF DR,PL:NE ~ !5' CNCOR ~A~-~M~NT ~--~ ~ ---'"' .... h __ ]~ ~____ : -- . :~~ .... ~ EXISTING TREE LEGEND ,~c ~ X~ ~ '-;, ~ExISTING TREE TO REMA,N ~'~ % ~7 / L.'~ ~CONS,R:~T~N FE,CE, OR REFERTOO1L1 00 SHEET CONTENTS: &','.: .7.', ,'.:<.:.'.:..:..>, .> ,:~, ~~~,:: / ~EACH OF FOUR COR~E~S ,;,7..;..]'.::.>> >: ,:,: .;::,:::,~ ,::: <