Landscape Plan  __~ I LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS ~ ~ .... ~ ~~ ,'2q ~e~s 3 :~ 23, ~e~s 3' ~ , [ ~'~ ~t~ ~ .' , · . l, /)-~-~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ '~ ~ ~5 '4~.~;~,~,~ ',~s , 3809 Par~ Avenue _L'_ ~ __ ~/Suite205 --~/ ..- ~ -- '~' -- "~ ......... ~~~ ~ ~- Dalas, Texas75226 ..... , I I ~ ~ % ' ~ 214.261.9060 ...... ~ N-E~ OR LANZSCA~= '.' '., '. 0 ...... (52) 9'X 10' DOCK DOOR. FUTURE : ~ ~ [ ~ ' ~ requirements of the landscape ordinance ~ ~ ~NDSCAPE NOTES 1 Contractor s~a I ,er ~y a I ex st ng a~d p~oposed s tee er~ents and ~ot ~y Arc~ tect of a~y d.sc'epapc es Susa/data cf ex st ng i i FUTURE OFFICE 604,800 S.F. ZONED' LI F.F.E. 518.00' FUTURE (50) 9'X 10' DOCK DOORS OFFICE O PEANT LIST -REE$ BO-AN]C~L NAME COMMON ~AME QTY. SIZE ~EMARKS ZONED: LI/HC NOTE' FUTURE PARKING SHALL MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE. Oueroas ,fig mans D,e Oak 79 3' cal. Ta:,o. Cium ::;st,chJm Bald C,~.press 30 3' cai Ul:m,u s c,ass,'s:,a Cedar Elm 1'~2 3' cal. J,~$ perus, rg ri,asa Eastern Red Cedar 59 6' ht Lage~str,ce'~ia lsd;ca Crepe Myrtle '9 6' bt. h':,,r ca cer fera '/¢'ax M),'~:e "4 6' bt. B&B, 13' ht 5' sprd r' n B&B, 13' ht 5' sprd r~ n B&B, 13'hr 5'sold '"n B&B, fuil to base. B&B, 3-5 cane. no cross can~r,g B&B orcort full tog~oJnd NOTE: ALL TREES TO HA',,E STRAIGHT TRUNKS AND BE B,A CHI,qG',,,ITI-ilq',.'ARIETIES SHRIJBS GIRObNDCO', ER BOTA,q (CX.,L '.,Ah' E Ilex CO~PL,:a '~jFro"di nasa' Ilex corn.ts 'BJFo'di~ nasa' C;,r odos dact-z Ion COMMON NAME QTY S~ZE REMARKS D~',arf Burrord Holly 257 ~0 gal D,,~arf But'old Holly 213 24" ht Common Bermudagrass sent fJII 33' sprd. 36"0 c cent aJ;I 28' sprd. 36" o c ~e"er to r'otes, h, ydro ~ulch hOTE: P:ar,t ,st;s an a,d to bidders or,ry. Contractorsha'l,eri'~yal, quant t es on plan. Alhe~ghts and spree,ors are m~r,:mJms All p:ant material shall meet or exceed remarks as i~dlcated. Contractor s-'a I locate al existing urde'g'oJnd ut,brier and not,~y Amhitectofanyconf cts. ContractorshaJexerosecauton~,5en ¢,ork:ng iq the .,i¢init7 of underground utilit es. 3. Contractor ,s resp,ors,ble for obtam ng a:l requ red !andscape and irrlgatloa perm ts 4 Con'.rector to ~'o,' de a mmi'~unn 2 °S slope away "rom a! structures. 5. AI p~antrg beds ar,d la,',,n areas to be separated by stee edg~r'g. No steel to be installed adJacent to sidewa:ks or curbs 6 Al~anes:apeareastobe 100 °5 rrigatedv, th anunCerg:oJnd automatic ~r gates system and shall include ran and freeze sensors. 7 AIl ia,ss areas to be Hyd'omulch Bermucagrass, unless o',he-,v~se noted on the draw ngs. MAINTENANCE NOTES 1 The O,vr er. tenant and their agent, f any, shall be jo:nay ar'd se,,era 'y responsib:e for the maintenance cf a I ~andscape. 2. All andscape shalbemantanedir'aneatandorderymanneratal t~mes TsssPalincludemo~,,r,g, edgng, prunmg,%rti!~zing. waterr, g. ,~eed~r'g and o'.her such acti,,'it es comr-~on to !andscape mare',chance ¸5. All 'ardscape a~eas shall be kept flee of trash. I :ten, ,seeds and other s~ch mater,al or p,'ants not part of tbs plan. A p'a-:tmater:als~'all be maintain'ed na'~eai:hyandgro¢,.,ng cond,t,or, as ~s appropr;ate fo' the season of the ),'ear Ail p:ant mater,al ,shch d:es shall be 'er!aced ¢,qh plant material of eqJal or better .,'a!ue Contract:r shall pro,, de separate b~d proposal fcr ore year's :'rs[stere-ce to begs aria' final acceptance. COPPELL NOTES 1. rrr,gat:o: controller shall irc!uric a surge protection de,' ce, freeze ,detector and ran sensor Landscape p:ar's shail se signed and sea:ed by a ~censed Landscape Arch,feet. C'r gat o ~ p:ans sba I be signed and sea:ed by a licensed Imgat on Des,gn(r gat o~ meter ,',, !1 requ:re assessment by the City Of Coppe I Ut~l ties 5 A I ~ar'd~cape areas to be 100 % rrigated ,,. th an automatic JnCe'grouna ,rr,gat on system PLANT LEGEND QUANTITY PLANT TYPE SYMBOL PLANT TYPE LO L~e BC Ba'd C~press CE Cedar Em EIRC Eastern IRed Cedar CM Crepe &M Wax Myrt!e DBH D,varf Budord Hoi!y LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 30 60 120 10009 0322.04 Schematic Desiqn 04.19.04 DRC Submittal 05.06.04 DRC Meeting 05.11.04 P & Z Submittal 05.26.04 City Council 11.09.04 Const. Docs. 11.01.05 Owner Comments 11.30.05 Owner Comments SHEET CONTENTS: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: November 9, 2004 SHEET: L1.01