Replat filed w/County-2006VIC/N/TY MA? (NO SCALE? ZL L . S NDY L KE 180.00' % % LOT 2£. BLOCK I O. 73~$ A CiTES 320~5 SQUAiTE FEET 18~. 81 ' I ,/ j 0 O'~NER S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEING a tract or parcel of and s,tuated in the Ed,ard A. Cra* Sur~ey. Abstract No. 3Gl . City of CaRpel I. Dallas County, Texas, and be~nq all of Lot 2. Sandy Lake Crossing Addit,on, as recorded in Volume 88037. Page 2602. Plat Records. Dallas County. Texas. as conveyed to BFS Rata, I & Commercial Operations. LLC. by Deed Recorded in 'Volume 2001237. Paqe 1390. of the Deed Records of Dallas County. Texas and being more particularly described as Folio,s: BEGINNING at a i/2 inch iron rod Found for corner, said point beinq N 89° 55' 20' ~, 183.43 feet From the ~ntersect~on of the ~es RO~ line of Denton Ta~ Road-(a 120' RO~) and the South RO~ line of Sandy Lake Road (a lO' RO~), said point of beginning also being the Northeast corner of said Lot 2. Sandy Lake Crossing Addition: THENCE S 02° Og' 05' E. 75. 13 feet a ong the ~est boundar~ of a tract o,ned by Exxon Corporat,on as recorded n Deed recorded ,n Volume 8700[. age 6007. Deed Records Dallas County, Texas to a I/2' ran rod found for corner: THENCE N 89° 55' 20' ~. 86,81 feet alonq the South boundary J,ne of sa~d Lot 2, Sandy Lake Crossing Add tion to a /2' ~ron rod found For corner: THENCE N O0° 04' 40' E. 175.00 feet alonq the ~est boundary line of said Lot 2. Sandy Lake Crossing Add tlon to a /2' ran rod found For corner; THENCE S 89° 55' 17 E 179 00 along the North boundary line of said Lot 2. Sand Lake Cross~n~ Add tlon, said line also be~nq in the South RO~ line of Sand Lake Road ~o the PLACE Or BEG NNING and canto ning 32095 Square Feet or 0.7368 acres o~ land NOW THEREFORE. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT KHIEM TRAN. does hereby adopt this plat deslqnatlng the herein above described property as SANDY LAKE CROSSING. an addition in tBe City of Coppell. Dallas County. Texas and does hereby dedicate to the public ,use Forever the streets, alleys and easementSdShO,n thereon. The easements sho,n he'eon are hereby reserved For the purpose os indicate . No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or qro,ths shall be co~str.ucted or placed ~pon. o~er or across tn~ Ut~ I ,fy Easements as sh, o~n. Said Ut i Jity Easements be~nq hereby reserved for the mutual use and ~ccommodation of ell public uti[itie~ desirinq to use-or usingsame. ~ll and any public utility shall have ,the tight'to remove and keep removed all or parts of any ou~ Idinqs. fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or qro~ths' ,hich may in any ,ay endanger or ~nteffere ~ith the construction, maintenahce or efficiency of its respective systems on the said 'Uti [ ity Easements' and all public utility shall, at all times, have the full right of ~ngress and egress to and from and upon'the said 'tJt31 ity Easement' for the purpose of constructing, reconstructinq. ,nspectinq, patroJlinq, maintaininq amd addinq to or removinq al or part of its respective system ,ithout t~e hecess ty"at any t me 6f procur n~ the permisslo~ of Gnyone. TEXAS. th~s C.-~7 day ~ITNES~Mf HAND AT of ~_~. 20OS. By: KH I.Efvt~q~R/~l CiO~-ner ) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE me. lhe unders,tned author,fy a Notar~eP~bl ic in and for the State of Texas. on this day persona ly appeared Khiem Tran. ~no,n to o be the person ,~ose name Is subscribed to the 'foregoing instrument and ackno, ledged to me that he executed tne same For the purpose and considerations there~r expressed, n , GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE. th,s day of ~'~r¢, C~005. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE KNO'~ ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: My commission expires on ~' ~//' THAT i . J. L. Lane. R.P.L.S. No. 2509 do hereby cert,fy that th~s plat ,es ~repared from an actual and accurate survey of the lan~ and that the corner monuments sho,n t,erbon ,ere rPrOperly placed under ,ny p. ersonalI su~_ervls,on ,n accordance ,,th the platt in,,,,q<.r,~,~es and e~lations of the City of CopRa I . exas . .?.j~ 0;.,~>~~'' ., ';2', fb r/~,. . , ..'1 ,. :/: ,, .... . ...... J.L. L~NE. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND ,,, ~,,.-:~%o.,.: STATE OF TEXAS ~..~q, ljt~' ' COUNTY OF DALLAS --'** ¢ '" BEFORE me. tne unders~qned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this da~ personally ~ppeare~ :,~. c,~.~/d kno,n to me to be the ~erson ,hose name is subscribed to the Forego/hq instrument a.n~ acknowledged to me tho he executed the same for the purpose and consideratTons therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE. this ;,r ~ day of. ¢~'¢*~'¢~ 2005. Notary Pabl ice-in and For the State of' Texas My commission expires RECIEPT ACKNOCfLEDGEMENT /,ER , Z C:,N ~_~L~k .u,~.OR ELECTRIC DELIVERY CO~/PANY TXU GAS / LEGEND I Iflll 1Ir litI 'Floodplain' Development Permit AppI ~cation No City of Cannel I Floodplain Administrator on ",:~ oodp-I a i n trator) RECDMMENDED FOR APPROVAL PJann~n~ & Zooin~ Commission C~ ty of Cannel I. Texas has been f, led ,ith the 2005. Date DATE OF APPROVAL / D,~,TE C'F APPROVAL The underslqned, the C t, Secretary of the Ci~GoF Co ! I I , Texas, hereb ~cert, f,es that th Fore~'~..~ F~al Plat ~, ~ANDY LAKE CROSSI ,as ~ ~mitted to the C,~ Co~nci I on the of ~_. 2 0 r and the Cofncil, by rmaJ ac ion then and ther acce~ted the deTi ireet,.: Jays, parks, easemen pubiiI ~lace,. end ,ater ands,er lines as s~o,n and set tar the in and upon said plat. and said'Counc~ urther authorized the ~ayor to note the acceptance thereof by s)~/~ h,s name /9~here,nabove subscribed. '~itness my hand this _day Ci ty-Sec~-etary d 11 I 4'. : . -,< 7~398 REV I S IONS ":: 2 'C:' ~ ........ ,3 ' z' 'w' CONFORI'IED COPY OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS ,., , ,. Cyn%h~a Figueroa Calhoun Coun%y Clerk Dallas Coanfy TEX~S January ~3, 2¢~6 12:16:27 FEE: $33.0~ REPLAT SANDY LAKE LOT 2R, BLOCK I EDWARD A. CROW SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 301 CITY OF COPPELL. DALLAS COUNTY. 'TEXAS BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 2. BLOCK I LANE'S SOUTHWEST SURVEYING INC. 2717 MOTLEY DR. SUITE B MESQUITE. TEXAS 75150 - 3812 Phone (972)681-4442 Fax 681-4829 O. 7568 ACRES CROSSING 11111111Il Ill l DAI'E : MAY 2004 SCALE I'- 30' FILE No. RP-70g W04070