Tax Certificates-filing w/CntyDALLAS COUNT~ TAX OFF[CE DAVID CHILDS, TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECtOR RECORDS BUILDING PHONE: 214-653-7811 DALLAS. TEXAS 75202-3304 TAX CERTIFICATE Owner- Name and Address: Account Number: 65129645510010000 COPPELL CITY OF PO BOX 9478 COPPELL~ TX 75019-9478 ProPerty Location: 401 BETHEL CO Property Class: Other DATEiOF CERTIFICATE: 11-23-2005 Pro~emtY Legal Descr. i~tion: dAME8 A SIMMONS ABST 1296 PO 455 TR 1 85X1~5 VOLga203/3079 DDI0151999 CO-DC 1296455100100 11412964551 TAXING dURISDICTIONS INCLUDED IN THIS TAX CERTIFICATE: DAL CNTY SCH EQUAL COLL DIST HOSP DIS]' This is to certify that~ after a careful check of ~he tax records of this office// (check m~r.c,~r-iate box below) ............... the ProPerty described above is found to ibe and is so certified said records show all taxes, interest, Penalty and icosts arm ~aid in full and includin~ the Yelp 2005. that t o ........... the ~ttached delinquent t~xes, ~enalties i~nd interest are due on the above described ~ro~er. tY, ms of date (month) shown!above. Penalties and interest increase each month thereafter. This T~x Certificate does not cover any chan~em made to the Tax Rolls or Records subsequent to the date of the certificate, which mmY result in additional tax liability for this account. ~ DALLAS COUNTY TAX OFF/CE DAVID CHILDS, TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR RECORDS BUILDING PHONE: 214-653-7811 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3304 TAX CERTIFICATE Owner._ Name mr, d Addr.~_s.~~ ' Acc¢,ur,~ Number-: 65129645510020(00 COPPEL. L CITY OF F'O BOX 9478 ..uPPELL, TX 75019-9478 Pr. o Per. t-~' Locmtion: 407 BETHEL Pr.,:,Per. t'¥' clmss. Other RO DATE OF CERTIFICATE: 11-23-'20)5 Pr. oPePtY Le~ml Descr-iPt'i¢,n." ~AME~ A SIMMONS ABST PG 4._~ TR 2 O. 50 AC VnLg~2"3/3079 DD10151~.gt~ CO-DE: 1296455100200 TAXING ,JLIRISDICTIONS INCLIJBED IN THIS TAX C:ERTIFIC~TE: DAL CNTY SCH EQUAL COLL. DIST HOSP DIST This is/~o cer'ti$~'¥' thmt, ~:ter' ;~ cer'ef~JJ1 :heck c,¢ ~he tm>.': r-ecor-ds o¢ this of¢~ (check mPPr. oPrimte'~ bo::.:: belo,v) ......... the PPoPer-tY descr, ibed mbove is ~our, d to be and is so cer-ti~ied thmt staid r. ecordm show roll tmxes, inter, est, ~enmltY ~nd costs ~pe ~mid in ~oll to, mhd includin~ the '¥'emr- 2005. ................. the mtteched delinquent tm:~::es. Penalties rand inter, est mr'e due on Above described Pro~er.t',.', ms of dmte (mc, nth) shown shove. Penalties and inter-est inet. ease each month therem~ter-. the This Tax C:erti~icmte does not cover mn'¥' chmn~e~ mmde to the TAx Rolls Recor. ds subsequent to the dmte ,:,f the cer. ti~ic~te, which mmY r. esult in mdditionml tm)< limbilit'.,.' ~c,r this ~ccc, unt. ** Owner Name and Address: DALLAS COUNTY TAX OFFICE DAVID CHILDS, TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR RECORDS BUILDING PHONE: 214-653-7811 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3304 TAX CERTIFICATE Account~ Number.: 6512'P6455100300£0 ..OPFELL CITY OF PO BOX 9478 F:OPPELL, TX 7~01. -. 47:=: Pr IlPer. tY Lilcation: 413 BETHEL Property Class: Other- DATE iOF CERTIFICATE: 11 ;o .005 Pr.c, PedtY Le~at DescriPtior: A dAME.~ SIMMONS ABST 1296 PG TR 3 i 10GX175 T-S-~ V~Lg.~203/3079 DD10151999 CO-DC 1296 5510(3¢0 ':::' ?~ 4 " I I.=,I ~.. 64o~,i TAXING JURISDICTIONS INCLUDED IN THIS TAX CERTIFICATE: DAL CNTY SCH EQUAL COLL DIST· HOSP I)IST This ~m to cer.'t'i¢'¥' that, a~ter, a c:are~,,1 ,:,ffi/e, (check aPProPriate bo>,' below) --~/ the Property described abr, ve said records shilw all taxes, interest, mhd includin-~ the '.,-ear z. Oc._. check c,f {he tax r'ecilrds of this is filund til be and is so certified that Penalty and cilsts are Paid ir, full to, ............ the attached delinquent taxes, Penalties above described Pr-ilPert'%', as Il~ date (milnth) shown interest increase each month thereafter.. This T~x CertiFicate diles hilt ,--over. any chart-ge: Recc, rds subseguent to the date ,:,~ the cer. ti~ic~ additional tax liability lilt- this a,zco,Jnt. ~ arid interest ar-e due Oil the ab c, ve. Penalties and made to the Tax Rolls ,:,r. ~te, which may result ir, DALLAS COL/NIT I'AX OFF/CE DAVID CHILDS, TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR RECORDS BUILDING PHONE: 214~653~7811 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3304 TAX CERTIFICATE Owner Name and Address: Accoun' COPPELL CITY OF PO BOX 9478 COPPELL, TX 75019-~478 ProPerty Location: 726 COPPELL ProPerty Class: Other CO DATE Propel dAME~ TR 7 2.52 VOLg~ 12~6~ TAXING dURISDICTIONS INCLUDED IN THIS TAX CERTIFIQ DAL CNTY SCH EQUAL. COLL DIST HOSP DIST This is to certify that, after, a careful check oF oFFic~,_/~X/check aPPropriate box below) ............ the Property described above is found to said records show all taxes, interest, Penalty and and includin~ the Year 2005. ......... the attached delinquent taxes, Penalties above described Pro~ertY, as of date (month) shown interest increase each month thereafter. This Tax C:er'tiFi,zate does not cover an'-r' chan.qe! Records subsequent to the date of the certific~ additional tax liability For this account. Number.: 65129645510070000 OF CERTIFICATE: 11-23-2005 · t¥ Legal Description: A SIMMONS ABST 1296 PO 455 ACS ~203/3079 DD10151999 CO-DC !55100700 11812964551 ~TE: :he tax records of this be and is so certified that costs are Paid in full to and interest are due on the above. Penalties and . made to the.Tax Rolls c,r. Lte~ which fTla] r-es,Jlt in HALLAg COU~IT TAX OFFICE DAVID CHILDS, TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECI~OR RECORDS BUILDING PHONE: 214~6.~3-7511 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3304 TAX CERTIFICATE Owner. Name and Address: Accoun$ Number: 6._,1~?6,-~5Q10QSQOOu COPPELL CITY OF PO BOX 9478 COPPELL, TX 75019-9478 PpoPer. t'Y' Location: '~(08 PARK ProPerty Class: Other. CO DATEiOF CERTIFICATE: 11 .~-, ~Ou.J Pr. oPe~.tY Le-qal Descrietion: JAME'~ A SIMMONS ABST 1296 PG 850 TR 8! ACS 14.6255 S-1 ~ V~Lg~203/3079 EDl01ol~,~9 CO-DC 1'796850100800 11812~68501 TAXING JURISDICTIONS INCLUDED IN THIS TAX CERTIFIC;~TE: DAL CNTY SCH EQUAL COLL BIST HOSP DIST This is~to cePtiF'-,' that, afte~ m careful said records show mll taxes, inter, est~ mhd includin~ the 'Y'emr 2005. check c,F ~'he tax r. ecor. dm ,:,~ this is I:oiJnd to be mhd is sc, certified thmt ~enalt'Y' and costs are Paid in full to ............. the attached delir, mJent taxes. Penalties Jar, d interest ape due or, the above described ~r.o~er-tY, as of date (mr.,nth) shown!above. Penalties and ir, terest incr. ease each mor, th ther'ea~ter.. This Tax Cer. ti~icmte does not cover- mn',- chan~e~, mmde tr., the .Ta:..~' Rolls or. Records subsequent to the date r.,F the cer-ti~i,z~te, which ma'~ r. emult in mdditionml trax limbilitY for ~his mco:,unt. ~